Category Archives: news



Tuesday 29 August marked our S2 trip to Prestwick Aerospace STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week.  It was a fantastic event where pupils got the chance to participate in various STEM workshops, exhibitions and interactive games.

They started the day as Astro-school students and learned how the Hubble telescope is used to find new planets.  Next, it was off to the concourse to build and race land yachts.  Pupils worked in teams, with help from Glasgow Science Centre, to design models using Lego.  Well done to the winning team of Ewan Logie, Abby Dunn, Katelyne Tate and Robbie Neill who even managed to beat the teachers hands down!  Finally, our S2s donned white lab coats and became forensic scientists for the afternoon.  Led by researchers from the University of Strathclyde, they used the latest techniques to find the culprit of a crime.

Our pupils were able to see how their STEM subjects could be used in careers in the aviation, aerospace and space industries.  A great day was had by all!

See pics below:


The Parent Council would like to invite you along to their forthcoming event which will take place on Friday 6 October. Doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Come and grab a bargain with many High Street names with 50% off with clothing available to try on and buy on the night. There will be a raffle with lots of fantastic prizes to be won. Tickets cost £5 and include a “refreshment”, available from the school office. Come along and support your local High School.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @


School News


Greenfaulds High School welcomes back all staff and pupils after the summer holidays.

NEW SESSION: First Year Pupils

The start of the school year has begun particularly smoothly with Greenfaulds welcoming the new first year pupils to the school. All the new pupils seem to have settled quickly and well into the school’s daily routine. With all new pupils looking extremely smart in their new uniforms the school would like to thank parents for their support in promoting a positive ethos by helping enforce the school’s dress code.


The English Department would like to make young writers aware of a great opportunity to develop their own creative skills and meet others who share their interests. For more information, please visit We would love to know if you decide to get involved!

Parents and Carers are also welcome to check out the ‘Parent Zone’ page of the English Department’s website for information on course structures and assessment, as advice with how to help with Critical Writing at home. Supplementary homework tasks are also available on the site.


Ms Beach and Ms Morrow would love to see pupils at their Geography club which takes place every Wednesday at lunchtime in F044. Activities will include designing and creating your own volcanoes, creating your own recycling bins and trips. These are just a few things that we have in mind and we look forward to seeing you there.


S1 lunch club is now on for first years in G092. This is a supervised club that’s on each day where first years can bring their lunch and play games and meet new people. Hope to see you there.

Breakfast club is now up and running for all pupils at 8.30 am each morning in G091. Pick up something to eat and meet up with friends. See you there.


All music and drama clubs have now begun, as follows:

Monday lunchtime                 – Vocal Group, all welcome

Tuesday lunchtime                 – Music Practice Club

Wednesday lunchtime            – S1/2 Drama Club

– School of Rock Club

Wednesday after school         – Junior, Senior and Trad Bands

– Higher Drama supported study

Thursday lunchtime               – Music Practice Club

Thursday after school            – Pantomime Group

See your teacher for more details!


Below you will find a list of Exra Curriculur clubs which are available. If you are interested in joining any of these please come along and/or speak to your P.E teacher.


Trampolining Lunchtime (starting next term)

S1-3 Football Lunchtime

Badminton Lunchtime


Volleyball Afterschool (3.45-4.45)


Dance  Lunchtime

Cycling Lunchtime

Volleyball Lunchtime

Girls Football After School

S3-6 Netball Afterschool


Gymnastics Lunchtime

S1/2 Netball (Lunchtime)

Pupils & parents can get more information by following us on instagram & twitter at: GHSpedepartment


As can be seen from the sample above, Greenfaulds will be offering a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @

A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld

A special project sponsored by the Heritage Lottery Fund with £10,000 of ‘Stories, Stones and Bones’ 2017 Funding

The mosaics that Art & Design pupils and staff created with the assistance of the artist Alan Potter in May were installed on the front exterior of the school in July. The finished mosaics look fantastic! Look out for the plaque with the names of everyone who contributed to this part of the HLF Roman-themed project.

Remember, 2017 is the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology!

