Nursery Cluster Transition Event

In partnership with our cluster nurseries and primary schools, we are planning to hold an event for parents/carers of all pre-school children who will be starting school next August.  The purpose of this event is to provide parents/carers with information on the transition process, and an opportunity to address any questions you may have about your child starting school.

The event will be held in Calderhead High School on Thursday 22nd October 2015 – please put this date in your diaries!  Times will be confirmed by the end of this week, although the sessions will run while your child is at nursery.

Further information will be sent home in due course.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Come and Play at Stane Nursery!

On Thursday 8th October we would like to invite the parents and carers of all our nursery children, to come along and see for yourselves what we get up to at nursery!

This ‘Come and Play’ session will give you the opportunity to play alongside your child in the nursery, speak to staff, and find out more about the different learning opportunities offered daily.

Parents and carers with children in the morning session are invited to join us from 10.45am until 11.55am, and parents/carers with children in the afternoon session from 2.45pm until 3.55pm.  All children should attend the full session as normal.

An invitation to this event will be sent home with your child on Monday, please return the tear off slip to confirm your attendance.  Due to space constraints within the playroom, we are only able to allow one adult to attend per child.

We look forward to seeing you there!

A Week In Stane Primary!

This week Stane Primary has 3 pupils from Calderhead, our local highschool. They are here for their job experience.  We are very lucky to have them helping around the school.

Every day we start off with the morning challenge. It’s a maths challenge and a word challenge. It gets our brains working for the rest of the day.

For maths this week we have been learning about rounding numbers and working out time differences to name but a few.

In topic we have been researching different Scottish Artists and selecting images that have inspired us. We are going to use these images in class next week to produce our own fantastic art work.

Our taught writing focus this week was report writing which was based on major organs of the body – which we have been learning about in science.

And finally – We are now blogging.

We have been participating in the blogging bootcamp each week. Blogging is so much fun and our class really enjoys to  blog:)!

The end of another busy week in primary 6/7…. wonder what next week will bring.

Week Beginning Monday 14th September 2015

General Information

  • Three pupils from Calderhead High will be in school this week for their S4 Work Experience. They will help out in classes, the school office and in the playground.
  • Mr. Clark will be visiting all classes this week for Head Teacher Learning Visits and will be looking at the work of pupils. The focus of this will be on questioning techniques and how pupils are being involved in peer assessment.
  • Our annual Science week, which was due to be held next week will be postponed as we have a special replacement planned.  More news soon…

Monday 14th September 2015

  • 9.20am-10.30am: Mr. O’Donnell and Miss Renton will be team-teaching in P2. Mrs. McLean will be teaching in P1/2.
  • 2.00pm-3.00pm: Mrs. Scott is teaching French in P2 today instead of Tuesday morning.
  • 3.30pm: Mrs. White will be attending a P6/7 Kodaly Music course.
  • 4.00pm: Mrs Scott will be attending a Handball Course.

 Tuesday 15th September 2015

  • 9.00am-10.15am: Mr. Clark in P2 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 9.00am-10.30am: Mr. O’Donnell continuing with P1 Baseline Assessments. Mrs. Scott will teach P1/2.
  • 9.15am: P1 Class Photograph (Wishaw Press).
  • 10.45am-12.00pm: Mr. Clark in P5/6 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 11.30am-12.00pm: P5 Kodaly Music Lesson
  • 2.00pm-3.00pm: 6 week block of Active School Football for P5/6 begins today.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm: P5-7 Girls Football After School Club (Gym Hall).

Wednesday 16th September 2015

  • 9.45am-10.15am: Celebrating Success Assembly.
  • 10.15am-10.30am: Tea with Mr. Clark (for this week and last week).
  • 10.45am-11.30am: Mrs. Scott teaching P3 French today instead of Monday.
  • 10.45am-12.15pm: Mr. Clark in P6/7 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 2.15pm-3.00pm: Parent Information Session for children involved in the Movement Group.

