Kildrum Primary School

Severe Weather

What should the children bring to school in severe weather conditions?

Most children enjoy playing in the snow. However, they don’t enjoy sitting in wet clothes so it’s really helpful if they can bring a spare pair of socks, indoor shoes, wellingtons and a warm waterproof jacket.

Why would the school need to be closed?

North Lanarkshire schools will only be closed in circumstances where there are justified concerns for the safety of pupils and staff. The decision to close the school is made in consultation with members of the North Lanarkshire Learning and Leisure directorate.

How will we know that the school has been closed?

Information about school closures can be found on:

The North Lanarkshire website – (click on “Winter services” then on “Winter schools daily update”)

Twitter – @NLCWinter and @NLCPeople

Facebook – @NLCFacebook

The school website –

The school Twitter feed – @kildrum_ps

Local radio

Plans may alter with changing circumstances and these media sources should be monitored for up to date information.

In the event that the school is required to close early an attempt will be made to text parents/carers. However, when every school in North Lanarkshire texts at the same time messages may not get through. Please ensure that you keep checking the media listed above. If you do get a message it would be helpful if you would let other parents know what is happening.

 Please ensure that the school office has up to date mobile phone numbers for you and all emergency contact.

What happens when the school has to close early?

Parents/carers will be asked to collect their children. All children must be collected by their parents/carers or one of their emergency contacts. This means that we are not allowed to send children home with their friends’ parents unless they are listed as one of their emergency contacts. Therefore, parents/carers may wish to up date the school office with details of emergency contacts.

School staff will remain in the school until all children have been collected.

How can learning continue during school closures?

It is possible for children to continue to learn while they are off school. If they have access to a computer there are many resources that can support learning.

Some ideas can be found on:

The North Lanarkshire website – (click on “Schools and Learning” then “More about our schools” then “School policies and guidelines” and then “School Closures”)

Playing is a valuable learning experience so, if it’s safe, go and play in the snow: build a snowman, go sledging, take some photographs but remember to wrap up warm.

The booklets below contain ideas on how you can support your child’s learning while they are away from school. This information is specific to their class.

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 1

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 2

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 3

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 4

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 5

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 6

Severe Weather Booklet Primary 7

What do I do if I have more questions?

Please contact the school: 01236 632098

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