A Sense of Place is inspired by two local heritage sites: the Antonine Wall and Bar Hill Roman fort. You can find out about these UNESCO World Heritage sites at the website

Miss Armstrong visited Alan Potter at his studio in June to see the mosaics as they neared completion. She took some photographs of the mosaics in the artist’s studio and some as they were being installed at the school. The studio visit gave her a valuable insight into the working methods of an artist renowned throughout the UK for his mosaics, sculpture and paintings. You can see these photographs and many more of the pupils and their mosaics on the GHS Art & Design website.

This session, S1-6 pupils throughout the Art & Design department will take part in different practical activities which will allow them to learn about Roman culture and the Roman presence in Cumbernauld. Activities include drawing and painting, ceramics and printmaking. The Scottish artist and illustrator Kate Leiper is going to visit the school to hold a day’s workshop with twenty S1 pupils on Monday 11th September, which will help them create characters for an illustrated brochure about the local heritage sites. A workshop (Roman feast wall art) will be held at Redburn School in September or October to help the pupils there learn more about the Romans too. From term two onwards, exhibitions of the pupils’ artworks will take place in Greenfaulds High School and at the local museum in Cumbernauld to engage the wider community with their local heritage. The Art & Design department look forward to seeing you at these HLF Scotland sponsored exhibitions!

A big thank you to Alan Potter for his wonderful designs for the mosaics and for assisting the Art & Design pupils with their mosaic-making! Thanks go to the Heritage Lottery Fund also for providing the funds needed for the project – it has been an amazing experience.

A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld

Below are some links to a special project sponsored by the Heritage Lottery Fund with £10,000 of ‘Stories, Stones and Bones’ 2017 Funding:

A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld

The mosaics that Art & Design pupils and staff created with the assistance of the artist Alan Potter in May were installed on the front exterior of the school in July. The finished mosaics look fantastic! Look out for the plaque with the names of everyone who contributed to this part of the HLF Roman-themed project.

Below are some links that tell the story behind the progress of this fantastic project

May: A Selection Of Images as Pupils Start the Mosaics

May: Creating the Mosaics

June: Pupils Learn about Roman Culture 

July: The installation of the Mosaics


A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld





A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld

A special project sponsored by the HLF Scotland

S1-S6 Art & Design pupils enjoyed finding out about the Roman presence in Scotland, especially in the Cumbernauld area, during a series of visits to Bar Hill Roman fort and the Antonine Wall, The National Museum for Scotland, Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, and The Hunterian Museum. These trips all took place in June and were fully funded by a generous ‘Stories, Stones and Bones’ grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund Scotland as part of The Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology 2017.

The local heritage sites identified for the project were Bar Hill Fort and the Antonine Wall, which lie a few miles from Greenfaulds High School near Twechar and Croy. A small group of fourteen S1-S4 pupils visited these heritage sites on Thursday 15th June for the afternoon. Along with Mrs Macdonald and Miss Armstrong, pupils walked to Bar Hill fort from the access route at Twechar. The fort is at the highest point on the Antonine wall and pupils had to climb up a steep hill to reach the site. Pupils took part in a scavenger hunt and they had to explore the fort and read the information displays to find out more about Bar Hill and the Antonine Wall, which are part of the Roman frontier and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Today, little remains of the fort and the wall. The wall was constructed from turf with a stone foundation in AD 142, and when the Romans abandoned the fort they dismantled a lot of it. Archaeologists in the late 1970s/early 1980s found building columns and wooden beams had been thrown into the well of the fort and they also unearthed lots of other objects too, such as leather shoes, coins, amphora and alters. Many of these artefacts can be seen in The Hunterian museum in Glasgow.

The pupils found out lots of facts about the fort and the wall. For example, they were built by the Twentieth and Second Legions in the reign of Emperor Antonius Pius. The wall stretched for 37 miles across Scotland, running from the Clyde in the west to the Firth of Forth in the east. By visiting the site, the pupils discovered that different parts of the fort are still visible, such as the principia (headquarters), bath house, and well. At the end of the trip, they walked along the remains of the Antonine Wall towards Croy, just missing the rain shower! Well done to Erin More (S2) and Niomi Lee (S2) for winning the scavenger hunt!

