Category Archives: latest news

Parent Workshop – Online Safety

All parents and carers of Airdrie Academy pupils and Primary 6 & 7 are invited to come along to a parent workshop this Tuesday evening (5th Feb) which will focus on how to keep our young people safe online by helping them make good choices. It will be held in Airdrie Academy 5pm until 6pm in the assembly hall and will be delivered by P.C. Adam McManus our school Community Police Officer. We really hope you can make it! Tea & coffee available from 4.45pm.

School Clubs

We are encouraging all of our young people to help look after their own mental and physical health by trying something different this term. Being more connected and active has a positive effect on  mood and mental wellbeing. There is a wide variety of clubs running throughout the year with something to suit everyone. Click here for an up-to-date list of all our clubs:

Clubs 220119

Swimming News

Marijus Kringelis, Beth Wilson, Gregor Bryson and Ethan Stewart have all qualified for the Scottish Schools swimming finals which will take place next Saturday. Beth has qualified as the 2nd fastest pupil in the authority for her event with the other 3 having qualified as the fastest pupil in the authority. Marijus has done this in 2 different events.

Well done all and good luck!

New Year New Me – Club Sign-up

We had a great turn out at our club sign-up with many of our young people putting their name down to join one of our school clubs. This is to encourage all of our young people to help look after their own mental and physical health by trying something different this term. We continue to send the message to our young people that being more connected and active will have a positive effect on their mood and mental wellbeing. There is a wide variety of clubs running throughout the year with something to suit everyone. Pupils can still sign-up this week by speaking to Miss Dougall or Mrs Carlin.

St. Andrew’s Day Debate

On the 3rd December, 2018, Melissa Rodger and Jude Watson attended the ESU St. Andrew’s Day Debate, held in the Scottish Parliament. Melissa participated wholeheartedly in three rounds of thought provoking debate and was a credit to the school. Jude had the ominous role of student judge in all three rounds and he was an excellent ambassador for Airdrie Academy. Both pupils had a fantastic experience and learned a great deal which they are keen to cascade to their fellow public speakers during their weekly lunchtime club.