St Bartholomews

March 25, 2025
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 24th March 2025

Week beginning 24th March 2025.

A huge thank you for all the support from parents/ carers in terms of contributing towards and engaging with our fun fund-raising activities for Lent. As you know we always raise money for Lenten charities every year as part of alms giving. Your support is so much appreciated. The children have had great fun wearing odd shoes,  something green and crazy hair, to name but a few. Food bank contributions have also been coming in thick and fast and this is such a worthwhile cause. Thank you to Mrs Carlin for organising this and for all your contributions. Your help and contributions will support so many people.

School trips are coming up with our infant department visiting Edinburgh and P4 visiting Vikingar in Largs. I know the children will have a fabulous time. The weather is looking good so even better.

As a school community, we look forward to welcoming everyone on Thursday, after school, and to catching up with parents and carers then. If you have not done so, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher to hear all the wonderful things that they have been doing. Our book fayre will also be available next week to coincide with parents evening – please look when you are in! The week ahead looks like this:

Day                                            Event (s)
Monday ·         Book fair arrives

·         TAC meeting – Mrs Macintyre

·         Pupil progress meetings P4-7


Tuesday ·         Education Psychologist visiting

·         TAC meeting – Mrs Bolland

·         Summerlee briefing session – nursery

·         P4 delivering food to Food Bank in Townhead



·         P2/3 mass @ St Bartholomew’s Church

·         Play pedagogy course – Ms Duffy

·         First Aid training

·         Raymond McCabe, CL&D, working with                        parents in ‘The Get Together ‘Room.

·         Play and Art therapy team in.

·         Ms Robertson visiting nursery


Thursday ·         Ms D Callaghan, Cluster Support Teacher,                    working with children

·         Wellbeing Cluster meeting, St Bartholomew’s              PS, 2pm

·         Social track cycling group, P7

·         MH workshop

·         Parent’s evening

Friday ·         Book fair uplifted

·         Bake sale – SCIAF/ Mary’s Meals, £1

·         Parent Council meeting 2pm

·         Cluster ASN consultation


March 14, 2025
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 17th March 2025. Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Week beginning 17th March 2025. Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Wear something green for St Patrick’s day! – bring an item for our local foodbank, if you can. Thank you in advance.

Our senior pupils thoroughly enjoyed their trip to St Ambrose on Friday morning and achieved wonderful success in the Netball tournament – they came first!

A reminder that the appointments portal will open at 7pm tonight (14th March) to make parent’s evening appointments for Thursday 27th March. We look forward to welcoming you then.

Our boys and girls have had another great week at St Bart’s with lots of entries to our ‘Wall of Inspiration’. Some of these successes can be extended with our variety of after school clubs on offer this term and other sporting opportunities throughout. We are so lucky to have as many activities as we do on offer!

The week ahead looks like this:

Day                                             Event (s)
Monday ·         P1 and P7 dental inspections.

·         Wear something green for St Patrick’s day and              bring an item for the local food bank.




Tuesday ·         Laudato Si commitment mass, 9.45am

·         NET team working with P7 all day

·         Ms F Wong, cluster support teacher, working               with pupils.

·         Mrs A Patel, school, counsellor, working with               our upper school children.




·         P4 mass @ St Bartholomew’s Church

·         Raymond McCabe, CL&D, working with                        parents in ‘The Get Together ‘Room.

·         Mrs Bolland, VSE training, Noble PS

·         Play and Art therapy team in.


Thursday ·         Ms D Callaghan, Cluster Support Teacher,                    working with children

·         Cluster meeting, St Bartholomew’s PS, 1.30pm

·         Social track cycling group, P7

·         Mrs Crielly @ Girfec multi agency training

·         MH workshop


Friday ·         Book fair delivered

·         Crazy hair day – SCIAF/ Mary’s Meals, £1

·         Fluoride varnish visit – nursery.


March 14, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Netball Festival

Our after school club took part in the netball festival at the high school. They children were coached by the High school Sports Leaders and they joined the other schools in the cluster to show off their skills. The children really enjoyed themselves.

March 5, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Weekly Assembly


Congratulations to this weeks Winning House.

Congratulations to this weeks Cool Class Cup winners.


Well done to our fabulous pupils of the week.

March 5, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Shrove Tuesday

The parent council organised pancakes for all the children to celebrate Pancake Tuesday. The parents used their cooking skills to make delicious pancakes with lovely toppings. Thank you  to all the adults who came to help.
The children enjoyed them very much.

March 3, 2025
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 3rd March 2025

Week beginning 3rd March 2025

Our boys and girls have had another great week at St Bart’s with lots of entries to our ‘Wall of Inspiration’. Some of these successes can be extended with our variety of after school clubs on offer this term and other sporting opportunities throughout. We are so lucky to have as many activities as we do on offer!

The week ahead looks like this:

Day                                             Event (s)
Monday ·         Education Psychologist visit, pm.




Tuesday ·         Ms F Wong, cluster support teacher, working with pupils.

·         Mrs A Patel, school, counsellor, working with our upper school children.

·         Strathclyde University lecturer visit.





·         Whole school mass in Church, Ash Wednesday.

·         Raymond McCabe, CL&D, working with parents in ‘The Get Together ‘Room.

·         P7 leave for Gowanbank residential trip.

·         Operational management meeting

·         Play and Art Therapy group, P4&5

·         Ms F Wong, cluster support teacher, working with pupils.




Thursday ·         World Book Day – Stay and Read

·         Social track cycling

·         Ms D Callaghan, Cluster Support Teacher, working with children

·         MH Workshop P4 & 5

Friday ·         P7 return from residential trip.

·         Parent Council meeting, 2pm



February 26, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Children’s Rights

Our rights representative share information with the whole school at assembly. They discussed the rights that we are focusing on, article 29 – education goals, article 17 – the right to access information and article 31 – the right to leisure, play and culture. These articles fit with our work to mark World Book Day  next Thursday 6th March. To mark this day we will have a stay and read session for the children and parents and carers to come along and share stories together.

February 26, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Weekly Assembly



Well done to our fabulous pupils of the week.

Congratulations to this weeks winning house.

Congratulations to this weeks cool class cup winners.

February 14, 2025
by Mrs MacIntyre

Weekly Assmbly


Well done to our fabulous pupils of the week!


Congratulations to this weeks winning house.



Congratulations to the weeks Cool Class Cup winners. 

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