On Monday 19th June twenty-nine S1-S6 pupils visited the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh with Miss Armstrong, Mr Daniels, Mrs Macdonald and Mrs O’Neill. Pupils visited the Early People gallery and took part in a series of teacher-led Roman artefact handling sessions and then drew Roman artefacts, such as cavalry masks, amphora and coins. The National Museum of Scotland had lots of artefacts and displays which provided information about the Roman presence in Scotland. Pupils saw lots of Celtic and Pictish artefacts in the Early People gallery also, and later visited the rest of the museum to see the artefacts and displays – everything from world cultures to natural history to technology! Pupils had a great day out and their drawings of Roman artefacts were brilliant. Congratulations to Alex Gordon (S2), April Chapman (S3), and Jamie Buttenshaw (S4) for winning prizes for their drawings!

On Tuesday 20th June thirty-four S1-S6 pupils visited Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum and The Hunterian Museum with Miss Armstrong, Mr Daniels and Mrs Macdonald. Pupils were given an informative guided tour of Rome’s Final Frontier exhibition at The Hunterian Museum by Liz D’Arcy (student of Classical Civilisation and Celtic Studies at The University of Glasgow) in the morning and afternoon, and they saw objects which had been found at Bar Hill fort and the Antonine Wall near Greenfaulds High School. These artefacts included statues and distance slabs with Latin inscriptions. They also visited Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and enjoyed seeing the artefacts and artwork on display there, including watercolours by Joseph Crawhall and oil paintings by Henry Matisse, Vincent van Gogh and S.J. Peploe.

You can find out more about the Antonine Wall at the website

Next session, S2-6 pupils throughout the Art & Design department will take part in different practical activities which will allow them to learn about Roman culture and the Roman presence in Cumbernauld. Activities include drawing and painting, ceramics and printmaking (August-March). The Scottish artist and illustrator Kate Leiper is going to visit the school to hold a day’s workshop with pupils in August, which will help them create characters for an illustrated brochure about the local heritage sites, and a workshop (Roman feast wall art) will be held at Redburn School to help the pupils there learn more about the Romans too. From term two onwards, exhibitions of the pupils’ artworks will take place in Greenfaulds High School and at the local museum in Cumbernauld to engage the wider community with their local heritage. The Art & Design department look forward to seeing you at these HLF Scotland sponsored exhibitions!




Awards Ceremonies

Greenfaulds High School held their Awards Ceremonies and a Celebrating Success event on Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June to celebrate our pupils’ achievements. The awards included Outstanding Attainment in Subjects, Youth Achievement Awards and Significant Contribution to the School Community through Leadership and Citizenship. The school band was present at the Awards Ceremonies and our talented soloists performed on stage to a captivated audience. Thanks to our inspiring guest speakers: Mr McMurtie from Rights Respecting Schools and Kieran Aitken from Orbit Enterprise.

 Trip to Ecuador

On Friday 16 June, eleven pupils and two members of staff from Greenfaulds have left for a trip of a lifetime to Ecuador. They are spending a week in the tropical rainforest taking part in important ecological surveys. The results are to be used to convince the Ecuadorian government about the importance of preserving these wild regions.

The party are then making their way to the Galapagos Islands where they will take part in further research projects aimed at protecting marine environments.

Everyone is really excited about the trip and the positive contribution they can make to conservation in these remote areas.

Greenfaulds Geography 30 Days Wild   #adventuresoutside

Greenfaulds High School is taking part the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild- the UK’s first ever month long nature challenge. The idea behind this challenge is to do something wild in the outdoors each day for the month of June. You can climb a hill, take a photo or plant a wild garden.

As our school breaks up near the end of the month the competition in GHS will run from May 25th to June 23rd. Pupils will be issued with a checklist of tasks to complete within the 30 days; the first three S1 pupils to complete all of the tasks (with a photo as evidence) will take home prizes. If no pupil has completed all tasks by Friday June 23rd, then the pupil with the most challenges completed will be announced as the winner on Monday June 26th.