 Thursday 17th September 2015

  • Mrs. Scott will be in school today.
  • 9.00am-10.15am: Mr. O’Donnell and Mrs. Linfoot will be at Shotts Family Learning Centre for a Early Years Meeting.  Mrs. Scott will teach P1/2.
  • 9.00am-10.15am: Mr. Clark in P3 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 10.45am-12.15pm: Mr. Clark in P1/2 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 10.30am-3.00pm:  Mrs Scott will teach P6/7

Friday 18th September 2015

  • 9.00am-10.30am: Mr. O’Donnell continuing with P1 Baseline Assessments. Mr. Clark will teach P1/2.
  • 10.45am-12.15pm: Mr. Clark in P4/5 for HT Learning Visit.
  • 1.00pm-3.00pm: Mrs. Linfoot attending ICT Co-ordinator’s Meeting.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm: Golden Time.


  • The next non-uniform day is Thursday 24th September 2015.
  • School and nursery will be closed on Friday 25th and Monday 28th September 2015 for the September weekend holiday.

If you have not done so already, please ensure you have returned:

  • Data Forms
  • ICT Acceptable Use Agreement
  • Photograph Consent Forms

Freddy Teddy

Freddy had a wonderful week at Bethany’s house last week. He had a P.J. day on Saturday and Bethany’s Gran came over for a wee visit on Sunday.

Freddy came back with a shiny new Stane Primary School badge.  Thank you so much to Bethany’s mum for making it.  He looks so smart, just like his class mates.

Road Safety Magic Roadshow

Children in the classes of Mr. O’Donnell, Miss Renton and Mrs. Robert will travel to Alexander Peden Primary School on Friday morning to see a ‘Road Safety’ Magic Show.

Please ensure that the permission slips have been returned to school by Friday morning at the very latest to ensure your child can go on this excursion.

Literacy Open Morning

Thank you to all of the parents/carers, relatives and friends of the school who visited this morning for our first Open Day of the year.

The focus was on Active Literacy, with each class working hard on an aspect of their spelling, reading or writing programme.

It was lovely to see our visitors engage with their children in their learning.  There was a happy buzz around the school, with lots of discussion taking place about the progress of our pupils and the interactive nature of learning.

The feedback received from visitors was wonderful, recognising the hard work and dedication of the team to the benefit of the children.

The Adventures of Freddy the Teddy

Freddy the Teddy has been working hard in Primary 3.  He has been helping the boys and girls write a recount of their week at school.

Freddy has also been having a lovely time at  Demi’s  house  and has been to Lolly Pop Land.  It sounds like lots of fun and has bouncy slides and a cafe!

The boys and girls can’t  wait for Jake to tell them all about his adventure with Freddy.



What’s on Week Beginning 31st August 2015

  • Mrs. Elaine Quate joins the team this week. She will be working as an Auxiliary in the office on a Monday and as an ASNA on a Tuesday and Wednesday.  We look forward to having her on the team.

Monday 31st August 2015

  • Mrs. Scott attending ‘Bi-lateral Integration’ training today.
  • 1.45pm: Mrs. McDonald and Miss Darragh from Calderhead High are visiting to introduce themselves to P7 and meet with Mr. Clark.

Tuesday 1st September 2015

  • Mr. Clark out of school all day to attend Head of Establishment Meeting at Civic Centre.
  • 11.00am-12pm: Kodaly lessons for Primary 5 begin today.

Wednesday 2nd September 2015

  • Miss Duffy will be volunteering with P1/2 and P2 on a Wednesday and joins the team today.
  • 9.45am-10.15am: Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 10.15am-10.30am: Tea with Mr. Clark (Gym Hall).
  • 2.00pm: Mr. Clark attending a Nursery Cluster Meeting at Shotts Family Learning Centre.
  • 6.00pm-8.00pm: Parent Council Meeting (all parents welcome to attend).

Thursday 3rd September 2015

  • 9.00am-10.30am: Parent Open Day – All parents/carers invited to attend to share their children’s learning and meet the teacher.  Please return the tear-off slip the previously issued letter if you intend to join us.
  • 11.00am-12.30pm: Mr. Clark attending the Cluster Heads Meeting at Calderhead High School.

Friday 4th September 2015

  • 2.15pm-2.45pm: Golden Time

School Lunch Menu this week (click for large image):


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