Back To The 80s Appeal

Back To The 80s Appeal

The music and drama department are seeking support from our school community on sourcing costume and accessories for our hard-working students to use in their upcoming production of Back to the 80’s. If you have anything suitable, please bring it in to be given to the drama department. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the show, due to be performed on the 13th, 14th and 15th June – tickets on sale soon!

Back To The 80s – School Show

Back To The 80s – School Show

The Music and Drama Departments are holding a meeting for this years school show … Back to the 80’s! In this meeting, they will discuss what the show is about and how to get involved. If you’re interested in finding out more, come along to the Drama Theatre on Tuesday 6th December at Lunchtime.

The Our Lady’s Say Podcast

The Our Lady’s Say Podcast

The Our Lady’s Say Podcast is back and our first episode is all about the new term we have just begun and the exciting opportunities that are to come for our school community. Hosted again by Mrs Savage and Mrs Wilson, joined by returning guest Miss Ruddy and two S6 pupils who discuss with us the roles and responsibilities they are now undertaking in their final year at OLHS. You’ll find the Podcast available to listen to on Apple and Spotify Podcasts (links below).

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