Pupils should document their adventures with a photo as evidence – or they can tweet @GHSGeography with their name, task number and the #GHSwildchallenge


The school closes for the Summer Holidays on Wednesday 28th June at 1:00pm.  Buses have been arranged for 12:30pm.  Lunch will be available at 12 noon.



Trip to Ecuador

On Friday 16 June, eleven pupils and two members of staff from Greenfaulds are leaving on the trip of a lifetime to Ecuador. They are spending a week in the tropical rainforest taking part in important ecological surveys. The results are to be used to convince the Ecuadorian government about the importance of preserving these wild regions.

The party are then making their way to the Galapagos Islands where they will take part in further research projects aimed at protecting marine environments.

Everyone is really excited about the trip and the positive contribution they can make to conservation in these remote areas.

Performing Arts

Last week the Greenfaulds High Performing Arts faculty went on their annual ‘Grand Tour’ of our associated primaries. This ever-popular event was highly anticipated by both the primary school and high school pupils and on Monday morning, no fewer than 90 performers and a whole array of instruments, from xylophones, to accordions and even a flat pack drum-kit were loaded onto 4 buses to begin 3 days’ worth of concerts at Baird Memorial, Woodlands, Eastfield, Condorrat, Westfield and Ravenswood Primaries. This year’s tour featured FOUR bands – the Junior Band, Traditional Band, Jazz Band and Senior Band – plus the cast of our show ‘Hairspray’.

The Junior Band, featuring woodwind, brass and percussion players from S1 – S3, kicked of the first concert in style with the song ‘Best Day of Our Lives’ which got the primary kids singing along from the outset and let the P6 and P7s see the types of instruments that they themselves could begin playing next year. The traditional band followed with a quieter acoustic set, of which ‘The Star of County Down’ was really popular. The show cast then gave primary pupils a sneak preview of some of the songs from this year’s show ‘Hairspray’, which included some incredible soloists (and stand-in soloists), upbeat singing and energetic dancing – get your tickets now for the shows on Wed 21st, Thu 22nd and Fri 23rd, available from the school office, before they sell out!

The Senior Band showed off their new percussion section and even got the primary pupils to help play the tubular bells in their version of Bruno Mars’ – ‘Marry You’! Finally the Jazz Band ended each concert in style with the big singalong numbers ‘The Bare Necessities’ and ‘We Are Family’. With audience members giving comments such as “This was the best concert yet” and “This was the best example of a transition event I’ve seen”, we think it’s safe to say the tour was a resounding success and we WILL be back next year!

Greenfaulds Geography 30 Days Wild   #adventuresoutside

Greenfaulds High School is taking part the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild- the UK’s first ever month long nature challenge. The idea behind this challenge is to do something wild in the outdoors each day for the month of June. You can climb a hill, take a photo or plant a wild garden.

As our school breaks up near the end of the month the competition in GHS will run from May 25th to June 23rd. Pupils will be issued with a checklist of tasks to complete within the 30 days; the first three S1 pupils to complete all of the tasks (with a photo as evidence) will take home prizes. If no pupil has completed all tasks by Friday June 23rd, then the pupil with the most challenges completed will be announced as the winner on Monday June 26th.

Pupils should document their adventures with a photo as evidence – or they can tweet @GHSGeography with their name, task number and the #GHSwildchallenge

Greenfaulds High School Art and Design Department

2017 is the year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and the Art and Design Department at GHS have been successful with a heritage lottery fund bid for Stories, Stones and Bones sharing heritage funding. The amount of the bid is £10,000.

The Art & Design project is called ‘A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld’ and the key local heritage sites are Bar Hill Roman Fort and the Antonine Wall. The Art & Design department are looking forward to taking pupils on trips to see the Roman fort and Antonine Wall, as well as Roman artefacts in collections at the Hunterian Museum and the National Museum of Scotland. A main part of the project will involve S1-S3 pupils creating a series of large mosaics with the Scottish artist Alan Potter (for display at GHS). Pupils will also be working with Scottish artist Kate Leiper to create illustrations for an illustrated brochure about the heritage sites and the Roman presence in Cumbernauld. The grant will also provide materials for Roman-themed printmaking, illustration and pottery activities for hundreds of S1-S6 pupils at GHS, and staff and pupils at GHS are also looking forward to creating some artworks with pupils at Redburn School. Everyone is excited about showcasing the project at the local Cumbernauld Museum and in special exhibitions at GHS throughout the next year, engaging the local community with their heritage.


