Kilbowie May 2017 Day 2

It’s been a fantastic second day at Kilbowie and the children have made the most of the wonderful weather – it got to around 18 degrees today and not a cloud in the sky.  Just wonderful.

The children were woken to dance music blaring through the loud speakers at 7.30am this morning.  The children had to make sure their rooms were nice and tidy once they showered and got dressed as the Kilbowie staff were inspecting the rooms to make sure they were tidy.  Most of the children have done a great job at keeping rooms in order, but a few beds could have been neater!

Breakfast consisted of toast, cereal or porridge and some lovely hot tea to wake us up.

After a bit of free time, the children met their instructors to get ready for the morning activites and headed off to get their kit.  Group 1 and Miss Thomson were going Gorge Walking with Dave and Group 2 were taking part in Bushcraft with their instructor Chris, one of the other instructors, Keith and Mr. Clark too.  All of the children took part and tried new things, making their teachers very proud -themselves too.

Lunch was Macaroni and cheese or Tomato pasta with a cold option of filled rolls, with plenty of fresh fruit and crisps.

After lunch, the afternoon activities were Climbing for Group 1 with Dave and Group 2 worked with a different instructor (also called Chris) and went canoeing.

For dinner, we enjoyed Chicken or Quorn bites or Vegetable rice.  It was sticky toffee pudding for desert.  As the weather is so hot, we decided to forgo chips and instead walked into Oban for some Ice Cream from ‘The Pokey Hat Shop’  in Oban Harbour.  It was Mr Clark’s pleasure to treat the children as they have behaved so well this week.

The instructors came in the mini-bus to collect us but many of the boys wanted to walk back as it was such a good night – Mr Clark and Miss Thomson enjoyed the walk back too.

We arrived back in time for the night line – the highlight of Kilbowie.  The children follow a rope course wound through the forest area in the grounds.  The children tried really hard not to peek and most of them got all the way round without looking once.  Of course, it doesn’t help when the teachers are accidents giving the wrong instructions or pretending there’s obstacles that might not be there….

Finally, after a long day we enjoyed some sandwiches for supper, had a quick tuck shop and then settled to bed.  It’s all quiet now and everyone’s asleep, ready for an exciting day tomorrow.

Kilbowie May 2017 Day 1

We’ve had an amazing first day at Kilbowie – the sun is shinning and the children have been outdoors all afternoon.

We have a very smooth journey to Oban and not one person was unwell.  We stopped for a snack at the Green Welly near Crianlarich before making our way on to Kilbowie.

We arrived about 1pm and headed straight in for lunch.  After that, the children headed to their dorms to make their beds and unpack.  There was a fire drill practice and then the children got to meet their instructors.  The children in Group 1 have Dave as their instructor and Group 2’s is Chris.

Group 1 headed off for a nature walk and then had the opportunity to jump off the jetty into the sea.  Group 2 got to scale the climbing tree in the grounds using ropes and harnesses.  Most of the children reached the top to ring the bell and abseiled back down.

After a bit of free time in the games room, it was time for dinner.  Tonight’s menu was Sweet and Sour Chicken or Fish and Potato wedges all served with a pitta pocket and salad or veg.  For desert we had Lemon Drizzle cake which was delicious.

After we had tuck shop, we made the most of the glorious weather and headed outdoors to play two ‘scavenger hunt’ style games and then it was time for supper of sandwiches and juice.

The children have been an absolute credit to the school and their families – they have been exceptionally well behaved and supportive of each other.  They’re having fun and each and everyone of them has achieved something they hadn’t before today – wether it was climbing a tree, jumping in the water or making their own beds.

The forecast for tomorrow is hot and sunny again – we might take a wander down to Oban Town Centre for some Ice Cream and take in the scenery.


Thursday Funday!

This morning we all set off together to some nearby cliffs to do some rock climbing. The children put on harnesses and helmets and took to the rocks. They all gave it a go and managed to climb to the top of the cliff. It was a lovely morning and everyone had a great time.

