Category Archives: latest news

Pancake Flip – Charity House Challenge

A massive thank you to everyone who helped organise and took part in Friday’s (First Annual?) Pancake Flip charity House Race.

It was thoroughly enjoyed by participants and supporters and helped raise funds for our National Charity – Cancer Research UK.
If you missed the opportunity to donate then Seniors will be coming round this week to allow you to give what you can!

Supporting a reduction in waste

Use a refillable water bottle instead of buying plastic and take your own bags when shopping.

Our Eco group are looking at ways in which we can support a reduction in waste and being more personally efficient. The focus of their work for February is:

Use a refillable water bottle instead of plastic.


Take your own bags when shopping.

Student Investor Challenge

S4 Business pupils, working in teams of 4, have been taking part in the Student Investor Challenge organised by the London Institute of Banking and Finance. The competition involves the teams investing £100,000 of virtual money on the London Stock exchange. Pupils have been keeping track of the Stock Market since October 2017 and trying to keep their investment portfolios healthy. This requires following the ups and downs of the market and judging when to buy and sell shares in order to make a profit.

The competition finished on 26 January 2018. Our highest finishing team, The Stock Holderz, ranked a very creditable 2330 out of 4851 teams throughout the UK. Very well done to all participants.

Winning team – Katie Currie, Stuart Ferguson, James Humprey and Amiee Mulholland:

KYoung – ICT Faculty

Airdrie Parent’s Group

We have recently started a Parent’s Group. We meet the first Tuesday of every month in the Conference Room from 9am-10.30am. Tea and Coffee are provided.  The group is informal and parents are under no obligation to attend every week.


February 6th

Robbie from Landed

Synthetic Cannibas Awareness and Tobacco/E Cig Awareness

March 6th

Stephen Murray – Airdrie Police ( Local Problem Solving Team)

April – no group due to school holidays
May 1st

Mhairi Gibson – Educational Psychologist


June 5th

Community Learning and Development Staff



For further information please contact:

Clare O’Neill, Home School Partnership Worker, Airdire Academy.