Looking further ahead to the end of the month, school closes for the Summer Holidays on Wednesday 28th June at 1:00pm.  Buses have been arranged for 12:30pm.  Lunch will be available at 12 noon.

Dates for the Dairy

14th June – Awards Ceremony S4-6

15th June – Graduation Prom

16th June – Awards Ceremony S1-3



Primary 7 Visit

Primary 7 pupils attended Greenfaulds for their two day visit last week.

Staff at Greenfaulds had prepared a range of interesting lessons for the P7s. The children reported that they thoroughly enjoyed their experiences in the various subject areas. The Primary 7 pupils were fantastic during the visit. We wish them well in their final weeks of primary school and look forward to seeing them when they return in August as pupils of Greenfaulds High School.

Performing Arts

Last week the Greenfaulds High Performing Arts faculty went on their annual ‘Grand Tour’ of our associated primaries. This ever-popular event was highly anticipated by both the primary school and high school pupils and on Monday morning, no fewer than 90 performers and a whole array of instruments, from xylophones, to accordions and even a flat pack drum-kit were loaded onto 4 buses to begin 3 days’ worth of concerts at Baird Memorial, Woodlands, Eastfield, Condorrat, Westfield and Ravenswood Primaries. This year’s tour featured FOUR bands – the Junior Band, Traditional Band, Jazz Band and Senior Band – plus the cast of our show ‘Hairspray’.

The Junior Band, featuring woodwind, brass and percussion players from S1 – S3, kicked of the first concert in style with the song ‘Best Day of Our Lives’ which got the primary kids singing along from the outset and let the P6 and P7s see the types of instruments that they themselves could begin playing next year. The traditional band followed with a quieter acoustic set, of which ‘The Star of County Down’ was really popular. The show cast then gave primary pupils a sneak preview of some of the songs from this year’s show ‘Hairspray’, which included some incredible soloists (and stand-in soloists), upbeat singing and energetic dancing – get your tickets now for the shows on Wed 21st, Thu 22nd and Fri 23rd, available from the school office, before they sell out!

The Senior Band showed off their new percussion section and even got the primary pupils to help play the tubular bells in their version of Bruno Mars’ – ‘Marry You’! Finally the Jazz Band ended each concert in style with the big singalong numbers ‘The Bare Necessities’ and ‘We Are Family’. With audience members giving comments such as “This was the best concert yet” and “This was the best example of a transition event I’ve seen”, we think it’s safe to say the tour was a resounding success and we WILL be back next year!

Modern Languages Awards

This year North Lanarkshire Council hosted the very first Modern Languages Awards Ceremony for 1+2 learning in the Broad General Education.  The faculty of Modern Languages and Gaelic at Greenfaulds High School submitted nominations for each category. 5 of our pupils were successful in reaching the final stages within their categories and we were invited to attend the awards ceremony on Tuesday 23rd May at Airdrie Stadium. We are delighted that all 5 pupils won the award for their category, as well as our Spanish language assistant Andrés. This is a result of hard work, enthusiasm and dedication on their part. We are very proud of them! Well done.

The winners are:

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S1 – Emily Jardine

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S2 – Alastair Condie

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S3 – Hanna Dyer

Language Ambassador of the year S3 –Ava MacKinnon

Most Improved Language Learner of the Year S3 – Luke McAllen

Language Assistant of the Year – Andrés Rodriguez

Greenfaulds Geography 30 Days Wild   #adventuresoutside

Greenfaulds High School is taking part the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild- the UK’s first ever month long nature challenge. The idea behind this challenge is to do something wild in the outdoors each day for the month of June. You can climb a hill, take a photo or plant a wild garden.

As our school breaks up near the end of the month the competition in GHS will run from May 25th to June 23rd. Pupils will be issued with a checklist of tasks to complete within the 30 days; the first three S1 pupils to complete all of the tasks (with a photo as evidence) will take home prizes. If no pupil has completed all tasks by Friday June 23rd, then the pupil with the most challenges completed will be announced as the winner on Monday June 26th.