This afternoon, the children went to different activities with their groups. Group 1 went canoeing and then to the ropes course. The children loved canoeing and some of them even got over their fear of the sea. Two canoes were tied together and everyone got in. The children had to try to paddle the canoe in different directions. Some people were paddling more than others…they nearly ended up in Oban! Fortunately everyone got back to shore safe and sound.

Group 2 went on an adventure walk. This was the highlight of some of their times at Kilbowie. The children went a walk through caves and up a mountain. The mountain was high and some of the children were calling their instructor Bear Grylls. This activity was great fun.

This evening the children spent longer getting ready. Miss Thomson and I took on the role of hairdressers and fashion advisors. It’s amazing how quickly a case can be packed, when you need to get ready for a disco! The children were all showing off their dance moves and had a great time at the disco. Our very own Alan even took on the role of DJ at the disco and provided us with great tunes. A good time was had by everyone and it was a super way to end an excellent time at Kilbowie.

Tonight, as a school, we sat down and spoke about our favourite things about Kilbowie. The children have all summed up their experience. You can read them below.

Marc – Kilbowie has been fun. I liked being with my friends and I liked the Gorge Walking. I would love to come back.

Aiden – Kilbowie has been great because of the mountain climbing and Gorge Walking. I liked the skiing because I learned how to ski and I would definitely come back.

Robbie – Kilbowie has been great because I got to do Gorge Walking and the adventure walk. I would come back to Kilbowie.

Miller – Kilbowie has been awesome. I have had lots of great experiences. The best one was canoeing because we had to work as a team to get back to land.

Alan – Kilbowie has been weird and fun. I liked the Nightline because I didn’t have to put on the blindfold and you held a rope and went round in the dark. I also loved being the DJ at the disco. I liked the water activities.

Cody – Kilbowie has been excellent because of the nature walks and the water activities. I would come back.

Malcolm – Kilbowie has been a great learning experience because all of the activities have been really fun. I really enjoyed Nightline. I have learned how to paddle in a canoe. I would come back.

Lewis – Kilbowie has been awesome. I’ve tried lots of new things and had a great experience. I used to be afraid of water and now I’m not.

Erin – Kilbowie has been a really good experience as I used to be afraid of the sea but canoeing has shown me that I don’t need to be afraid of it anymore. It’s been an amazing experience and I would definitely come back again.

Joan – Kilbowie is amazing in all different ways. I used to be scared of heights but now I’m not because of mountain climbing and rock climbing.

Kirsty – Kilbowie was a big experience because you got to do lots of activities that you have never done before and all of them were so different – I can remember every activity and I liked them all.

Hailey – Kilbowie is something that I will probably remember forever because I have done stuff that I probably won’t get to do again. I might never get to do rock climbing or skiing again.

Jennifer – Kilbowie is amazing because I loved rock climbing. When we went on the adventure rock, we had to walk up a huge mountain and when I was at the top I realised that I didn’t have to be scared of heights anymore.

Breehann – Kilbowie has been fun because I didn’t know how to ski before I came here but now I know.

Jessica – Kilbowie has been one of my favourite things that I have done in my life. When we were at the top of the mountain at the adventure walk, I wasn’t as scared as I thought I would be.

Emma – Kilbowie is amazing. It is such an experience to be able to have fun and learn at the same time with all of your friends. My favourite thing from Kilbowie has been the Gorge Walking. It was fun to get wet.

Louise – I think Kilbowie has been a great experience. At skiing I was scared of going down the big hill but I did it and it was really fun. All you do is laugh. I loved mountain climbing – I was scared of heights at first but once I was at the top and looked down and I felt like I had freedom. It’s been an excellent experience.

The children are all in bed, exhausted, cases packed and excited to come home to see you all tomorrow. It has been an honour to look after the children since Monday and share this experience with them. I have been so impressed with their attitude and the way that they have encouraged each other. They have tried every single activity and have worked excellently together as a team. We will see you all tomorrow when we return home safe and sound. The children can’t wait to tell you all about their week!

