Gàidhlig Provision

At Greenfaulds High School, we seek to offer the best possible Gaelic educational experience for all our students.  Our unique Gaelic Department is the sole secondary school deliverer of a Gaelic Medium curriculum within North Lanarkshire.

Aig Àrdsgoil Greenfaulds tha e na phrìomhachas dhuinn ionnsachadh cho math sa ghabhas a thoirt seachad do ar sgoilearan.  Tha Roinn na Gàidhlig air leth ann an sgìre Lannraig a Tuath leis gur e Àrdsgoil Greenfaulds an aon sgoil a’ tabhainn Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

Gàidhlig and Gaelic Language for Learners

At Greenfaulds High School, we are at the forefront of Gaelic medium education within North Lanarkshire, and it is our intention to offer the best possible Gaelic educational experience for all our young people.

Aig Àrdsgoil Greenfaulds tha sinn aig aghaidh foghlaim tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Lannraig a Tuath, agus ’s e ar amas ionnsachadh Ghàidhlig cho math ’s a ghabhas a thoirt seachad do ar luchd-ionnsachaidh air fad.

With five members of staff, we offer a wide range of subjects including Gàidhlig and Gaelic (Learners) as well as Geography, Modern Studies, History, Science, Art and English through the medium of Gaelic.  Teachers visit all cluster primary schools weekly to support their delivery of Gaelic as a second or third language.

Le còig tidsearan, tha sinn a’ tabhann farsaingeachd de chuspairean, a bharrachd air Gàidhlig agus Gaelic (Learners), tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.  Nam measg, tha Cruinn-eòlas, Nuadh-eòlas, Eachdraidh, Saidheans, Ealain agus Beurla.  Tha tidsearan a’ tadhal air na sia bun-sgoiltean a tha ceangailte ri Àrdsgoil Greenfaulds gach seachdain gus Gàidhlig mar chuspair a bharrachd a thabhainn do sgoilearan.

Amongst the many extra-curricular opportunities for young people, we offer sports clubs, drama and media clubs and traditional band amongst many more.  Gaelic speaking pupils at Greenfaulds High School engage with the wider Gaelic speaking community.  We work with pupils and partners not only within our own school, but on an inter-authority level with opportunities such as our annual Gaelic Conference.

Am measg nan iomadh chothroman taobh a-muigh a’ churraicealam, tha sinn a’ tabhainn clubaichean spòrs, dràma agus meadhanan, agus còmhlan-ciùil traidiseanta agus an còir.  Tha sgoilearan a tha ag ionnsachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ag obair gu dlùth leis a’ choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig taobh a-muigh na sgoile.  Tha sinn ag obair le sgoilearan agus com-pàirtichean taobh a-staigh na sgoile againn fhèin agus gu nàiseanta le cothroman leithid ar Co-labhairt Ghàidhlig bhliadhnail.


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