Pupils should document their adventures with a photo as evidence – or they can tweet @GHSGeography with their name, task number and the #GHSwildchallenge

Language Perfect World Championships

GHS Modern Languages department is delighted to, once again, have officially the best languages students in Scotland – or at least the most competitive! Once again our brilliant students have topped Scotland’s rankings in this year’s Language Perfect World Championships. The LPWC, held from 15th – 25th May, is the world’s largest online language-learning competition, with students from all over the world clocking up hundreds of thousands of hours online, answering over 200 million questions over the ten-day period.

This was the 5th year that Greenfaulds has participated and we certainly did it in style, spending a combined 307 hours online, answering a whopping 300 758 questions and earning an admirable 53 certificates in the process! Sam James, 2PA, was not only the top student in the school with 10 012 points, but also top in Scotland and 25th in the whole of the UK! Here is the full Leader Board of winners:

S3: Chloe Hawthorne, Conor Smith, Michael Ward

S2: Sam James, Emma Adams, Jay Brown

S1: Fraser Young, Emma Prach, Finlay Hawthorne

These pupils will receive a prize from the school to reward them for their efforts. The rest of the pupils who competed also have a chance at prizes: for every 100 points earned, a pupil’s name will be entered once into the departmental prize draw, to be drawn imminently, and winners will each receive a £10 voucher.

Overall the competition was a complete success, thoroughly enjoyed by all who took advantage of the chance to use the fantastic Language Perfect software to improve their language skills. A lot of positive feedback was received – “Learning Spanish is so easy on here” (Caitlin Curthoys, S1); “This is a fun programme where you can learn but also compete to see who learns the most. I would like to thank my ML teachers that brought this up and giving me a chance,” (Robbie Neill, S1). We hope that next year’s assault on the World Championships can be even bigger and better!

For more info about the competition or the software, contact Miss Deans or visit

STV Children’s Appeal fundraiser event

Sean Batty visited Greenfaulds High School on Friday 19th May as part of the STV Children’s Appeal fundraiser event.

Sean visited the school from 10.30-11.30 in order to participate in a challenge. His challenge was to learn how to deliver a weather forecast in Gaelic. He was taught how to do this by one of our pupils, Eilidh Simpson.

We received sponsorship from our partners Morrison Construction, who printed a Gaelic phrase book which we produced. A large number of copies of the phrase book were printed and are still available from the school.

The event, attended by pupils from Condorrat Primary School as well as S1-3 pupils from Greenfaulds High School was filmed for STV children’s appeal programming.

Sean was a great sport as he learned a whole host of new phrases in Gaelic. His pronunciation was excellent and his enthusiasm for the challenge was clear for all to see!

Greenfaulds High School Art and Design Department

2017 is the year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and the Art and Design Department at GHS have been successful with a heritage lottery fund bid for Stories, Stones and Bones sharing heritage funding. The amount of the bid is £10,000.

The Art & Design project is called ‘A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld’ and the key local heritage sites are Bar Hill Roman Fort and the Antonine Wall. The Art & Design department are looking forward to taking pupils on trips to see the Roman fort and Antonine Wall, as well as Roman artefacts in collections at the Hunterian Museum and the National Museum of Scotland. A main part of the project will involve S1-S3 pupils creating a series of large mosaics with the Scottish artist Alan Potter (for display at GHS). Pupils will also be working with Scottish artist Kate Leiper to create illustrations for an illustrated brochure about the heritage sites and the Roman presence in Cumbernauld. The grant will also provide materials for Roman-themed printmaking, illustration and pottery activities for hundreds of S1-S6 pupils at GHS, and staff and pupils at GHS are also looking forward to creating some artworks with pupils at Redburn School. Everyone is excited about showcasing the project at the local Cumbernauld Museum and in special exhibitions at GHS throughout the next year, engaging the local community with their heritage.