Wonderful Wednesday at Kilbowie

Today was a brilliant day! Definitely the best day so far.

This morning we had skiing. We had a few nervous skiers at the beginning…but had 17 professionals by lunch time. The children got sized up for their ski boots and then hit the dry sky slope. They all took part in the warm up and within a short while were skiing down the dry ski slope. Some of them even managed to go from the very top! A fantastic experience for all of the children, as so many of them had never been skiing before.
We had a quick lunch at the centre so that we could get ready for Gorge Walking!

This afternoon it was Mrs McLean’s favourite activity…Gorge Walking. It’s now a firm favourite of everyone at Stane. We all set off together in the mini buses and went to a nearby Gorge. With wet suits, waterproofs and helmets we all jumped into the Gorge and started making our way up it. Everyone of the children gave 100% and Miss Thomson and I were super impressed with the excellent team work that was displayed. The instructors commented to me afterwards, saying how great all of the kids were and how well they all ‘gave it a go’. It was a great afternoon, and we haven’t returned with too many bruises!

Then for dinner we had an extra special treat. The Kilbowie staff kindly dropped us off in the centre of Oban. We then went to the Oban Bay Chip Shop where the children were treated to a chippy for their dinner. The children chose between a sausage supper, fish, pizza and macaroni…all with chippy chips. They then all finished with a tub of ice cream. We then walked along the harbour of Oban looking at the different boats, the water and seeing the sun set as we walked back to Kilbowie. The children really appreciated this treat and said it was the best meal ever!! It was also described as ‘tasty’ and ‘mouthwatering’. We made it back just in time for the evening activity – perfect timing!!

This evening we did a Who Wants to be a Millionaire question hunt. The children loved running around, trying to find different staff members and answer the questions to see who could get to £1million first. Unfortunately we aren’t returning as millionaires.

Today has been an action packed day. Here are some quotes from the children about their favourite part of today. Although, most of them found it difficult to choose a favourite bit today!

Aidan – I enjoyed Gorge Walking because it was fun and we got to go under the waterfall.

Marc – I liked the Gorge Walking because I liked jumping off the ledges into the water.

Alan – I liked the night activity Who Wants to be a Millionaire because I got to dance and sing YMCA.

Malcolm – I loved everything today.

Joan – I loved Gorge Walking because everyone kept falling in the water and I liked it when the teachers fell in.

Louise – My favourite thing was skiing. I liked when we had to go down the hill. It wasn’t sore when you fell, it was just funny.

Jennifer – I liked the Gorge Walking because I kept falling in.

Lewis – I loved everything because Kilbowie is awesome.

Miller – I loved everything. Everything was fun today.

Robbie – I loved Gorge Walking because I got to jump off a cliff.

Cody – my favourite thing was Gorge Walking because I liked the water.

Breehann – My favourite thing was Gorge Walking because you were allowed to jump in. I loved skiing as well.

Jessica – My favourite part was Gorge Walking. Especially when I got to jump in the water.

Emma – My favourite part of today was Gorge Walking because I got to get wet and not care that I was wet. I enjoyed skiing just as much.

Erin – Today was exciting. I loved Gorge Walking. It was breath taking and I just loved it. I really enjoyed skiing as we went from the top of the slope and we were learning skills really fast. The chippy was well good.

Kirsty – Gorge Walking was my favourite because it was slippy and scary. Skiing was scary because I kept falling but I kept getting back up and trying again.

Hailey – I really enjoyed the skiing because it felt weird with the skis on but it was good at the same time. I went from the very top.

We are all exhausted and are heading to bed early tonight. We are excited about tomorrow and our last full activity day at Kilbowie. We can’t wait to show off our moves at the disco tomorrow. Good night!

Day 2 Adventures at Kilbowie

This morning’s activity was Safari. At safari, Derek introduced the idea of wildlife in Scotland to the children along with a few jokes which were well received. Then the children went outside to explore the local wildlife. Derek did a special whistle and lots of birds came down from the sky. We also caught a field vole and everyone got to have a close look at it.

