Category Archives: latest news

Author Visit

Following a successful Live Literature bid through the Scottish Book Trust, Airdrie Academy welcomed author Gill Arbuthnott to the school library. Gill braved the cold winter weather to inspire our readers and budding creative writers. During the first session of the morning a group of S2 English pupils learned more about the creative writing process and where stories come from. Many of our pupils had already read one of Gill’s books, “Dark Spell” (shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2015), so found it fascinating to hear where Gill got a lot of her ideas from.

Gill Arbuthnott also writes non-fiction for children. She passionately believes that science should be fascinating and has written a collection of popular science books which help make science easy to understand and interesting. The second session of the morning allowed some of our S1 Science classes to be treated to an interactive session on The Brain.

The thrill of having an author visiting the library was evident by the many very interesting questions pupils asked Gill.

A selection of fiction and non-fiction books written by Gill Arbuthnott are available for loan in the school library.

Developing the Young Workforce with S3 Health & Food Technology

We were delighted to welcome  Lisa O’Rourke (Product Development Manager from Albert Bartlett) who delivered a workshop for S3 Health and Food Technology pupils during Developing the Young Workforce Week. Lisa inspired the pupils to consider a career in the food industry, especially Food Product Development. Pupils learned about food trends and the development process. They also got to make and evaluate potato wedges with 3 different varieties of potatoes.

Purple Friday

A massive thank you to staff and pupils who helped organise and took part in Purple Friday this year.

We have managed to raise £917 for LGBT Youth Scotland through our sales of badges, lanyards, ribbons and donuts.

Our signed flag will be displayed proudly in the social area as a reminder that we stand together for equality and inclusion.


Rag a Bag

Airdrie Academy are taking part in the Rag a Bag textile recycling scheme. This will produce regular fundraising for the school. Please bring mens, ladies or childrens clothing, belts, bags and paired shoes (tied together). All items should be put into any securely tied plastic bag and then placed in the bin in the Social Area.
The Eco Group