Primary 7- Monday 18th May

Good morning my super sevens ,

Did you have a nice weekend? I spent the weekend reading a book, going a nice walk and relaxing. Getting out a walk and breathing in the fresh air helps me feel relaxed at the moment. What are you doing to relax during lockdown?

Let us begin our week by saying our morning prayer. Close your eyes and say the special prayer to our Guardian Angel to keep us safe and protected.

We are going to wake our brains up this morning by trying this little brain teaser. Can you say the colour and not the word? It’s a lot harder to do than you think. Took me a few attempts to get it right.

Here is the link for today’s learning activities-

Monday 18th May

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith activities-

Monday 18th May- H&WB

Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!

At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!l

Monday 18th May- R.E.

Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.

This is another short week as we are off on Friday so try your best to remain focused. Remember to take plenty of breaks and get out in the fresh air. I look forward to hearing from, you can send me over anything that you have been working on over these past few weeks.

If anyone has not put in an order for the leavers’ hoodies and would like to get one please email me on and I will add your name to the list.

I hope you have a marvellous Monday!

Mrs Butler


Primary 5/4 – Monday 18th May

Good morning boys and girls!

Well done on your wonderful video boys and girls it was lovely seeing your faces again.

Please feel free to email me pictures of you doing your tasks I would love to see them and retweet them if possible.  Also remember to email me your completed tasks and I’ll upload them on the website so everyone can see your great work!  My email is

I have attached your activities below.  I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mrs Grant x

P5.4 lesson 18.05.20


Primary 2- Monday 18th May

Good morning my talented twos! 🌟

Happy Monday! It is a brand new week. I hope you all had a lovely relaxing weekend, recharged your batteries and are ready for another fun-filled week of learning.

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer, keeping those who are sick in our thoughts and thanking God for keeping us healthy and safe.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

 St. Barbara, pray for us. 🙏🏼

Here is today’s suggested activities- Monday 18th May

I would love to see some of your fantastic work to show off on our daily blogs, please email or tweet me any work you are proud of. 😊

Moving forward, any emails you wish to send can you please do so via my glow account-

Remember the NLC Sumdog Mathematics competition is running this week until Thursday 21st at 8.00pm 🕗

Update- Primary 2 have QUALIFIED and were sitting in 20th position yesterday. Well done to the 10 pupils who have been playing. Let’s try get the whole class logged on by Thursday. Let’s go Primary 2 🏆

It is another short week this week so let’s try give it our all over the next 4 days before the long weekend.

Keep smiling super stars and remember…

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Friday Update: 15th May 2020

Good Morning everyone,

I hope that you have had a very good week so far and I’m sure that you are all looking forward to the weekend!

It has been great to see more of your work so please, keep sending it in. In fact I have enjoyed looking at your work so much I think that you should treat yourselves to a little extra Golden Time today!

First Holy Communion

On Sunday we should have been celebrating First Holy Communion with the Primary 4 children, their families, Fr Campbell and all of our staff. Unfortunately this has had to be postponed leaving everyone very disappointed.

Why not log on to St. Barbara’s Parish website and follow us on Twitter to see a special message this weekend. Please remember all of the children and their families in your thoughts and prayers at this special time.



Virtual Sports…are you up for the challenge?


On Tuesday 26th May we are going to celebrate Sports’ Day with a whole school day of activities and fun for all of the family!

There will be an action-packed grid  full of sporty tasks which you can do from home – inside and out.

Look out for further information  next week and remember to take lots of pictures!


It has ARRIVED!! The NLC SUMDOG Challenge begins today!

Please log on and do your very best today and through all of next week. Good luck!


P. 7 Transition

Updated information from OLHS was uploaded onto Twitter earlier in the week. The transition process is continuing between staff in St. Barbara’s and  the high school.

I emailed a letter to parents of children intending to go to Chryston High on Wednesday. Can you please check that you have received this and let me know of any issues?


Feast of the Ascension: Thursday 21st May

Under normal circumstances all of the children would have been attending Mass next Thursday for the Feast of the Ascension. As this won’t be possible, Bishop Toal will be celebrating Mass on Thursday online at 11am for all of the school children in the Diocese. I will issue the link next week.


So just before the weekend begins, let’s take a few moments to remember all of our fabulous NHS staff, all of the keyworkers, all of our wonderful staff, all of your parents and the adults who have been supporting you at home this week. We’ll also think about Fr. Campbell who has been saying Mass every day and remembering all of us in his prayers.

We remember most especially the children in Primary 4 who would have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday – and all of their friends in class who were supporting them.

Let’s not forget about all of you – our fantastic children – who have been working so hard again this week! Well done all of you!

We ask God to bless each and every one of us today and to look after us all this weekend.  Together, let’s say a Hail Mary in English or in Spanish, you choose…


I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend.

