Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

March 5, 2021
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Celebration Friday

I hope you enjoyed the World Book Day activities. I know I enjoyed hearing about the different books you were reading.

Here is a small selection of good work from this week.

Maryam wrote her version of how Harmony got her bike…read it here.

Maryam for Friday

Cailtlyn did really well with her fraction work – so I have put up a little sample of all her tasks.

Ciar wrote his version of the story and used interesting verbs.

Here is the link to hear jack’s story for those of you who missed it last week.!AkrmyVNE0KqugRS2b_ElHR2NkDB2http://

Joseph did marvellous work this week. He is really soaring high with his fraction and IDL tasks so I could have put up so many items but I particularly liked his art and design blue task.


March 1, 2021
by User deactivated

Primary 5 Week beg. 1st March Literacy Tasks

This week we are focusing on World Book Day!

I  put up a post about this on Friday and talked about it at our Friday Teams Meet. There are different activities on that post for you to choose from.

This week your literacy tasks include, watch and listening to a video, a reading task, a comprehension task and a creative writing task. There is also a choice of inspiration tasks – you choose the one you want. The only difference is you get to choose the theme. There are three to choose from. Don’t do any work on the Queen’s Nose this week. I have posted some spelling revision and consolidation tasks in Teams.

Choice 1 – A Football Theme.

Click here to listen to some football themed stories

This next worksheet has some ideas about reading, talking and writing for you to try out.

If you choose this theme you must do the Discuss the extract task –

1. What can you tell about the style of the book?
Do you like it? Is it fiction or non-fiction?
2. What does Harry Kane describe as being ‘crucial’
to his career success? (page 17)
3. What are Megan Rapinoe’s beliefs? How did she
‘speak up’ for them? (page 21)

And the Creative Writing Task

In 1983 thieves stole the World Cup trophy from an
office in Brazil. Write a dramatic story from the point
of view of a detective. You will need to invent: the
name of detective; the names of thieves and their
motives; and how the detective solves the case!

You can choose to do Inspiration Task 1 or 2.

Get Ready Get Set Tasks



Choice 2 – Imagine a Wild Adventure

Click here to listen to an author who uses real life events to create stories

This next worksheet has some ideas about reading, talking and writing for you to try out.

If you choose this theme you must do the Discuss the extract task –

1. What strikes you about the first sentence of the
story? What does it tell you about Matteo?
2. What image do you get of Paris on page 2? Write
down and words or phrases that stand out.
3. How does Katherine Rundell contrast the setting
of the rooftops, on page 5?

And the Creative Writing Task

Choose a character from your favourite book. Write a
story inspired by what might have happened to them
before the story started . . . Remember, there are many
adventures that we go on in life!

You can choose to do Inspiration Task 1 or 2.

Get Ready Get Set – Wild Adventure Tasks

Wild Adventures Book Extract

Choice 3 – Creative Writing using treasured items

Click to be inspired by how this author uses doodles to create stories

This next worksheet has some ideas about reading, talking and writing for you to try out.

If you choose this theme you must do the Discuss the extract task –

1. How does the author make you feel as though
you’re on a boat or a ship, on pages 1–2?
2. What does Immy wish? What does Usha have that
Immy doesn’t?
3. Why do you think the layout of the text changes
on page 3? What is the effect of this change?

And the Creative Writing Task

Share the treasure from your treasure haul and write
a story about a dream coming true. Write in any way
you want to – with doodles, illustrations, big words or
small words. Read your story aloud and try to feel the
words. Most importantly, have fun writing it!

Get Ready Get Set – Using our treasures to inspire task

Treasure to inspire book extract


February 26, 2021
by User deactivated

Parents and Pupils of Primary 5 World book Day – Coming Next Week.

The children’s tasks are on Teams as normal. This week we are focusing on equivalent fractions, Spanish landmark research, Lent-Fairtrade and literacy via world book day events.

I am posting this page on Friday as you will see there is so much choice! You may want to take your time this weekend deciding what activities you can take part in depending on your schedule. There are two main sites for author live events and both are available here. All events are free! Please enjoy World Book Week!

This week we will be celebrating books! All the literacy tasks are based on world book day which is celebrated this year on Thursday 4th March.

Celebrating World Book Day at home

This year’s World Book Day theme is ‘share a story’.

So why not share a story with the people in your home. You could even get our grandparents or other family members involved by asking them to read stories over video chat; setting aside a family reading time when everyone at home all read their own books or magazines; building a cosy reading den with cushions in a corner, or a sheet draped over chairs to make a tent; read a story or chapter and then act it out together. What are you going to do to celebrate book?

