Primary 2/1 enjoyed their visit to Moodiesburn Library, exploring the different variety of books the library had to offer.
Category Archives: Primary 2
Note Taking
Primary 2 took notes about Roman houses and used them to help write a report.
Making Mosaics
Primary 3/2 have been working hard to create their own mosaics.
Numbers to 10
Primary 2/1 have been working on their number bonds to 10 this week.
Fun in the Frost
Primary 3 and Primary 3/2 enjoyed getting outside to paint some images from their Romans topic in the frost.
Repeated Addition
Primary 2 have been using cubes to help with their multiplication.
New Phoneme
Primary 2/1 enjoyed learning about the phoneme ‘qu’ this week.
Burns Celebrations
Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 had a lovely afternoon celebrating Burns’ Day. They enjoyed Scottish dancing, music, tasted some Irn Bru and shortbread. They even watched some good old fashioned Singing Kettle…altogether now… ‘Ye cannae shove yer Granny aff the bus!’
Number Talks
Some of Primary 3 from Primary 3/2 were able to use their Number Talk multiplication strategies to work out some SEAL word problems.
Number Bonds
Primary 2/1 are developing a good understanding of their number bonds.