Category Archives: latest news

NLC Modern Apprenticeship Opportunities

Please see the links below to all live modern apprenticeship opportunities available via my job Scotland:

Health & Social Care –

Customer Service/ Northline –

Customer Service/ FSS –

Business Admin lvl 2 –

Business Admin Lvl 3 –

Accounts –

Pre-loved school uniform plea

Do you have any Airdrie Academy uniforms that you no longer need? If yes, please consider donating them to us for our pre-loved school uniform initiative.

We are partnering with a local voluntary organisation called “Cool School Uniforms” to provide our families with uniform packages to suit their needs. Our Parent Council are also working closely with us to help make this initiative a success.

If you don’t have any specific items from Airdrie Academy’s uniform, but would still like to donate, you can also hand in outside jackets, new shoes/trainers/ new underwear, stationery, scarves, gloves etc.

Please hand in any donations to the school office or give to Mrs Carlin or Clare O’Neill (Home School Partnership Worker). Alternatively we can arrange collection, so please contact the school office on 01236 632161.

We really need your help as we aim to be up and running with this initiative before Christmas!

If you would like any other information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you

Achievements in PE

Congratulations to Lewis Buchanan and Craig Cumming S6, both boys had a trial for the Lanarkshire Select under 18s football squad and were successful in making this team. Due to a couple of good performances and a few goals Craig has been selected to go for a Scotland trial for the Scottish School Boys under 18’s. This is on the 6th December. Good luck Craig!

NL Swimming

Hannah Anderson S1, Ethan Stewart S1, Beth Wilson S3, Gregor Bryson S3, Lewis Graham S4 and Marijus Kringelis S4 all competed at the North Lanarkshire Swimming Championships.

All pupils achieved PB times in 1 or more races.

Ethan won: Gold in the 200 Backstroke, Silver in 100 Backstroke and Silver in 200 Freestyle.
Beth won: Silver in the 100 Freestyle, Bronze in the 100 Backstroke.
Gregor won: Gold in the 100 Backstroke, Silver in the 100 Freestyle, Bronze in the 100 Butterfly and Bronze in the 100 Breast.
Marijus won: Gold in the 100 Breast, Gold in the 200 Breast, Gold in the 200 IM, Silver 200 Freestyle.

Well done everyone!

LGBT Charter

LGBT+ and the Pride not Prejudice group in Airdrie Academy

By Morgan Brand

We, at Airdrie Academy, are constantly aiming to make school a safe and open place for all. We are an all-inclusive school, committed to ensuring that anyone who identifies as LGBT+ is treated equally and with the same opportunities and chances as everyone else. We are aware that, if you think you may be LGBT+, it can feel like you are alone and there is no support. Our staff will be happy to talk to you about any questions concerning sexual orientation or gender identity and will listen to you respectfully, without judgement. Our pupil Support teacher, Miss Masterson, is excellent to speak with and is a contact at the school if you wish to speak to someone.

The support of LGBT+ individuals in school is important. Mental health issues are common among the community with 40% of the LGBT+ community experiencing some kind of mental health issue. Further, 96% of young transgender people have self-harmed and 2 out of 5 young transgender people have attempted to take their own life. As well as dealing with personal issues, bullying towards the LGBT+ community is often seen, with 48% of LGB young people reported to have at one point have been bullied. Airdrie Academy will always aim to prevent any sort of bullying from happening to LGBT young people. We know these topics are sometimes difficult to process and go through, so as well as offering adult support, support within the Pride not Prejudice group, we can offer guidance, help websites and phone numbers to further support any other pupils who feel alone or experience any issues.


Now, at Airdrie Academy, we are aiming to do bigger and better for the LGBT+ community. We are working towards gaining our Bronze charter award from LGBT Youth Scotland. The LGBT charter makes a statement that diversity and equality are the heart of our school and are widely accepted. To help achieve this, involve yourself or support this. You do not have to be a part of the LGBT+ community – Be an ally! An ally is someone who does not identity as LGBT but someone who supports equal rights, gender equality and challenges homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. The LGBT charter is a progress chart, to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people experience a safe, inclusive and nurturing education.

As part of the Charter we will be looking at our policy and practice, including our legislative obligations in the context of LGBT+ equality.