I will share different activities for you to do. Quite a few require you to register via Facebook or other social media outlets as you are too young to have an account with any of these you will need an adult to register on your behalf.

Live Reads from authors

Here is a link to some live events starting on Wednesday 3rd March. Each event lasts about 30 minutes.

Don’t worry if you miss your favourite author you can catch up via YouTube.


With our wonderful libraries closed we don’t have access to the knowledge and skills of the librarians to help guide you through all the wonderful books available. Here is a link to some reading suggestions. You can find a lot of them free via the world book day site or other audio/video sites. Click here to learn about lots of different types of books.

There are lots of competitions and prizes to be one on the site so go on have a look.

Click on here to learn about the many prizes and competitions


Here is another link for free live events. This is from scholastic. You are asked to register for the events you want and it is quite straightforward. The site takes you through step by step. You may wish to use your own email address or your child’s gw glow one.

World Book Day will feel a little different this year but we are planning a whole fun-filled week of brilliant FREE events to help support teachers, parents and children who want to celebrate reading and books, wherever they are.

Our week-long event programme is free to all Scholastic and Travelling Books schools – so if you’re registered with us then you and your pupils can enjoy an array of wonderful authors and illustrators hosting 30-minute events, including draw-a-longs, writing workshops and a 4pm Book Club as an after school treat.

Register for each event with the password clubsandfairs.

Here is the link to the website

February 22, 2021
by User deactivated

Children and Parents of Primary 5 Week beg. 22nd February

Hello everyone,

I will be having more Team Meets this week. On Monday at 1.30pm we can all meet to go over this week’s tasks and talk over any questions you may have.

Tuesday – 11.30am a Teams meet for the Cookie and Circle Groups

Wednesday and Thursday – 11.30am Teams meet for Square/Triangle and Lollipop/Candy Groups

Friday – 11.30 Teams meet for all to talk about progress and share good examples

ALL tasks are on Teams this week.

I will be in school more days from this week so I may not be able to respond as quickly to any question. If you are really stuck move on to your next task. If you are having problems accessing our Teams area try the virtual classroom (blue for Square/Triangle and Lollipop/Candy Groups and orange for Cookie and Circle Groups).

When accessing PowerPoints with speech on an Ipad please open via PowerPoint App.

Lent – here is a list of different activities you can do this week. I like the last one – especially on a lovely Spring day like today.

Lent activities Week 2



February 15, 2021
by User deactivated

Week beg. 15th February Primary 5

Good morning Primary 5,

I hope you enjoyed your mid-term and made the most of the snow. Did you look at the Chinese New Year classroom I created for you on Teams. I really enjoyed watching the firework display.

This week is the start of Lent so two important days Pancake Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. I have put up some activities connected to these two days in the Teams area. I have also attached them here in case you have any difficulty accessing Teams. Below this post is one for your parents. Please show it to them and ask them to read when they can. I have included some activities for you on your parents post.

On Wednesday we are all getting together via Teams to celebrate Ash Wednesday. Fr. Kenny will do a service with the P1 to 3 and then one for us at 10.30am.  Please try and set aside some time on Ash Wednesday to come together as a school community or if you are unable as a family. (Mum and Dad have some things they can do with you on their post!)

Celebration Post – Look for the special celebration post below this one. I have posted some of your work. Have a look.

We are starting a new numeracy topic this week – fractions. We are starting as we always do by reminding ourselves of our previous learning. I have left workbooks and worksheets for you collect from school this week. We will need them for next week’s fraction work so remind your parents to collect your envelopes.

In our topic work we are looking at Spain this week – a little big of geography to start you on your journey. The tasks are all on Teams.

Cookie and Circle Group you have your work and books I sent home. Please work through these and post or email me your tasks when you have finished. I have posted some extra activities for you in Teams but don’t forget you have the topic and RE tasks to do too.

RE Tasks.

Shrove Tuesday Powerpoint

Ash Wednesday Task

How to make pancakes

This week we have just one style of planner as it was the most popular. You should still do all your green tasks first then your yellow and if time some blue. Please take time away from the computer to give your eyes a rest.

Planner15th Feb



February 15, 2021
by User deactivated

Parents and Guardians week beg. 15th February

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Welcome back from our short mid-term break. I have uploaded the children’s work to the Teams area as normal. This half of the term there will be only one style of planner. The list planner was the favourite so that is the format for going forward. You will see I have kept to the green, yellow and blue banding to guide your planning.

