Category Archives: latest news

SCHOLAR: Upcoming Online Tutor Sessions

SCHOLAR’s upcoming Online Tutor Sessions are:

National 5
National 5
Advanced Higher
For more information on how to take part in upcoming sessions, please visit SCHOLAR’s Online Tut.

Please note that worksheets will be available and should be attempted before some sessions.

You can see regular updates via Twitter@ and Facebook SCHOLARprogramme

STEM-related career experience programmes 

InvestIN is delighted to offer six STEM-related career experience programmes LIVE & ONLINE this spring for students aged 15-18.

Our ‘Live & Online’ programmes give students the opportunity to gain crucial work experience from the comfort of their own homes. They are delivered by top professionals who will immerse students in simulations of their real-life work PLUS be on-hand throughout to answer their questions live.

The full list of our STEM-related programmes is set out below, including highlights of each one. Click on any programme to view a detailed timetable and to register now.

Highlights & Dates For STEM-Related Programmes

The Young Investment Banker Programme
18th April
Coaching on: pricing and trading stocks, valuing companies, negotiating in a live deal, and building a portfolio

The Young Engineer Programme
19th April
Coaching on: building the ultimate electric vehicle, mapping a mission to Mars and creating the city of the future

The Young Doctor Programme
25th April
Coaching on: stitching up a wound, x-ray examination and taking a patient’s medical history. PLUS dedicated coaching on medical school applications, interviews and tests

The Young Psychologist Programme
26th April
Coaching on: Clinical, forensic and business psychology. Advising police during a live hostage negotiation, communicating with patients during a CBT session, and using psychology to win the ‘hearts and minds’ of consumers

The Young Architect Programme
9th May
Coaching on: Cutting-edge, 3D visualisations of innovative designs. Smart city and digital infrastructure scoping. RIBA Stages 2 and 3 of building design in accordance with a client brief

The Young Computer Scientist Programme
17th May
Coaching on: Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. Discover ‘Big Data’, contribute to the design of an AI system, experience ‘penetration testing’ and carry out a forensic investigation

Click below to read our testimonials and feedback:


FAO Pupils and Parents: SQA Statement on Coursework for National Courses

SQA statement on coursework for National Courses
Tuesday 24 March 2020
Following the 
announcement by the First Minister on Sunday, that no young person with SQA coursework to complete should attend school to do so, we continue to work hard on how we should take coursework evidence into account, in determining young people’s final grades.
Everyone here at SQA will do their utmost, given the current situation, and with the support of the education system, to ensure that learners’ hard work is rightly and fairly recognised and allows them to proceed to further learning or work.
The current public health advice has meant that we have had to make some really difficult decisions about coursework. This means that for this year, schools and colleges are not required to submit learner coursework for marking, in Higher and Advanced Higher courses.
We have taken this difficult decision to be as fair as possible to all Higher and Advanced Higher candidates, whilst taking on board the current public health advice, the many varied coursework requirements across different subjects, and how these are managed in schools and colleges across the country.
I appreciate that some learners may have already completed their coursework for Higher and Advanced Higher courses. This work can still be used as part of the suite of evidence for teachers and lecturers to draw on as they consider estimated grades.
We have received coursework for a range of National 5 subjects and have contacted National 5 coursework markers to confirm marking arrangements. All National 5 coursework, due to be uplifted in April and May, will not be submitted for marking.
We will provide further details on the estimation of grades, that we will need from teachers and lecturers to inform certification, and fuller details of our approach to certification, as soon as possible.
This is an unprecedented situation for us all, and circumstances are rapidly changing. With every change in circumstances, we continue to consider how best to recognise learner achievement in as fair a way as possible.
Please be assured that everyone here at SQA is fully committed to working with you to deliver for Scotland’s young people. Thank you for your patience and continued co-operation.
Fiona Robertson
SQA Chief Executive and Scotland’s Chief Examiner

This statement has been issued to Heads of Centre and SQA Co-ordinators in schools and colleges, and a copy provided to local authority Directors of Education and Heads of Education.

Accessing Scholar

Pupils no longer need their username and password for SCHOLAR. They should log into GLOW and click on the SCHOLAR tile   on either their Launchpad or the school  Launchpad.  This will log pupils into SCHOLAR and load their personal profile of Subjects.

Staff can monitor pupil use and achievement. Staff need their SCHOLAR username and password to log into SCHOLAR. This can be obtained from your school contact.

SCHOLAR Subjects

The following subjects are covered by SCHOLAR. The materials encompass ALL the relevant SQA content, activities, end of topic tests and recorded tutor sessions to improve pupil attainment.

  • National 5 – Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, ESOL, Mandarin, Mathematics and Physics.
    – Nat 5 Support Materials in French, Gaelic, German and Spanish
  • Higher: Accounting, Art and Design (Textile option only) Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Computing Science, Economics, English, ESOL, French, Gaelic, German, Human Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology and Spanish.
  • Advanced Higher: Accounting, Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Computing Science, Economics, English, French, German, Mathematics, Physics, and Spanish.

Careeers Service

Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the closure of the school, Skills Development Scotland cannot deliver career services face to face, but they are still there to help. You can contact your school Careers Advisers, Mhairi & Ruth for career information, advice and guidance via email: and, or via My World of Work .

Easter School 2020

Easter School will take place from Monday 6th April until Wednesday 8th April – 9.15am to 1.30pm. The aim is to provide additional support, advice and extra practice in the majority of subjects in the lead up to the SQA exams. Pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting Advanced Higher, Higher or National 5 will have the opportunity to sign up for Easter School during FOL time.

Rights Respecting School Day – Friday 14th February

The rights respecting school pupil and teacher group have been working hard promoting RRS article awareness over the past few months.

In support of the group Airdrie Academy will be holding a Rights Respecting School day on Friday 14th February. On this day you are invited to take part in a dress down day – free of charge! We ask – if possible – that students try to wear an item of blue clothing to show their support to the group.

We also invite all pupils and staff to take part in our RRS pledge, also on the 14th Feb. This will be in the assembly hall at interval and lunch time. Students will be asked to choose an article or right which is important to them and write about where they experience this in their school.

We look forward to reading your pledges and seeing everyone wearing blue!!

The RRS working group