This afternoon we all went Orienteering together. We went in a mini bus to the forest and the children split into trios and set off to find the different orienteering pins. Orienteering was a great success and thankfully we didn’t lose anyone!

Dinner was steak pie with mashed potatoes. Some words used to describe it were yummy and delicious!

Tonight was a great evening activity. It was Nightline. This is where the children all wear blindfolds and work as a team to work their way around a ropes course, going through tunnels and ducking under trees. All of the children worked well together and displayed excellent communication skills. Miss Thomson and I are so proud of their excellent attitude during this activity!

Here are some of our favourites moments from today:

Jessica – Today was a very exciting day. My favourite bit was when Derek took us outside during safari.

Emma – My favourite part of today was the Nightline because it was really fun and we had to communicate so we didn’t trip up.

Breehann – My favourite part was the Nightline because you didn’t know where you were going.

Joan – My favourite part was Nightline because everyone kept falling and it was really funny.

Jennifer – My favourite thing was Nightline because I kept tripping over branches.

Erin – I loved the Nightline because it was really intense and it was a great experience.

Kirsty – My favourite part was Nightline because it was scary and you didn’t know where to go.

Hailey – My favourite thing was safari because the seagulls came so close to us.

Louise – I liked the Nightline when you had to go under a tunnel being blindfolded and you have to hold onto the rope.

Robbie – My favourite part of today was the Nightline because it was dark and you couldn’t see.

Lewis – My favourite part was Nightline because it was challenging, fun and dark.

Aidan – The safari was my favourite part of the day because it was adventurous.

Marc – My favourite part was the Nightline because it was fun.

Miller – I liked the Nightline because we got wet.

Cody – My favourite part was Safari because we caught a mole.

Alan – My favourite part of today was Safari because we saw seagulls really really close up.

Malcolm – I loved everything today. It was a fun day! Nightline was funny because you could hear everyone screaming.

We are all looking forward to an exciting day of Gorge Walking and Skiing tomorrow.
Night night.

Day 1 at Kilbowie has been a success!

We are all ready for bed and are exhausted after an exciting first day! After a bus journey that felt really quick, we arrived at Kilbowie at lunch time. The children did really well making up their beds! We were impressed! We had a lunch of rolls, crisps and fruit which was enjoyed by everyone.

This afternoon the children split into their activity groups and met their instructors. Both groups went on a tour of Kilbowie and did fun things around the centre.

After a delicious dinner of chicken fajitas and chocolate cake we then got our waterproof jackets on and went outside for two nighttime activities. The children all worked well as a team and the rain didn’t stop us. Check out our school Twitter for some photos.

Tonight the children shared their favourite part of today! Here is what some of them said:

Miller – I liked when I went on a tour with my group today to the sea.

Lewis – I really like the view. When we were going to see the sea it was awesome.

Marc – I loved climbing on the rocks at the beach because it was fun.

Robbie – My favourite part was when I was playing the game camouflage because I won twice.

Cody – My favourite part was climbing along the beach front.

Aiden – I really liked going into the water.

Louise – I love the mountain walking.  I think it was good because we had to try and get over big rocks.

Kirsty – My favourite part of today was walking around and seeing all of the different parts of Kilbowie.

Erin – I love the Kilbowie building and the feeling of being here. I like all of the free time we got today.

Emma Louise – I really liked the night activities because we got to do lots of team work and explore.

Joan – My favourite part of today was when we walked down to the sea and had to climb over rocks and I almost fell in.

Jennifer – I liked walking across all of the rocks and when I slipped and my wellie got all wet.

Jessica – My favourite part of today was climbing over the castle wall.

Breehann- My favourite thing today was the tour of Kilbowie.

Hailey – My favourite part was the quest to find all of the cities tonight. I loved running about in the dark!

Hopefully we all have a good nights rest and wake up tomorrow ready for a day of Safari and Hill Walking!

Good Night!

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