W/C Monday 1st June 2020

Home Learning Grids

Home Learning Grids have been uploaded to the website and to the appropriate class teams. The format is a bit different, there is now a slide for each day with tasks to work through. This is a suggested structure, if you have a different routine and it’s working – stick with it.

Class Notebook

Every child now has access to their own notebook. Work can be uploaded, and feedback will be given by the Class Teachers. Please continue to post photographs on the main ‘posts’ section as this has been generating lots of discussion and we know many children have enjoyed seeing their classmates from afar.


For any children who have used up the space in their jotters, more can be collected from the shop across from the school. Please only take one per pupil when you need it. We will replenish the stock regularly.

P7 to S1 Transition


For those moving on to Chryston High School keep an eye on the @CHSp7Transition on Twitter as the staff are uploading transition videos to their YouTube channel every week.

Watching these videos is also a great opportunity for our P6s who will very soon be thinking about the move to high school. Getting a tour of the school and meeting the staff from the comfort of your own home will surely calm a few anxieties.


For those moving on to Lenzie Academy, the P7 Transition team will close at the end of this week, Friday 5th June. If you haven’t already been on to explore, please do so this week. We would hate for you to miss this opportunity.

Nursery to P1 Transition

To the parents of the children starting P1 in August, thank you for your patience. We deliberately haven’t sent out any information as we wanted to wait until we had information to give you. We will be in touch in the coming weeks with regard the transition from Nursery to P1 and starting school in August.

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