Primary 1a – Friday 15th May

Good morning boys and girls 😊HAPPY FRIDAY!  I hope that you have had a great week. Let’s begin today with our morning prayer to St Barbara.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St Barbara pray for us.🙏

HWB- Let’s begin with some exercise to get your minds active. I know that you all enjoy Cosmic Kids Yoga so I’d like you to give this one a try, it’s about Coco the butterfly. Have you spotted any butterflies on your daily walks? I have seen lots of different types.

Literacy – This weeks phoneme was a tricky one, ‘ph’. How many ‘ph’ words can you remember? Draw some pictures of the words that you can think of with the ‘ph’ sound in them.

 Today is Friday so it’s time for a little test.  Write the numbers 1-6 in your jotter and ask someone in your family to call out the words slowly. Think about every sound in the word before you write it down.

1. dolphin

2. photo

3. elephant

4. first

5. little

6. one

Dictated sentences– try to complete one of these sentences, you can do more if you wish.
1.The little elephant has a long trunk.

2. I had one photo on my shelf.

3. I was first in the line.

Reading for enjoyment – Today I would like you to choose a book of your own choice to read aloud to someone in your family. You could choose a book from Scholastic, Collins or a book that you have at home.

Well done to the boys and girls who managed to complete their scholastic book this week, you are doing so well! Keep up the super work. If you didn’t get the chance to read it yet perhaps you will get a chance today.

Numeracy– The North Lanarkshire schools contest for Sumdog begins tomorrow at 8am and will end on Thursday 21st May. It would be amazing if our class could make it onto the leaderboard.  Let’s take part over the next few days and have lots of fun playing the games.

RE– We remember Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother. Let’s say a Hail Mary and remember all of the people who are sick and in hospital. Below is a link for you to try and draw a picture of Mary.  Talk to someone in your family about the kind of person you think Mary was. Can you write some of these words around your picture that describe Mary?

I hope you have a lovely weekend with your families.  Take care and keep safe.

Mrs MacLeod x

Primary 2- Friday 15th May

Good morning my terrific twos 🤗

Happy Friday! Another whole week of home learning is almost complete, hooray! 🥳

Let’s begin today as we always do with our morning prayer 🙏🏼

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

 St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s suggested learning activities- Friday 15th May

I have exciting news…Sumdog’s Mathematics contest for North Lanarkshire schools begins today! We had lots of fun competing in this and did such an amazing job the last time, wouldn’t it be awesome if we do even better this time?

The competition begins today at 8.00am and will end at 8.00pm on Thursday 21st May. It would be amazing if everyone in our class took part so we have a chance to make it onto the live leaderboard.

Let’s show them how great primary twos maths skills are! 🏆

Well done for another amazing week of learning boys and girls. I have heard you’ve all been working hard and trying your very best. Sounds like you all definitely deserve some GOLDEN TIME this afternoon. 🌟

Parents, once again thank you for all the time and effort you are taking out of your day to support learning at home. Make sure you take some well deserved golden time this afternoon as well.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I’ll be back on Monday for another fun-filled week of learning!

Take care,

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 3 – Friday 15th May 2020

Good morning superstars! 🌟

Happy Friday. 🌈

Lets start today with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.


Today we are going to do some work on punctuation.

Can you remember when we learned about question marks in class?

Have a look through the power point below to remind yourself what they are and how to use them.

Question Marks

Now click the link below to access a punctuation task.

Punctuation Task

For reading today I would like you to choose a book you enjoy. Find somewhere quiet and sit back and enjoy the story.


Today we are going to be taking part in the North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition.

For your maths work today log on and give it your best shot. Lets try and get Primary 3 to the top of the leader board.

If anyone needs a reminder of their log in details then please get in touch.


In class we are always talking about kindness and how we should treat others. Today I would like you think about ways you can be kind to yourself.

Click on the worksheet below and have a think about the different ways you can be kind to yourself.

Be Kind

This weekend I would like you try and do something from your list. You definitely deserve it!

Well done for another fantastic week of home learning. I am so proud of you all for all of your hard work. The pictures and messages you are sending in are putting a big smile on my face. I miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Take care and stay safe!💕

Miss McMullen x


Primary 7- Friday 15th May

Good morning Primary 7,

It’s fabulous Friday so everyone should have a big smile on their face 🙂 .

How did you get on with yesterday’s riddles? Did you manage to do better than me? Here are the answers-

  1. There’s a one-story house where everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The doors are yellow. Even all the furniture is yellow. The house has yellow beds and yellow couches. What colour are the stairs?  Answer- there are no stairs, it is a one story house.
  1. I am often following you and copying your every move, yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I? Answer- your shadow
  1. What has a spine but no bones? Answer- a book
  1. What tastes better than it smells? Answer- a tongue
  1. What has many keys but cannot open a single door? Answer- a piano

This morning I would like you to watch Newsround and discuss something that you learned from one of the news articles with someone in your household. If you want to, you could write a short summary about one of the news articles in your jotter. Remember you only need to include they key information.

Here is the link to today’s learning activities-

Friday 15th May

Have a wonderful weekend Primary 7. Have fun, stay safe and make memories!

Mrs Butler

Primary 1b Sumdog Maths Champion

Good afternoon boys and girls😀

Well done to all of the children who managed to take part in today’s Sumdog Maths competition. You have all worked very hard and tried your very best. The leader board was very close but we have a winner.

