Please click on the links below to view minutes from the recent PC meeting, the chairperson’s report and the constitution.
Parent council meetting 15.09.20 2
Please click on the links below to view minutes from the recent PC meeting, the chairperson’s report and the constitution.
Parent council meetting 15.09.20 2
Please click on the link below to view details of our new drop off and pick up arrangements.
We have added a tab at the top of this page with information and resources for pupils due to start with us in August 2020. We will be adding to this in the coming weeks.
To celebrate Maths Scotland Week the children will be participating in a wide range of fun and engaging activities linked to maths. All classes are also taking part in Sumdog’s Maths Week Contest. Children can log in during school and at home using their own username and password. Good luck everyone!
School sports day is planned for Wednesday 30th, 1:30-3:00. All parents and carers are welcome to come along to cheer on the children. This event is weather permitting.
Well done to everyone who received a certificate at assembly today.
Well done to our certificate winners this week!
Well done to everyone who received a certificate this week.
Well done to everyone who received a certificate a today’s assembly.