Kildrum Primary School

Our Vision

Our vision statement is:

Kildrum Primary, achieving everyone’s potential.  Be the best you can be!


Our core values were agreed to be:

Respect, Achievement, Aspiration, Responsibility, Resilience


As a result of our vision and values, our aims are:

  • To create a happy, inclusive, safe and nurturing learning environment, where everyone’s rights are respected.
  • To create personalised opportunities to develop our children’s self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing.
  • To work together to create opportunities for our learners to develop as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
  • To develop a progressive, challenging and meaningful curriculum and provide learning experiences that enable all learners to develop skills for learning, life and work.
  • To establish effective partnerships between school and home, partner agencies and the wider community to support our children and empower them to have high aspirations for themselves and the school as a whole.
  • To foster an ethos of achievement for all by celebrating personal achievements within and beyond the school community.


In Kildrum, parents/carers are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s education, supporting him/her to meet the changes each new school year brings and also being involved in the overall life of the school.  Every child deserves to be happy in school.  Together we can achieve this and help our children meet new challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.


We are proud of our reputation for good practice across the curriculum and continue to look for ways to further improve.  Kildrum Primary is a great school and we constantly endeavour to make it even better.

I look forward to working with you all.

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