The winner of our maths competition is Aaron.👏🌟


Well done Aaron! You have been crowned our MATHS CHAMPION this week!🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

Miss McEleney😀🌈❣️








Primary 6 – Thursday 14th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Look at that, it’s Thursday already. If days keeps flying past like this it will be Friday tomorrow before you know it.

How did you get on with yesterday’s maths questions?

Here are the answers

a) Joe – £18.66   ,  Jan – £20.12   , Dawn – £20.29   ,  Dave – £17.84

b) Dawn

c) Dave

d) £0.17

e) £12.71

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) I bought a calculator, a pen and a pencil case from the internet and the bill came to £17.12. I remember that the calculator was £6.75 and the pen was £2.99. How much was the pencil case?

b) The bill for 4 of us at The Burger Pit, including drinks, came to £19.12. I paid for the drinks, £3.56, and the rest of the bill was split evenly between the four of us. How much did each of my friends pay for their food only and how much did it cost me for my meal and all the drinks?

c) I bought a matching pair of candlesticks that I didn’t need at 2 in the morning on Ebay for £14.92. My wife hated them. I sold one of them for £7.99 on Gumtree and the second one for £2.55, because it was rusty. How much did I lose on the deal?

d) Two chicken suppers and a sausage supper cost me £11.98. If the sausage supper is £2.40, what is the price of a chicken supper.

e) Gordon borrowed money from me. He paid me back eventually. He paid me £2.55 on the first week and followed this with 9 payments of £1.45. How much did Gordon borrow from me?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re looking at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.

Here are a list of words which follow this rule.

give, love, have, live, carve, blue, due. true, glue, clue, twelve, forgive

Today try to LOOK, COVER, WRITE and CHECK your spelling words ahead of tomorrow’s test.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Caviar Answers

Tin Answers

Stinky Answers


I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Sedna comprehension

Dalai Lama comprehension

New Zealand comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

Find out what you can about the events that happened in Lourdes in France in 1858. Why do you think that Lourdes has become such an important place for Catholics?


For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to write a Values Report about yourself.


My rating

(a)    Pretty Good

(b)    Ok

(c)     I need to practise more

My evidence for my rating


Telling the truth

Not stealing

Owning up

A time when I showed this value was when I …


Taking turns

Playing by the rules

Returning a favour

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Being on time

Keeping promises

Being reliable

Doing what I say I will

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Helping when it is needed

Encouraging others

Caring about others

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Working well with someone

Sorting things out

Doing my share

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Using good manners

Asking permission before using other people’s things

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 4/3 – 14 May 2020

🌈🌈 Good morning🌈🌈

How are you all this morning boys and girls?  I can’t believe that it is Thursday again!!

We will begin our day with a little prayer.  🙏. Let’s try the sign of the cross in Spanish.

Here’s a little reminder of the words.


We are now more than two weeks into May and we would be remembering how important Mary was in Jesus’ life and how we would pray to Our Lady through the Rosary this month.  Take a little time to go to your May Altar, if you were able to make one.  Perhaps you could say a decade of the Rosary for all of our NHS workers and all of the people that need a little prayer.  As we do in assembly when we say our decade of the Rosary we could say every second one in Spanish.  The words are above to help you.

Health and Well-being 💃 🕺  

I hope that you all enjoyed our Hula en espanol last Thursday.  Let’s give it another go today.  Did your family enjoy doing it with you?

Literacy  📝

Primary 3 Tasks

Can you unscramble your common words?

itrew                ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________

swaner             ____________________

nebag               ____________________

etha                  ____________________

geap                 ____________________

Now write your common words out in alphabetical order.


Wordsearch P3

Primary 4 Tasks

Can you unscramble your common words?

eiqtu                 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________

lmmbude         ____________________

liuqcyk              ____________________

tanpritom         ____________________

eituq                 ____________________

Now write your common words out in alphabetical order.


Wordsearch P4

Once your have completed your written tasks today, please find a quiet time to read your novel.  Look to see if you can see any of your common words.

Numeracy 🔢

Follow the instructions on the sheet to complete the first two Magic Squares. 🎩

First Level Numbers and Number Processes Magic Square

Boys and girls for the next part of your maths work, I need you to go into your Glow email and send me a message.  This is so that I can email you the details of how to get on to your textbook.  We have been able to get our Teejay textbooks online.

So a little bit of ICT to go along with your maths today!! 💻

Mrs McKinney sent details on how to get into Glow.  You will need these to follow the instructions to get you in.  Once you are in the home page on the left-hand side of the screen you see a person (My Launch Pad); a house (St Barbara’s Primary School); and a building (North Lanarkshire Council).  I need you to click on the house.  This takes you to a screen and you need to look for Mail Microsoft Office 365.  When you click on this tile, it might ask you to set the time zone.  Look for Edinburgh and choose this time.  Then you should be in your emails.  I can’t wait to read your messages.  You should only need to enter Mrs Boyce to send me a message.  If this doesn’t work look at the email address below.

Well boys and girls thank you for working on all your tasks today.  Remember try your best and do what you can.  If you need something else, you have the grid to choose a task.

Remember to clap as loud as you can tonight at 8.00 pm. 👏 👏 👏

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈

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