Numeracy Festival

We have had a fantastic two days in the school with a whole school focus on “Numeracy”.

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the range of experiences that our Principal Teacher of Numeracy, Mrs McClelland, had organised for them.

Pupils took part in “Skills for Bills” a very innovative budgeting exercise that was delivered by parent members of the parent council. Great to see pupils thinking about the real life context that numeracy plays in everyday decisions.

Construction skills and numeracy were part of the problem solving “tower of straws” task – lots of great ways to build the tower from basic materials and have it support the weight of a tennis ball. Great team skills on show in this task.

We had professor Adam McBride from the University of Strathclyde talk to pupils about his work and life working with numbers.

Throughout the school numeracy challenges and puzzles were posted in corridors and on screens (as were some really bad numeracy jokes) to challenge pupils and staff.

An excellent two days looking at Numeracy across learning.

Well Done!