Fun Tuesday in P5/6

What a busy and active day!

This morning we had a healthy snack presentation by Mary at Asda! We were looking at different snack alternatives we could have.. Some of us were even brave enough to try pomegranate seeds and cherry tomatoes.

Then we had our own class cooking lesson where we made our own fruit pizzas!

This afternoon we had a dance class! Thank you Natalie it was great fun!

Fun afternoon P5/6

Primary 5/6 had a fun afternoon! We went outside to complete the daily mile. While we were outside we were measuring how many steps it took us to cover a certain distance. Then we got to visit the hall and had fun with Iain and Kyrstie  from Shotts Healthy Living Centre. Everything was great fun – but the fruit tasting won the most votes.

Art Fortnight

P5/6 have been extremely interested in Art Fortnight. Through research undertaken in the class they decided that the first artist that they wanted to study would be Bridget Riley. She is an artist who specialises in OP Art – representations of optical illusions. The children have enjoyed learning about her life, the art she has produced and creating their own art in preparation for the art show. Their second artist has still to be determined but they already have several ideas in mind.

It will be alright on the Knight!

Primary 3/4 have been learning about the process of becoming a Knight, during Medeval Times.  To be chosen to train as a Knight was a real privilege and young boys trained as a Page, from 7 years old.

The boys and girls used their notes to write a Persausive Genre.  In their writing, they used the information about the process that Knights went through, in order to persuade young boys to sign up.

We have also been exploring how Knights dressed through the use of interactive dressing up games and books.


In class we have been learning about different aspects of Respect. We have been learning about Self Respect, Respect for Others, and Respect for Property.

We have written poems about respect, thinking about how we treat others and ourselves.

These Poems are now part of one of our class displays.

Some of our thoughts on Respect are:

“Being kind and helpful to others” – Rachel

“Treat others how you want to be treated” – Cian

“Listen to what they say” – Finnlay

“Take care of everyone’s property”  – Morgan

“Include everyone when playing games” – Ryley

Fitness Stations

New year. New exercises. Primary 5,6 have started off the year with sessions in fitness. Today 12 stations were set up and working in pairs the children had to complete the activities at each station. These included bench steps, star jumps, shuttle runs, which got them active and gentler stations such as stretches. Well done everyone.

Happy New Year!

Primary 3/4 are glad to be back at school and are ready to learn!  They have been exploring the concept of money this week and have been totaling amounts.

In P.E they have been learning how to hold a tennis racket and have been using their hand to eye coordination, to control the tennis ball.

The snowy weather allowed for a very slippery “Walk a Mile.”   It was more like “Slide a Mile!”

Christmas in P3/4

The boys and girls in Primary 3/4 have been learning all about the features of Christmas this week.  Each morning when they open their class Advent Calendar, the children have been performing acts of kindness as well as enjoying a delicious sweet. They have been helping in and around the school by offering to tidy out their class.  On Tuesday, the boys and girls visited the nursery to showcase their learning.  This involved them presenting their Christmas poetry in a way that is engaging for the nursery children.

Today’s learning experience involved the children using a range of media to create Christmas Crackers.  The children have also made Angels and researched the symbolism of Angels in the Nativity story.

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