Category: Latest News

Wagamama event

Before the summer break, as part of Taylor High School’s commitment to ‘Developing our Young Workforce’, the New S4 cohort experienced an introduction to the world of work by having a live demonstration from the incredibly talented Wagamama crew from the Glasgow Fort branch. The main driver behind the session was to deliver a work relevant educational experience for our young people, and the guys at Wagamama brought an incredible vibe which has contributed towards our students being able to make an informed choice about the potential jobs and careers which are just on their doorstep.

As part of the enhanced programme that was delivered, Head Chef, Garry Rae presented a short introduction to the organisation and introduced the students to the story and history of Wagamama, and also introduced the types of jobs that are available within the UK wide brand.

After the presentation, Garry and his incredibly talented team held ‘breakaway sessions’ to showcase Wagamama’s emphasis on healthy eating, freshness and flavour. Students were able to move around live cookery stations which included a fresh juice bar, a live cookery demonstration event displaying some of the incredibly tasty dishes that are on offer on their menu and an ingredients table which gave students exposure to the type of exotic Asian ingredients that are used within the cookery at the restaurant.

The 154 strong student cohort all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were fully engaged throughout enjoying all of the free samples on offer, especially all of the fresh Ramen dishes that were made right in front of them at the live cookery station.

As part of Wagamama’s commitment to helping the community and assisting young people into work, Mr Williams’ Hospitality class have been invited into the Glasgow Fort branch to learn more about understanding and using ingredients and the class will take part in a cooking challenge to make their own Ramen dish (noodle broth). During these sessions the class will be taught how to make fresh food, and at the same time, have the opportunity the work within a commercial kitchen environment which will give them a valuable insight into the world of work within the hospitality industry.

We all have a stake in supporting our young people into the work force and on behalf of Miss Daley and Mr Williams we would like to thank Wagamama at Glasgow Fort helping us work towards achieving this.



S5/6 Options Interviews

SQA results will be with students on Tuesday 9 August. S5/6 Students are invited to attend an options interview in the school on Thursday 11 August to discuss any changes to options after SQA results are published. S5 should attend between 10am-12pm and S6 between 12pm – 2pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

New School Day Pattern From 17 August 2016

As you may be aware, all secondary schools in North Lanarkshire will move to a common day pattern from the beginning of the new session in August 2016.

The changes to the pattern for Taylor High are very minor since the model adopted across the authority is very similar to the model already in operation in most of the Motherwell area schools.

Periods will be 50 minutes in duration with a 15-minute interval and 45-minute lunchbreak.

School will begin at 8.55am each day and end at 3.45pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of each week. On Wednesday and Friday, it will end at 2.55pm.

This represents a shift of 5 minutes compared with present arrangements in Taylor as detailed below.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Period 1         08.55 – 09.45

Period 2         09.45 – 10.35

Interval          10.35 – 10.50

Period 3         10.50 – 11.40

Period 4         11.40 – 12.30

Lunch              12.30 – 13.15

Period 5         13.15 – 14.05

Period 6         14.05 – 14.55

Period 7         14.55 – 15.45

School dismisses at 3.45pm

 Wednesday & Friday

Period 1         08.55 – 09.45

Period 2         09.45 – 10.35

Interval          10.35 – 10.50

Period 3         10.50 – 11.40

Period 4         11.40 – 12.30

Lunch              12.30 – 13.15

Period 5         13.15 – 14.05

Period 6         14.05 – 14.55


School dismisses at 2.55pm

School Clothing Grant

A grant of £70 per child is available for anyone who qualifies. See


Mr. Gerry McCormick, Head Teacher, has been appointed to the temporary post of acting Head of Service with North Lanarkshire Learning and Leisure Services with effect from Tuesday 28th June 2016.

In consequence, Miss Nicola Daley, currently Depute Head Teacher, will assume the role of acting Head Teacher on that date and for the duration of Mr. McCormick’s tenure as Acting Head of Service. This is expected to last until October 2016 at the latest.


This year’s Celebrating Success Ceremony for pupils in the outgoing First and Second years will take place on Thursday 23rd June in the School Games Hall.

The Guest of Honour and Principal Speaker will be Richard Lyle, MSP for Uddingston and Bellshill.

Parents of all award winners have been notified by letter.

The ceremony will begin at 7pm and conclude by 9pm. Light refreshments will be served at the end of the ceremony.


School Trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach on Monday 20th June.

All pupils must assemble at the school at 6.45am for departure at 7.00am.

There will be one stop at services on the way down with arrival at the Pleasure Beach at approximately 11.30am.

Our party will depart Blackpool at approximately 4.45pm with one stop on the way back.

It is anticipated that the buses will arrive back at Taylor at approximately 9pm.

During the return journey pupils will be asked to inform parents/carers by text of the likely arrival time.

We will also use our Twitter Account to keep people informed of progress during the day.

Any enquiries not covered by the above information should be directed to the school.