Teach The Teacher Day



Today Miss Flint put down her whiteboard pens and laptop, leaving P4/5 to teach the class. Today’s lessons included 

  • Tae Kwon do
  • Salmon of Knowledge
  • Wolves – we learned how to draw a wolf
  • Colour Mixing
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Football – dribbling and taking penalties
  • Drama

It was really interesting hearing about lots of different topics and taking part in different activities. We’re really looking forward  to tomorrow’s round of new teachers and activities!

Day 2 – Tuesday 28th June

Today’s lessons  included

  • Scotland
  • Dance
  • How to make a t-shirt
  • Bouldering

We’ve enjoyed lots of practical activities today, we learned the Canadian Barn Dance, designed our own T-shirts on paper and unpicked vinyl, twirled batons and created our own dances. After lunch we had word searches and explored putty used for climbing.

Everyone has really enjoyed taking on the role of teacher and learning lots of new skills. Miss Flint especially enjoyed going back to school and being a pupil for 2 days!

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