Mrs McKinney

🌈🌈Primay 4/3 – Friday 15 May 2020🌈🌈



Happy Friday everyone.  Thank you to everyone that got in touch with me from their Glow accounts.  Well done!! 👏👏

Let’s start the day with our morning prayer 🙏.  We could also say a Hail Mary remembering anyone who needs a little prayer.


Today we are going to use our Numeracy time to start the Sumdog competition.  Remember that we are competing against all of the schools in North Lanarkshire .  So far there are 854 classes entered and during the last competition back in February/March we finished 21st!! Wow!! Let’s see if this time we can be even higher.

The rules of the competition are:

  • 10 people need to play from your class to qualify, we need you all playing boys and girls.
  • you have until next Thursday at 8.00 pm to answer all of your questions

Remember there are 1000 questions, take your time, read your questions carefully and we will be well on our way to improving our class position.  We might even finish highest in the school!!  Watch out Primary 7 we are after your top spot from last time, when you finished an amazing 10th!!  👏👏  So here goes boys and girls, your best is all that we ask. 👍


Test yourself on your common words.  Remember to think of all the strategies we know to help us spell challenging words.  How did you do?

Today we are going to use our novels for our work. 📚

I would like you to take your favourite book that you have read over Lockdown.  I want you to imagine that no one has read this book – it is just about to be published.  When a new book is going to be launched the people that print the book use a variety of ways to publicise it.  You want to tell everyone about this new amazing book that is about to be launched.  Will you design a poster, record a TV ad,  write a news paper article; record a news report.  You decide!!


  • the title
  • the author
  • fiction/non-fiction
  • the story line, not giving too much away, you want people to buy your book
  • the launch date etc

Good luck everyone, I wonder who will persuade me to read their book!!

Health and Well-being 🚴‍♀️🕺🤾🏼‍♂️

I hope that you are remember to exercise every day.  Here’s a little activity to keep you active on your daily walk.

Art  🎨 

Here is a little art activity that you might like to use as you finish off your day.  It gives you great ideas to help you draw.

Boys and girls, you have been superstars all week and I have seen some fantastic work.  ⭐️🏆Remember these activities are a guide and you should try your best to do what you can.  You can also choose an activity from your grid.

A great big thank you to your parents for helping us out so much with your home learning.  Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Graham will be back with you on Monday.

Take care and stay safe everyone.

Mrs Boyce x🌈🌈


Primary 6 – Friday 15th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Yay, It’s Friday!!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) £7.38

b) £3.89 and £7.45

c) £4.38

d) £4.79

e) £15.60

This week we have been working on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) Frank’s Fruit Store are running a special deal on melons…..

£5.76 for 6 melons or £7.52 for 8 melons

by working out the cost in each deal for one melon find out which deal is better.

b) Norah goes out with £20. She buys 2 engineering magazines for £4.24 each. How much change will she get?

c) With the money she gets in change how many melons can she buy from Frank?

d) The total cost for 9 people to go bowling was £70.65. By working out the cost for one person, how much would it cost for 4 people to go bowling?

e) Barry has been taking online yoga classes. The classes last 30 minutes and he pays £0.35 per minute. Is it better for Barry to pay by the minute or pay £30 for three classes?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools starting today. Get in!!


This week for spelling we’re looking at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.

Here are a list of words which follow this rule.

give, love, have, live, carve, blue, due. true, glue, clue, twelve, forgive

Today is test day. Give your list of spelling words to someone in your family and get them to test you.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Sedna Answers

Dalai Lama Answers

New Zealand Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on Monday.

Carbon Comprehension

Liquid Gas Solid Comprehension

Bayeux Comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am.


For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to look at the Values Report that you created yesterday. For the areas where you responded, “I need to practise more” create a Practice Plan which shows ways that you can begin to show these values more often in your daily life.

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5 May 15th 2020

Primary 5 – Friday 15th May

Good morning Primary 5. I hope that you are all up and ready to start Friday. Please see below for today’s activities. Please remember to do only what you can and don’t worry if you can’t.

Primary 5 work 210520

Well done Primary 5 for working hard. You deserve a break now.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Goodwin

Primary 1b- Friday 15th May

Good morning my wonderful ones!

HAPPY FRIDAY! That’s right, you have nearly completed another week of home learning. You are doing awesome boys and girls! I am so proud of all your hard work this week! You have certainly put a big smile on my face.

Are you ready to ace today’s learning tasks? Then it will be GOLDEN TIME!

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


Instructional Writing

Learning to follow instructions to make a jam sandwich


Instructions task


I challenge you to take a picture or a video of you making your jam sandwich.


Sumdog’s mathematics contest for North Lanarkshire schools begins today! We need a minimum of 10 players in our class to take part to qualify for the contest.

The competition begins today at 8am and will end at 8pm on Thursday 21st May. Give it your best shot and your name could appear on the live leaderboard.



You have certainly earned your golden time this week boys and girls. I hope you enjoy spending your afternoon having lots of fun! I will be back again on Monday with some fun filled learning.

Parents, thank you so much for your support once again this week. I really appreciate your time and effort.

I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss McEleney




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