Dates for the Dairy

9th June – S1 Reports issued

14th June – Awards Ceremony S4-6

15th June – Graduation Prom

16th June – Awards Ceremony S1-3



Modern Languages Awards

This year North Lanarkshire Council hosted the very first Modern Languages Awards Ceremony for 1+2 learning in the Broad General Education.  The faculty of Modern Languages and Gaelic at Greenfaulds High School submitted nominations for each category. 5 of our pupils were successful in reaching the final stages within their categories and we were invited to attend the awards ceremony on Tuesday 23rd May at Airdrie Stadium. We are delighted that all 5 pupils won the award for their category, as well as our Spanish language assistant Andrés. This is a result of hard work, enthusiasm and dedication on their part. We are very proud of them! Well done.

The winners are:

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S1 – Emily Jardine

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S2 – Alastair Condie

Outstanding Language Learner of the year S3 – Hanna Dyer

Language Ambassador of the year S3 –Ava MacKinnon

Most Improved Language Learner of the Year S3 – Luke McAllen

Language Assistant of the Year – Andrés Rodriguez

Greenfaulds Geography 30 Days Wild   #adventuresoutside

Greenfaulds High School is taking part the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild- the UK’s first ever month long nature challenge. The idea behind this challenge is to do something wild in the outdoors each day for the month of June. You can climb a hill, take a photo or plant a wild garden.

As our school breaks up near the end of the month the competition in GHS will run from May 25th to June 23rd. Pupils will be issued with a checklist of tasks to complete within the 30 days; the first three S1 pupils to complete all of the tasks (with a photo as evidence) will take home prizes. If no pupil has completed all tasks by Friday June 23rd, then the pupil with the most challenges completed will be announced as the winner on Monday June 26th.

Pupils should document their adventures with a photo as evidence – or they can tweet @GHSGeography with their name, task number and the #GHSwildchallenge

Language Perfect World Championships

GHS Modern Languages department is delighted to, once again, have officially the best languages students in Scotland – or at least the most competitive! Once again our brilliant students have topped Scotland’s rankings in this year’s Language Perfect World Championships. The LPWC, held from 15th – 25th May, is the world’s largest online language-learning competition, with students from all over the world clocking up hundreds of thousands of hours online, answering over 200 million questions over the ten-day period.

This was the 5th year that Greenfaulds has participated and we certainly did it in style, spending a combined 307 hours online, answering a whopping 300 758 questions and earning an admirable 53 certificates in the process! Sam James, 2PA, was not only the top student in the school with 10 012 points, but also top in Scotland and 25th in the whole of the UK! Here is the full Leader Board of winners:

S3: Chloe Hawthorne, Conor Smith, Michael Ward

S2: Sam James, Emma Adams, Jay Brown

S1: Fraser Young, Emma Prach, Finlay Hawthorne

These pupils will receive a prize from the school to reward them for their efforts. The rest of the pupils who competed also have a chance at prizes: for every 100 points earned, a pupil’s name will be entered once into the departmental prize draw, to be drawn imminently, and winners will each receive a £10 voucher.

Overall the competition was a complete success, thoroughly enjoyed by all who took advantage of the chance to use the fantastic Language Perfect software to improve their language skills. A lot of positive feedback was received – “Learning Spanish is so easy on here” (Caitlin Curthoys, S1); “This is a fun programme where you can learn but also compete to see who learns the most. I would like to thank my ML teachers that brought this up and giving me a chance,” (Robbie Neill, S1). We hope that next year’s assault on the World Championships can be even bigger and better!

For more info about the competition or the software, contact Miss Deans or visit


On the 16 May, 40 of our S1 Geographers went to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs for the day to reinforce their learning on Scotland. They all did fantastic and managed to climb to the summit of Conic Hill, which gave them an iconic view of Loch Lomond itself.

In the afternoon we visited the tourist centre of Loch Lomond shores, where pupils got to learning about marine and freshwater creatures in the Sea Life Centre.

STV Children’s Appeal fundraiser event

Sean Batty visited Greenfaulds High School on Friday 19th May as part of the STV Children’s Appeal fundraiser event.

Sean visited the school from 10.30-11.30 in order to participate in a challenge. His challenge was to learn how to deliver a weather forecast in Gaelic. He was taught how to do this by one of our pupils, Eilidh Simpson.

