Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Indoor and Outdoor Play.


Good morning,

What a beautiful day! I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend and I hope everyone is keeping safe and well.

I have attached this week’s Indoor and Outdoor Learning Grid.

I hope this helps our Chapelgreen little ones  keep busy and entertained!!

Link: Play 3

Please email any pictures of your children participating in any of the activities as it would be nice to share these on the school blog. Have fun!


Happy playing!!


Mrs Savva. xx

Hello!! Family Learning Challenge.

Good afternoon everyone.  Thanks to all of our fabulous pupils and staff who participated in last week’s Family Learning Challenge.

The aim of the challenge was to allow us to say a distanced “Hello” to each other and to share what we have been grateful for during this period of time.

Our learning community has risen to the challenge and it is great to see all these wonderful faces again albeit only in a photo.

Hope the video has made a few people smile today!

Time to play!!!

Good morning,

I hope you and your family are keeping well during this very unusual and difficult time.

I hope your children are enjoying being at home.

Play is more crucial than ever before as it is beneficial on so many levels, emotional, physical and imaginative amongst many.

So please continue to encourage and support both free and structured play.

Here is a link for this week’s play grid. Indoor and Outdoor Play 3

There are lots of fun indoor and outdoor activities for your children to participate in.

Please continue to stay safe and well.

Mrs Savva.


Indoor and Outdoor Play- Early Level

I hope our pupils have had a wonderful Easter break. I am sure they will have had plenty of opportunity for lots of play both indoor and outdoor, especially with this lovely weather.

Play is an essential part of every child’s life and is  vital for the enjoyment of childhood as well as social, emotional , intellectual and physical development.

I have attached a link to a play grid for early years. This will be updated every fortnight.

If you would like to email any photographs of your children completing these activities these will be uploaded to our school blog. rmeimaroglou@chapelgreen.

Stay safe and well. Happy playing!!

Click on the link: Indoor and Outdoor Play


Indoor and Outdoor Learning

Play is a huge part of education and great importance is placed on this. Please encourage your children to participate in as much play as possible

I have compiled some activities that can be done both indoors and outdoors. Hope these help!!

You can send pictures of your children completing some of these activities to :

Please send only if you permit your child’s picture to be uploaded to our school blog.

Click on the Link: Play

Have Fun. Stay and play safe!

Fairtrade Fun

The pupils have been learning lots about Fairtrade during “ Fairtrade Fortnight.” We looked at Fairtrade products and the journeys they might take . They also learned about the importance of Fairtrade for communities around the world.  The pupils followed recipes using Fairtrade produce. They made healthy cookies and banana bread. 

Herbs Galore!

Thank you to Miss Donald for organising a fun health focus day.  Everyone enjoyed the activities and the smell of the herbs must have reached to the centre of Kilsyth!

A hearty pot of carrot and coriander boiling away in Room 4.





Some pasta with basil and pesto created by Room 2.