Envelopes with workbooks for your child are available to be picked up this week. We will be using the workbooks next week as part of home learning.


This week we start our new topic of Fractions. We started this in Primary 4 just before the first lockdown in March 2020 so we are starting from there, revising and reviewing previous learning. I am aware many of you do not have access to a printer and the work this week does not require any sheets to be printed off .As mentioned above I have left envelopes with workbooks/worksheets to be used next week. I believe a text alert was sent out last week asking you to collect this material.


We are continuing our novel for the majority of the class and this week’s activities focus on chapters 2 and 3. I have posted a video clip for the pupils to view before doing the reading to write task. The spelling task moves on to our new phoneme family sh. The PowerPoint has speech. If using a laptop your child should click on the three dots to the side of the resource and choose to  open PowerPoint online. If viewing on an I -pad open the PowerPoint via the app to hear the voice.


This week is the start of Lent. I am going to attach some activities for you do for Ash Wednesday and Lent. The activities have been designed with the Covid restrictions in mind. I am pleased to say that Fr. Kenny will lead the school in celebrating Ash Wednesday. The primary 4 to 7 service is at 10.30am via Teams the same as the weekly assemblies.

Extract from Parish bulletin “This week sees us begin our journey of Lent. Clearly it will be different than previous years living in this pandemic. There are no public masses therefore we cannot distribute Ashes, but maybe it gives us the opportunity to focus on what Lent is all about, renewing ourselves and drawing closer to God…”

When working with the pupils in school I talk about how that this time of year we often see people Spring cleaning their homes…Lent for us is a chance to Spring clean ourselves and reconnect with God.

Here is a really short video clip which you may wish to look at before talking about the importance of Ash Wednesday and Lent with your child.

I have attached some Lenten activities designed for our current lockdown situation. Please take the time to look through and choose to participate in the ones that suit your family.



February 15, 2021
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Celebration of Good Work

This post has lots to celebrate. I have included some examples of really good work. We have some of our Glasgow landmark presentations, maths and literacy work to showcase. Take your time to look through all the work. You can post kind comments here on via Teams.

Research Task

I asked you to research one of Glasgow’s landmarks and send me your information in the way that suited you. If we were in class we would have spent Thursday and Friday of last week presenting to each other…so we are going to do that in our online classroom. I am going to attach some outstanding examples. Have a look at each one. They may have chosen the same landmark as you but have they found other information, pictures or presented in a different way?

The first is by Joseph


Next Maryam’s presentation

Clyde ArcMB

Connor made a video presentation

Lucas did two versions of his research. Have a look.

Lucas’s presentation (1)

Ella’s is next

EW presentation

Here is a link to Ana’s presentation

I want to show you some other wonderful work from last week.

First a big shout out to all the marvellous readers.  Maryam is in the lead! Frankie, Lucas, Caitlyn, Lenox, Ana and Maxi all helping to raise our total. This is a blue challenge task for this week…Can we get another badge from Epic?


Ana  created this for the angle challenge.

Joseph made this marvellous model of the Finnieston crane from lego.


Ciar worked hard on the visualisation task and created these images. One being a cheeky self-portrait.

Well done everyone.  Take some time to put a comment for this post.

February 5, 2021
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Mid- Term for Parents and Pupils


You have worked hard this term and now it is time for a well-earned break. I have attached some great ideas from our PTA to change our focus from the computer!

This week is also the start of Chinese New Year celebrations so listen out for fireworks! There may not be the big parades and dragon dances across the world but families can celebrate at home.

School is officially in for the children on Thursday and Friday. If we were in school the two days would be given over to revision, corrections and consolidation of learning. That is my plan for home learning. Have a look at any feedback given regarding corrections or misinterpretation of instructions. What areas does your child avoid in home learning – usually they are our weakest points. Spend the two days ( if you prefer to spread the work across the week please do so) catching up with uncompleted tasks.

I have attached a grid with some activities around Chinese New Year for anyone wishing to learn more about this important cultural festival. I am also experimenting with a new way of linking the children’s learning in teams…it is basically the same work I have attached here but delivered in a different format. Let me know which way you prefer.

Chinese new year activities



February 1, 2021
by User deactivated

Information for Parents 1st February

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I have attached some information and resources about this week’s learning.

