Category Archives: latest news

Kids Lit Quiz

On the 31st of October, 2 teams represented Airdrie Academy at the West of Scotland Heat of the Kids Lit Quiz.

The Kids Lit Quiz is an annual global literature quiz with the winning team from each heat competing in a National Final. National champions then compete in the World Final.

Both teams worked very hard to prepare for the event and did exceptionally well on the day. In fact, our first team came out top of all the North Lanarkshire Schools entered.

Although we didn’t make the top three, the final result was very close and all pupils did win prizes for getting top scores in individual rounds. Pupils also had the pleasure of meeting and having books signed by visiting authors Cathy MacPhail, Elizabeth Wein and Alex McCall.

The day was a fabulous celebration of books and reading and the pupils were a credit to the school.

S1 Amazonia Trip

On Friday 10th November, pupils from 1M1, 1F1 and 1C1 geography classes got the chance to go to Amazonia at Strathclyde Park as part of their Brazil unit.

There, they got to experience the climate of the rainforest, and see and handle some of the animals that call the rainforest their home.

A great time was had by all the pupils and other S1 classes will get a chance to go soon!

Winning Charities

Thanks to pupils much for all nominations and Votes for our supported Charities this year.

The votes have been counted and it gives the charity committee great pleasure in announcing the results:

Hope for Autism, Cancer Research UK and UNICEF
(information on each is given in attachment)

These winning 3 charities will have the money collected during various charity events through out the year divided amongst them.
There will of course be other stand alone events for other notable and worthy charities as well i.e. Children in Need, Comic Relief etc.

Charity Committee



European Day of Languages

Staff and pupils are invited to celebrate with our special Spanish menu kindly prepared by the canteen staff:

European Day of Languages

26  de  Septiembre 2017

La    Academia  de   Airdrie  


Menú    del   Día 


Primer Plato

Patatas Bravas

Tortilla de Patatas

Ensalada Mixta

Segundo Plato

Paella de Pollo

Wraps de Pollo



Churros con chocolate

Crepes con chocolate y crema

Fruta variada





Sumdog Success

Pupils in one of our S2 classes at Airdrie Academy joined in with 4901 other classes, all over Scotland, to compete in a sumdog competition to celebrate Maths Week. The pupils each had to answer 1000 question correctly, whilst playing interactive games. The winning class was determined by a class average.

We came an amazing 2nd out of 4901 class, with pupil Ryan Eckersley personally coming 10th out of 55,186 pupils taking part. All the pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and are asking when they can do it again.

Congratulations to all of you!


School Captain and Vice Captain

Congratulations to Airdrie Academy’s newly appointed School Captain and Vice Captains.


Following a rigorous selection process Eman Qasim was appointed School Captain and Rebecca Morgan and Katie Laing were appointed School Vice Captains.


They are pictured with Head Teacher Martin Anderson.  We wish them all best for a successful session.