SQA Success August 2015


We are very proud of the success of our learners in S4 this year as they performed extremely well in their National Qualifications. At National 5 level 49.7% achieved at least 5 awards which is a fantastic performance. At National 4 level 94.3% achieved at least 5 awards and a superb 95.6% achieved at least 5 awards at National 3. Well done to 14 of our learners who achieved 7 National 5 awards all at grade A. They are: Connor Brown, Lewis Duncanson, Sean Kennedy, Rebecca McDade, Andrew McNier, Evan McNier, Lauren Nicol, Conor O’Brien, Andrew Partridge, Dana Porter, Bethany Quinn, Luke Scullion, Rebecca Stewart and Daniel Timothy.

Adding to this success, this year’s S5 results were the best ever for Our Lady’s High School. 20.6% of S5 learners achieved 5 Highers, 49.7% achieved at least 3 Highers and 74.3% achieved at least 1 Higher.

Well done to 6 learners from S5 who achieved 5 Highers all at Grade A. They are: Cara Cecil, Lewis Ferguson, Matthew Kiernan, Claire Martin, Morgan Stewart, Conor Straub.

This year’s performance at S6 was also very good and these results will give our young people a very strong basis to progress on to college, university, work or training.

Our congratulations go to all our learners this year. The hard work, commitment and dedication that has been put in by pupils, their families and staff has been rewarded. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our learners at our Senior Awards Ceremony in September.

Well done everyone!

P7 Transition Project

refugee camp 3

All six primary schools from our cluster marked International Refugee Day on Monday 22 June here in Our Lady’s High School.

The Transition Project involved all six schools working with the Red Cross and building and presenting their own unique camp for refugees. Two of the camps are pictured here.

Pupils were also given the opportunity to participate in a First Aid course as part of the morning. The morning was rounded off by visiting the Red Cross Emergency Response vehicle. (pictured below)

refugee camp 2


S3 Celebration of Success Ceremony

S3 award winners

The S3 Celebration of Success Ceremony took place on Wednesday 17 June 2015. Pupils received awards for ‘Excellence in Progress’, ‘Wider Achievement’ and also some ‘Special Awards’. Congratulations to all the award winners.

Mark Stewart was awarded the ‘Inclusion Ambassador for Education’.

Mark was selected to address a National Conference in Edinburgh and the European Parliament in October this year. Following this he was appointed ‘Scottish Inclusion Ambassador’ and will attend meetings in Westminster.

‘Team of the Year 2015’ was awarded to the S3 Girls Handball Team for their outstanding performances and their third place achievement at the Scottish Schools Championships. They are Eilidh Brown, Chloe Chan, Hannah Cox, Clare Croal, Katie McGowan, Rachel McMullan, Hannah O’Brien, AlannahThomas.

Alannah Thomas was also awarded the ‘Young Sportsperson of the Year 2015’. She has represented the school and her country in Handball and was awarded Scottish Handball Association Player of the Year.

S1/2 Celebration of Success Ceremony

S1 Award Winners

The S1/2 Celebration of Success Ceremony took place on Wednesday 17 June 2015. Congratulations to all the learners who received awards for ‘Excellence in Progress’ and ‘Wider Achievement’…far too many to list them all here!

The S1 Award winners are pictured above and S2 Award winners are pictured here.

S2 Award winners

Ceilidh group

Mr. McNulty welcomed all the parents, family and friends before presenting the awards.

The musical interlude was provided by the school Ceilidh Group.

Cameron MacLean (S2) was awarded the ‘Young Sportsperson of the Year Award 2015’. He has represented the school in Basketball, Football, Rugby and Badminton. He shows grit and determination throughout all performances and is an excellent team player.

‘Team of the Year 2015’ was awarded to the S1/2 Basketball Team for their determination, energy and skillful performances over the past few months. They are Curtis Adam, Christopher Berry, Paddy Gillan, Louie Phillips and Paula Puzule all S1 and Cameron MacLean S2.

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