W/C Monday 11th June 2018

PE days

Room 1

Tuesday & Thursday

Room 2

Tuesday & Wednesday

Room 3

Monday & Wednesday

Room 4

Monday & Thursday

  • We can give parents daily updates about what Auchinloch Primary School & Nursery Class children are doing in class, as it happens. Could we encourage parents to join twitter and follow the school. (@AuchinlochPrim1)
  • Rooms 3 & 4 will be 1stsitting for lunch at 12.15. Rooms 1 & 2 will go outside (weather permitting) till the second bell at approx.12.30.

Monday 11thJune

Nursery trip to Burngreen Park in Kilsyth

Room 3 – Boxercise at PE time

Tuesday 12thJune

Room 3 trip to SD Adventures

P7 Girls to Chryston High School for Enterprise Final

Nursery – visit from Mini Professors (am)

Wednesday 13th June

Thursday 14thJune

P1 preschool transition activities

Friday 15thJune

Room 4 Show – 2.00pm

Parent Council Disco for Room 4 children in Community Hall 7.30 – 9.30

Miss McGinley will be leaving on Friday 15thJune to start her maternity leave. I am sure you will join us on wishing her well.

Miss Zafar will be acting Principal Teacher from Monday 18thJune until Miss McGinley’s return to work.


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