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Aithne Gaelic Heritage Project

Over the last session pupils and staff have been working incredibly hard on the Aithne Gaelic Heritage Project to create some wonderful mosaics with the help of artist Alan Potter.

These mosaics are meant to make Gaelic heritage and culture more visible and valued. Hopefully, you will see them around the school and realise how special our community really is. Well done to the GME and Art & Design students involved in their creation. You have done an amazing job!

With special thanks to The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Below are some presentations highlighting the work and translations of Cumbernauld towns in Gaelic.

Mosaics Presentation

Gaelic place names in Cumbernauld

Translation in Gàidhlig

Thairis air an t-seisean a dh’ falbh tha sgoilearan agus luchd-obrach air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh air Pròiseact Dualchas Gàidhlig Aithne gus mosàigean mìorbhaileach a chruthachadh le cuideachadh bhon neach-ealain Alan Potter.

Tha na mosàigean seo airson dualchas is cultar na Gàidhlig a dhèanamh nas fhaicsinniche agus nas luachmhoire. Tha sinn an dòchas gum faic sibh iad timcheall na sgoile agus gun tuig sibh cho sònraichte sa tha ar coimhearsnachd. Gur math a thèid leis na sgoilearan FtG agus Ealain is Deilbh a bha an sàs ann an cruthachadh. Tha sibh air obair iongantach a dhèanamh!

Le taing shònraichte do Mhaoin Dualchais a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta.

Gu h-ìosal tha cuid de thaisbeanaidhean a’ soilleireachadh obair agus eadar-theangachaidhean bailtean Chomar nan Allt sa Ghàidhlig.

Presentations in Gaelic

Translated Gaelic Mosaic Presentation

Translated Gaelic place names in Cumbernauld



Ordering Photographs

All S1, S5 and S6 pupils who had photographs taken yesterday should have brought home a personalised version of the sample form shown here.

This allows you to see thumbnails of the prints if you are considering buying the school photographs. Each pupil has a personalised code on the form to enable private access to view the photographs.

Photos may take a few days to edit and upload onto the Colorfoto website.

If for any reason your child has lost their form you can contact the school office who have a list of the personalised codes.

Please note that all photographs must be ordered online through the company and not the school. The school cannot accept any monies for ordering photographs.

There are a number of options for delivery. It is free if it is sent to the school as part of the full batch or you can pay a delivery fee to have it sent straight to your address. Whilst there is a delivery fee involved for home delivery, this tends to be a quicker method of receiving the photos. It also avoids any potential damage from the point pupils collect the photos in school until they make it home.


School Photographs

* There is no obligation to purchase school photographs*
School photographs for S1 S5 & S6 will take place on Wednesday the 28th of August. The service is provided by Colorfoto who are an established photography company experienced in school photography. The 28th of August is the only date when photographs will take place.
As well as their individual photograph, we offer the new S1 pupils an opportunity to have their photograph taken with any siblings they may have in the school. Please note due to time constraints we have to restrict this to siblings only, not cousins or friends. We also take a S6 year group photo which can be purchased by pupils if they so wish.

If you would like a family photo that includes a new S1 pupil please fill in the form below. You do not need to fill this in for individual S1 photographs. Thanks

* Please note we ask all S5 and S6 pupils to have their photos taken even if they don’t intend to purchase them. This allows us to update our school system with an up to date photo to replace their old S1 photograph.


Aithne Gaelic Heritage Competition Winners

Thank you to everyone who took part in the various competitions.
The standard of work was amazing! Thanks for your participation!

House points have been awarded to every GHS participant
with extra points awarded to our GHS winners and runners-up.

With thanks to the National Lottery players for providing the Heritage Lottery funding for the Aithne Gaelic Heritage project! and for providing the funds for the prizes and certificates for these competitions!

With thanks to the Art & Design staff and Gaelic staff for judging all of the various entries.

Click here to see all the entry winners: Aithne prize winners 2024



S3 into S4 Options Form

Link to Parent Letter: S3 into S4 Options

As pupils prepare to enter the senior phase of their education they will soon be making their choices for what subjects they wish to take forward into S4.

Maths, English, Physical Education, RMPS and PSD form part of the core subjects that all pupils have on their timetable.

Pupils can pick any one of the subjects they selected in S3, other than the core subjects mentioned above to drop from their timetable.

In order to help pupils and parents make the correct choice we have created a padlet which contains many useful resources when thinking about future careers.

Click Here to Access the Padlet   

Below is a link to the options form where pupils will identify the course they wish to drop moving into S4.

Click Here to Access the Option Form

It is important that all pupils discuss this with parents/carers before finalising their choice. If they require any assistance in the process they can also discuss with their Pupil Support teacher.

Deadline is Friday, 1st of March.  Pupils who do not meet the deadline may not get their preferred options.


Aithne: Gaelic Heritage Project Update

Term 2: In October/November 2023 S1-S6 Art & Design and Gaelic pupils enjoyed day trips to The National Museum of Scotland, The Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, The Hunterian Museum, and Loch Lubnaig. It was amazing to see the museum collections and the Scottish art and artefacts, such as paintings, tartan, weaponry, standing stones, and Jacobite glassware. Pupils produced drawings on The National Museum of Scotland trip, and listened to folktales and learnt more about Gaelic place names on the tour around Loch Lubnaig, Ardlui and Balloch. These trips were all made possible with the funding from the Heritage Lottery. A big thank you to all the National Lottery players!

Term 3: At the moment, S1-3 pupils are still learning more about Gaelic heritage and culture and are participating in some competitions, particularly in the Gaelic and Art & Design Departments. The deadline has been extended until the end of February for all competitions: drawing, design, colouring-in, photography, drama, and creative-writing (bi-lingual). Hopefully, there will be entries from our associate primaries and nurseries and local special schools. There have been some brilliant entries submitted so far! Judging will take place in early March, with prizes and certificates awarded shortly afterwards, and there will be an online exhibition featuring winning entries and other entrants.

Term 4: As part of Aithne there will be an illustration event for S1-2 pupils and Gaelic heritage-themed P7 transition events hosted by the Art & Design and Technical Departments in April/May. Hopefully, the mosaics created by GHS pupils and the artist Alan Potter will be installed outside the Gaelic department and the front exterior of the school – it will exciting to see the finished pieces! These mosaics are based on Gaelic folklore and the meaning behind the Gaelic name for Cumbernauld – ‘The Meeting of the Waters’. There is also a small mosaic for the Gaelic pupils at Condorrat Primary school. These mosaics should help to make Scottish Gaelic heritage more visible.

One of the main outcomes of Aithne is to make our Gaelic heritage more valued and we are hoping to create a 360-degree immersive experience for the NLC digital classroom which will showcase our competition winners and work by other entrants.

Click Here To Download the Competition Entrees

This project is sponsored by the Heritage Lottery Fund with a £10,000 grant!

Careers Fayre

The first joint Careers Fayre between Cumbernauld Academy and Greenfaulds High School will be held on Tuesday 16th January at Cumbernauld New Town Hall, Bron Way G67 1DZ between 6 to 8pm. There will be over 50 exhibitors including employers, colleges, universities and the voluntary sector. It is open to all pupils and it would be great to see many of you at the event. A full list of exhibitors will be shared in the New Year. Any questions please contact Mr Proctor at