Friday Health Week P5/6

To round off HEALTH WEEK, we had an active session this morning doing circuit training in the hall. We got into some situations with the group opening tasks but we got there in the end! The circuits included tricep dips,  squats, push ups and calf raises,

We have also been writing today. Our focus has been persuasive writing to promote the importance of health! This has included Exercise, What we Eat and Friendship.


Wednesday Health P5/6

Today has been another busy day.

This morning we had a visit from Fiona at Childsmile. This time she wasn’t telling us what we shouldn’t EAT.. She was showing us how acid can rot our teeth and what drinks we should avoid! If the paper stayed blue the drink was good – if the paper went pink – avoid!

Then after break we had a Heartstart session with Miss Tiffney – learning all about what do in an emergency and if someone stops breathing or is choking.

This afternoon we were outside for our walk a mile – even though it was freezing.


Head Teacher’s Blog – Wednesday 22nd February 2017

I had a very interesting morning today.  Along with a number of Head Teachers from across North Lanarkshire, I attended an information session at HMP Shotts.  The aim of this session was to raise school’s awareness of the impact that parents being in prison can have on children.  It was a fascinating morning and I enjoyed hearing from the different speakers and community groups who work in HMP Shotts supporting the families and their children.

I missed lots of the fun activities for Health Week today as I was out at this session, but there was lots of things happening across the school:  Miss Tiffney continued her Heart Start session with P3/4 and P4/5 learning all about how to help a conscious and unconscious casualty.  P1/2 were making healthy bread (and enjoyed eating it) and Fiona from Childsmile came to talk to all of the boys and girls about good dental health – including hidden sugars in lots of their favourite drinks.  Have a look at our Twitter feed to see all of the photographs.

If you read the Wishaw Press, you will have seen the articles about our Art Focus fortnight and exhibition – we are very pleased that the Wishaw Press are featuring our school so regularly.

The photographer very kindly came today to take pictures of our Health Week – check our next week’s edition for the feature.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is for sleet and snow as Storm ‘Doris’ arrives.  Please take extra care when travelling to school and come wrapped up!  Check Twitter for any updates in the morning – both our account and the NLC Winter Account too.  At the moment, school and nursery are planned to be open as normal.

Head Teacher’s Blog – Tuesday 21st February 2017

We had another healthy day at Stane today.  It’s the second day of Health Week and we had more visitors to our school to help the children develop their understanding of Health and Wellbeing.

Mary from Asda in Newmains worked with every class in the school today.  She was helping the children to think about ‘healthy swaps’.  She had samples of healthier, baked crisps and tasty snacks to replace sugary sweets such as carrots and cucumber sticks.

The children are also taking part in Healthy Food Technology activities this week – P3/4 and P5/6 were making healthy ‘fruit pizzas’ today.

Jordan, our Active Schools Co-ordinator started our Lunch time Walking Challenge today.  The P6/7 Playground Leaders were encouraging children to join in to a healthy walk for a lunchtime activity.  This will take place every Tuesday.

Natalie, a dance instructor from Active Schools worked with each class to teach them a fun, active Dance Routine.

To complete our active, healthy day, we had the second ‘Family Fitness Fun’ session.  Parents, pupils and staff came together to share in a ‘Cyber Coach’ fitness session.  It was great fun and everyone was enjoying the aerobic routine followed by some calming Yoga.  It was lovely to have everyone take part in this shared, family experience.  It has been so successful, we have decided to have this every Monday from 3pm-4pm.  All families from the school and nursery can come along – we’d love to see you there.

And that’s not everything we managed to fit in today – we also had the first of our P1-3 Multi-Sports club led by Jordann this week and Mrs. Parker led the next after school Nurture Club!

As I said yesterday, it is busy, eventful days that show just what the Stane team can achieve when we all work together.  I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Fun Tuesday in P5/6

What a busy and active day!

