Category Archives: latest news

Scottish Book Cover Design Winners

A huge well done to everyone in S1 who submitted such original and creative entries for the Scottish Book Cover Design Challenge.

Congratulations to Skye Ternent who is this year’s overall winner of the Jim Cook Scottish Literature Award.

Congratulations are also due to the winners from each English class:

Kaitlyn Robertson
Sarah Bell
Aaron Brown
Millie Striker
Skyler Anderson
Rebecca Ferguson

Our grateful thanks to Mrs Agnew, our Library Resource Centre Manager, for undertaking the difficult task of judging such a high standard of entries. Due to the number of artistic and well thought out entries Mrs Agnew also presented a number of Highly Commended Certificates.

A range of covers will be on display in the Library.

Ms Frew

Scots Creative Writing Competition Success

We are delighted that a significant number of Airdrie Academy pupils achieved great success in the Education Scotland Scots Creative Writing Competition.

Mackenzie Reilly of S2 was one of four overall winners selected from schools across Scotland with her excellent short story entry. To add to this fantastic result there were also three runners-up: Eilidh Currie S2, Eilidh McDermid S2 and Rachel Thom of S1.  Subject matter ranged from a poem about the Glasgow Pipe Band Championships to a tale based on local folklore. The judges also created a special commendation for Eva Kerr of S1 to acknowledge her skill and unique approach in creating an animated poem about the Kelpies.

Ms Frew would like to thank all entrants who took the time to submit such inspiring writing along with the encouragement of their teachers. The feedback from the judges was extremely positive about the high standard of writing entries from Airdrie Academy.

@Home Group

Well done to a group of our S4 girls who, last session, worked in partnership with Community Learning and Development (CLD) and Social Work staff in the @Home Centre.

The group worked hard on identifying local issues and produced a DVD highlighting support for mental health issues within the community. They have continued to work with the staff in the @Home Centre and are attending regularly after school to be part of community groups and help out with some local events.

Joanne Boyle (CLD worker) nominated the group for the North Lanarkshire CLD Partnership Awards and they won in the category of Health and Wellbeing.

The group was made up of Lara Logan, Chloe Armstrong, Leah Anderson, Ariane Mitchell, Chloe Miller and Courtney Paterson.

Congratulations to all of the girls involved!!

Lunch & afternoon entertainment

S3 Health & Food Technology pupils with the healthy desserts that they made for  guests who were here this Monday for lunch & an afternoon of entertainment provided by the Music and Drama Department.

The desserts they are holding are berry cream towers made with fatless sponges which are also high in fibre as they were made with wholemeal flour. The cream is low fat cream and it has loads of berries mixed through to provide ACE vitamins.