This year on Purple Friday we raised a fantastic amount of £917 for LGBT Youth Scotland through our sales of badges, lanyards, ribbons, donuts and dress down fund. However, next year for session 2019 we plan to make it greater than the year before. If you want to contribute to any events, changes or even Purple Friday, you can join the Pride not Prejudice group (PNP)!

The Pride not Prejudice group (PNP) is a group that meets in Mrs Murphy’s room in S42, The Modern Languages corridor, every Tuesday Lunchtime with the groups 3 senior leaders; Morgan Brand, Lucie Clark and Erin Swann to discuss LGBT+ issues, organise events and meet other like-minded people . Our group is a safe space for everyone in Airdrie Academy – Allies, those who are passionate about equality and difference for LGBT+ rights and those in the LGBT+ community.

If you need any further information, you can speak to our S6 LGBT Ambassadors Lucie Clark, Morgan Brand and Erin Swann (pictured) who help run the PNP group. Miss Masterson is also available in Pupil Support for further information and support.

All links are available from the ‘Related Sites’ section of this page.

LGBT Charter of Rights

Airdrie Academy is committed to ensuring that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people (LGBT) experience a safe, inclusive and nurturing education.

As part of the Charter we will be looking at our policy and practice, including our legislative obligations in the context of LGBT equality.


Related Sites:

External link to the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Youth Scotland website.

The LGBT Helpline Scotland is open every Tuesday and Wednesday between 12pm-9pm – 0300 123 2523 and email

This area of the website has information about: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender identities; coming out; useful contacts; and resources.

This section has advice and resources – including links to support groups for parents of LGBT young people – for parents and carers of LGBT young people.


Education Maintenance Allowance

Applying for an EMA

Students eligible for EMA from January 2018:  If you are 16 between 1 October 2018 and 28 February 2019 you should now submit an EMA application form.  Applications received after this date will only be paid from the week they are received.

Application packs  and guidance notes are available to download here:



Education Maintenance Allowance provides support for 16 to 19 year olds from low income families who undertake a full-time course at school. Young people may also be eligible for EMA where they are undertaking a programme of learning in a CLD Learning Hub. Young people can receive £30 per week provided they attend regularly and make good progress with their learning.

For more information click here:


Fundraising for Poppy Scotland

Memories of Belgium

S6 pupils would like to share their memories (edited highlights!) from their recent trip to the Belgian wargraves.
Come along and share in our reflections, hear our stories and see photographs of our experiences.

Thursday 15 November 7pm – 9pm in Airdrie Academy

Cake and Fizz

We would like to invite you to a Cake and Fizz afternoon in New Wellwynd Church
Saturday 10 November 2pm – 4pm.

Please come along to one of our events and join us in raising funds for Poppy Scotland.

Tickets available from Senior pupils or contact the school.

Suggested donation £5

Reach & Access to a Career Programmes Update

There are some important dates and deadlines coming up in the Reach and Access programme calendar listed below.

Can I remind you that the deadline for S5 pupils who wish to take part in either the Reach or Access to a Career programme is the 20th October.

Interview workshops will take place at the University campus for applicants to Teaching, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine on the following days and times –

12th November 11-1pm
Meet from 10.45am onwards in the Boyd Orr building, University Avenue

Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary medicine
14th November 1-3pm
Meet from 12.45pm onwards at the Boyd Orr building, University Avenue

Registration for the Interview workshop
Pupils attending should register via the form available here by the 8th November:

More details about the meeting location and travelling to and from the University will be issued nearer the date. The WP team will also e-mail pupils to let them know the times and dates and the link to the interview registration form.

PERSONAL STATEMENT FEEDBACK – Law, Accountancy and Finance, Engineering and Teaching
Applicants to Law, Engineering, Teaching and Accountancy and Finance can submit a draft of their personal statement between the 1-7 November to the webform available here:

Pupils will be contacted individually with instructions on how to submit your statement

School Captains and Vice Captains

Congratulations to our newly appointed School Captain and Vice Captains at Airdrie Academy.

Following a rigorous interview process we are delighted to announce that School Captain for the session 2018/19 will be Kyle Hunter and Vice Captains are Olivia Gallen and Adam Campbell.

The Head Teacher commented on the exceptionally high standard of all candidates during the selection process.  We wish the pupils lots of luck for a successful session.