Category Archives: latest news

Easter School 2019

Easter School will take place from Monday 1st April until Wednesday 3rd April – 9.15am to 1.30pm. The aim is to provide additional support, advice and extra practice in the majority of subjects in the lead up to the SQA exams. Pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting Advanced Higher, Higher or National 5 have had the opportunity to sign up for Easter School during FOL time.

Sign Up Forms are still available from the main office or Mrs Hunter (English) – forms must be received by Thursday 21st March.

Parent/Carer information letters have also been issued. Please collect from main office if you have not received one yet.

Alternatively, download one here:


Scottish Schools Cross Country 2019

Scottish Schools Cross Country 2019

On Saturday 2nd March 2019 three of our very talented S1 and S3 Athletes, Struan Shaw 1F1, Eilidh Shaw 3F1 and Emily Arthur 3F2 competed at the Scottish Schools X-Country event at Hopetoun House in Edinburgh. Everyone ran very well mixing with the best of what Scotland has to offer at this age group.



Struan finished 22nd in the Boys Group D race (mix of S1 and some S2).
Eilidh finished 20th in the Girls Group C race (Some S2 with mostly S3)
Emily finished 65th in the Girls Group B race (Some S3 with mostly S4).

Now that is the X-Country season almost over we look forward to see what the Athletics and X-Country club bring during the track season.

Kit Aid Appeal

We are very grateful to Airdrie Football Club for inviting some of our pupils, who took part in the recent kit aid appeal, to visit Penny Cars Stadium and load lorries with all of the donated kits. These kits will be sent overseas to children in developing countries. Thank you also to Penny Cars for providing the transport for us.

We continue to be keen to fundraise to encourage our pupils to get active, promoting good mental health. The pupils, photographed here, received a season ticket for the club and are thoroughly enjoying going to the home games.

Purple Friday

This year Airdrie Academy honoured LGBT History month by celebrating Purple Friday. Purple Friday is a day to stand against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and show support for LGBTI equality.

It was important for Airdrie Academy to take part in Purple Friday to raise the profile of LGBT awareness and inclusion in our school. As a school community we wanted to stand up – together- to show that; friends, families, colleagues, neighbours, pupils and anyone we know directly or indirectly in the LGBT community matter to us. We wanted to teach our pupils that you don’t have to be LGBT to stand for equality and to show them that a collective voice can make a difference. We wanted to give strength to those in our own school who may be finding difficulty in dealing with their own sexuality and identity and let them know that Airdrie Academy is a safe, inclusive and open place for all.

Our Pride Not Prejudice (PNP) Pupil Equality group organised a number of events to raise awareness. Pupils pledged to be an ally for those who face discrimination due to their orientation or gender. Some of the group presented and explained the importance of Purple Friday during assemblies and spoke of the need for more understanding and equality in our society.

On the week leading up to Purple Friday the PNP Group encouraged Pupils and staff to sign our Pride Flag to show support. The group also sold rainbow wristbands, badges and rainbow doughnuts to pupils at break and lunchtimes. On Friday Pupils made a donation of £1 to dress down and wear something either purple or rainbow coloured. The school raised a total of £866 which will be donated to LGBT Youth Scotland Charity.

Easter School 2019

Easter School will take place from Monday 1st until Wednesday 3rd April. The aim is to provide additional support, advice and extra practice in the majority of subjects in the lead up to the SQA exams. Pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting Advanced Higher, Higher or National 5 exams will sign up for the initiative in the coming weeks.

Further information to follow.



Roughly 2/3 students were selected from each S2 Science class to take part in the Zoolab show. This provided a fantastic curriculum based animal handling experience for all students involved.


This aims to pave the way for budding Scientists by making Science learning fun and memorable.


Scottish History Trip to Stirling

Thirty of our History pupils spent the day visiting Stirling. A perfect day out to enhance our Scottish History topic. Our first stop was Stirling Castle, where we learned about life in the past and were given an excellent input from one of the castle guides on the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. After that we headed over to the Bannockburn Experience where we found out about Scotland’s most famous victory in battle. The pupils took part in an interactive battle game before heading off to the monument to Robert the Bruce.
A great day was had by all.