We received sponsorship from our partners Morrison Construction, who printed a Gaelic phrase book which we produced. A large number of copies of the phrase book were printed and are still available from the school.

The event, attended by pupils from Condorrat Primary School as well as S1-3 pupils from Greenfaulds High School was filmed for STV children’s appeal programming.

Sean was a great sport as he learned a whole host of new phrases in Gaelic. His pronunciation was excellent and his enthusiasm for the challenge was clear for all to see!

Greenfaulds High School Art and Design Department

2017 is the year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and the Art and Design Department at GHS have been successful with a heritage lottery fund bid for Stories, Stones and Bones sharing heritage funding. The amount of the bid is £10,000.

The Art & Design project is called ‘A Sense of Place: The Roman Presence in Cumbernauld’ and the key local heritage sites are Bar Hill Roman Fort and the Antonine Wall. The Art & Design department are looking forward to taking pupils on trips to see the Roman fort and Antonine Wall, as well as Roman artefacts in collections at the Hunterian Museum and the National Museum of Scotland. A main part of the project will involve S1-S3 pupils creating a series of large mosaics with the Scottish artist Alan Potter (for display at GHS). Pupils will also be working with Scottish artist Kate Leiper to create illustrations for an illustrated brochure about the heritage sites and the Roman presence in Cumbernauld. The grant will also provide materials for Roman-themed printmaking, illustration and pottery activities for hundreds of S1-S6 pupils at GHS, and staff and pupils at GHS are also looking forward to creating some artworks with pupils at Redburn School. Everyone is excited about showcasing the project at the local Cumbernauld Museum and in special exhibitions at GHS throughout the next year, engaging the local community with their heritage.


Duke of Edinburgh Awards

We have a record number of pupils participating in the Duke of Edinburgh awards this year, and most weeks in May and June there is expeditions out from the school. The pupils this year are also participating in a mountaineering day trip, either up Ben Lomond or Ben Ledi. Here are our first group on the summit of Ben Ledi on 11th May.

All Duke of Edinburgh candidates are working towards the Nationally Recognised Certificate- the John Muir award, where they need to Explore, Discover and Conserve a wild area and share their learning with others.

The school would like to congratulate the pupils on the enthusiasm and motivation they are showing on expedition and on the hill walks.

SQA Examination Study Leave

Registration for most S4/5/6 pupils will be suspended from Tuesday 2nd May with the exception of pupils who have been identified as sitting no national examinations. Therefore, for those sitting exams, their last day in school will be Friday 28th April. Pupils not sitting exams will be expected to attend school as normal and provision for this period will be provided. The last day of study leave for pupils sitting examinations will be Friday 2nd of June.

Pupils will only be marked absent if they fail to attend for an examination. Pupils who wish to study in school during exam leave should sign in and out at the reception desk.

All pupils moving from S4 to S5 next session will collect their timetable for 5th Year at an assembly on Monday the 5th of June at 9.30am in the assembly hall. All pupils moving from S5 to S6 next session will collect their timetable for 6th Year at an assembly on Monday 5th of June at 11.30am in the assembly hall. The new timetable will effectively start for Senior Pupils at 8.55am on Tuesday the 6th of June.

The 31st of May will be the official leaving date for any S4 pupils eligible to leave and wishing to do so. Please note any pupil wishing to leave requires to complete a leaver’s form before this can be officially approved. Leaver’s forms can be obtained from the school just prior to the 31st of May. S6 pupils should fill out a leavers form on the day of their last exam.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope this clarifies the position regarding the educational provision for your child over the next few weeks prior to the timetable change.

All pupils who are sitting SQA examinations will be issued with an individual examination timetable. Please ensure pupils keep their examination timetable safe and arrive 15 minutes before every exam begins.

Pupils must wear school uniform at all times when in the school building and deposit any mobile technology at the office prior to entering an exam or risk exclusion from the exam.

Finally, good luck.

Dates for the Dairy

1st and 2nd June Primary 7 visits to the school

5 June – New timetable begins. S5/6 Induction day

9th June – S1 Reports issued

14th June – Awards Ceremony S4-6

15th June – Graduation Prom

16th June – Awards Ceremony S1-3