Moneywise – The tasks listed below would have been homework under normal circumstances. Some families give pocket-money, others pay for chores and others decide when their child gets to handle money. I have attached a list of activities for your to choose from, hopefully at least one will match your approach to money.

One of my favourites is the jam jar approach a visual way to demonstrate saving and spending. The one explained below has two jars/containers one for long term and one for short term savings. The idea being that the children see the money going or building up. I have seen another approach which used 3 jars/containers. Long term, short-term and a giving jar. This may be something you wish to consider as we approach the season of Lent. The idea is the child divided their money into 3, one long term saving perhaps a computer game, the next for short term – buying sweets, comics etc and the  third to give to charity.

Parents Money Wise Information Sheet

Video link to talk about budgets

Recall Tasks

Some parents have asked about the inclusion of the daily Topmarks Hit the Button activity. The children have been taught the concepts of addition, multiplication and division of the the facts I am asking them to recall. By Primary 5 your child should not need to use their fingers to add or subtract within numbers to 20. If they are doing so, they need to spend time recalling/memorising these facts. Some of the children is the class have excellent recall of these basic facts and all multiplication tables and can answer questions accurately and quickly others still need to develop their memory skills.

Learning key facts by heart enables learners to concentrate on the calculation which helps them to develop calculation strategies. Using and applying strategies to work out answers helps learners to acquire and so remember more facts. Many learners who are not able to recall key facts often treat each calculation as a new one and have to return to first principles to work out the answer again. Once they have a secure knowledge of some key facts, and by selecting problems carefully, learners can be supported in understanding that, from the answer to one problem, other answers can be generated.” (Mental Maths Strategies CfE D&G)

Mental Health Week 

This week it is national Mental Health Week.  Please make this a focus of your time at home and look after yourselves.  Please try to get outside with your family and go a long walk.  We have lots of terrific walks in our locality that can bring us close to nature.  There are a variety of routes and you never know you might meet a friend for a quick catch up outdoors.  Try to spend time doing fun things together such as a movie afternoon or den building indoors.

As a community of faith and learning please give time for prayer and reflection at this time.  Here is the link for Mass from our own Parish.

I really do appreciate the challenges you are experiencing at home and applaud your outstanding efforts to maintain a learning programme.  It is not easy, you are not a teacher and were not trained for this and your children may not have adapted easily to this new way of learning.  However, please remember to be kind to yourselves and congratulate yourself and your child daily on what you have managed to do and achieve and not want you didn’t do.

I have attached a link to some activities you may to explore

Ms Hutchison


February 1, 2021
by User deactivated

1st February Good Morning Primary 5

Good morning Primary 5,

We are in the first week of February. Do you remember the little hack or tip I gave you to spell this month. “Say February R U right!” That way you remember to put the R before the U!

Reading Instructions

I have noticed a lot of children are not reading the information on the weekly Glow page. Remember you can go back and read this page as often as you need to.

The feedback from you about the planners was you preferred the alternative list planner. I will post one here for this week and the original layout for those who find that easier. The information on how to complete some tasks are on the original  style planners.

Your literacy, numeracy and maths tasks are on Teams assignment area. This week the spelling PowerPoints have someone talking on them…not me!

Immersive Reader on Ipad

Instead of the little icon at the top right hand corner. The immersive reader appears at the bottom of the page and says “immersive reader”. Click on it and it works the same way as shown in the video clips.

Moneywise Homework

The links to the video clips are in the IDL timetable. I have also sent a letter via Glow to your parents with different ideas. This is a talking and listening task for you to do with your family.

Scotland Topic

This week we are learning more about our nearest city Glasgow. I have posted a PowerPoint of various landmarks around the city. Your task is to choose one to research. You then can upload what you found out about it. You may choose your own method, perhaps a video clip of you talking about the landmark, maybe a  PowerPoint or a report. I have attached an example of one of my favourite places to visit.

RE – World Faiths Judaism 

This week we are investigating the Jewish faith, looking at places of worship. I have attached a PowerPoint and a worksheet below.

Literacy Planner

Literacy Tasks 1st February

Numeracy and Maths Planner

Square and Triangle Numeracy and Maths 1st February

IDL Timetable and associated resources for this week.

Moneywise links are in the timetable and other suggestions are in parents post above this one.

IDL and other 1st February

IDL Task 1 Powerpoint

City of Glasgo

RE Tasks



Blue Star of David Colouring Sheet-re-004-places-of-

Alternative List Planner 

Alternative Planner 1st Feb

Lego Challenge -linked to IDL choice

lego choice grid




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