This morning we had a healthy snack presentation by Mary at Asda! We were looking at different snack alternatives we could have.. Some of us were even brave enough to try pomegranate seeds and cherry tomatoes.

Then we had our own class cooking lesson where we made our own fruit pizzas!

This afternoon we had a dance class! Thank you Natalie it was great fun!

Head Teacher’s Blog – Monday 20th February 2017

Today was the launch of our Health Week, but it got off to an interesting start when I arrived at school to find we had no electricity due to a power cut in the local area!  As always, my fantastic staff ensured that everything ran smoothly and made sure the children were all well cared for despite this set back.

Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. Pollock ensured everyone had something nutritious to eat at Breakfast Club even though the shutter couldn’t go up and we had no toast.

Mr. McKenna supervised to make sure that no-one got lost in the dark corridor on their way into the hall and all of the teacher’s modified their plans so that lessons could go ahead as normal.

Fortunately the power came back on just before 9am and everything could go back to normal.  Well done to all children and staff for dealing with this situation calmly and sensibly!

Mrs. Robert and Miss Tiffney have been working very hard for the past few weeks to plan and prepare Health Week and it got off to flying start today.  They introduced the purpose and learning intentions of the week at a whole school assembly this morning.

There are lots of activities planned for the week and they began today with Circus Skills and Fruit Tasting with Iain and Kyrstie from Getting Better Together.

Pupils in Primary 1/2 and Primary 2/3 were learning about what to do in an emergency if someone became ill as part of our British Heart Foundation ‘HeartStart’ Training.

I enjoyed visiting all of the activities to see what the children were doing – and I even had a wee shot of Hula-Hooping!

The Health related learning didn’t stop in the school – the children in the nursery were taking part in lots of active exercise activities too:

However, the highlight of today was ‘Bella the Cow’: a life-size replica of a cow that we were fortunate to be able to borrow from Wiseman Dairies.

The children learned where milk comes from as part of their learning about Healthy Eating.  It has been real highlight of a very interesting day!

However, the fun did not stop there.  We held out first ‘Family Fitness Fun’ club at 3pm.  Staff, parents and pupils from the school and nursery came together to take part in a fun and energetic fitness class.  We had fitness stations, followed by a fun (and slightly competitive) game of Dodgy-Ball Tig and then Mrs. Robert led a lovely wellbeing cool down.  Thank you to everyone who came along – we hope to see lots more parents and children tomorrow!

There are lots of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks to look out for including:

  • The Stane Football Team starting up again.
  • Primary 6/7 taking part in a Community Tidy Up with Getting Better Together.
  • Mrs. Parker leading the Resilience Workshop Part 2 (On Thursday this week).

When we have a full day like today, it reminds me why Stane Primary is the wonderful school it is:  pupils, staff and parents working in partnership to create a wonderful community.  I really am privileged to be the Head Teacher here (even if I was referred to as the ‘Hula-Hooping Heidie!)

What’s on at Stane – 15th to 17th February 2017

This week’s lunch menu (Thursday and Friday only)


What’s on this week:

Wednesday 15th February 2017

  • School and Nursery closed to pupils for staff Inservice Day

Thursday 16th February 2017

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane (Brass Tutor) working with pupils from P5-7
  • 11am-12.30pm:  Solihull Parent Group Week 4 with Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Linfoot
  • 12pm-12.45pm:  Early Lunchtime to accommodate theatre group visit.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  M& M Theatre show – P1-7 pupils.
  • 2.30pm-3pm:  M&M Theatre Workshop – P6/7.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Running Club with Mr. Clark and Mrs. Scott (Outdoor Kit required).

Friday 17th February 2017

  • NSPCC Workshops for P1-3 and P6-7 pupils today.
  • 2pm-3pm: Extra Playtime for Gold and Silver pupils
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Monday 20th-Friday 24th February 2017

  • Our annual Health Week will take place from Monday 20th February.  Pupils are invited to wear casual, comfortable clothes appropriate for activity all week.
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