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Ipods at St Thomas’ P.S Wishaw

I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.

TCH 1-04a / TCH 2-04a

In this last term the upper school pupils were coordinating the infant department topic. This was based along a family of bears living in our school.

The use of technology in the Ipod touch allowed us to create small still movies to evidence the learning experiences of the infant children. The children also coordinated comments on the Bear Hunt Blog.

P1 muck-1

In addition our Citizenship groups used the technology to evidence their ‘Come Dine with Me’ Lesson.

Come dine with me

The impact on using this technology allowed the children to discuss and reflect on the lesson experience as well as utilise and enhance their own abilities using the hardware. The technology also allowed the children to work cooperatively developing their communication skills.


Sacred Heart Primary I Can Animate

The school’s ICT Committee requested the ‘I Can Animate’ software to enrich the learning experience of pupils.  ‘I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways.’ TCH 1-04a

We used the equipment with a group of P4 pupils. They used a range of resources to make a creative animation. The committee intended to timetable the equipment for use from P4-P7 but staff and pupil feedback informed us that training may be required for staff or workshops with specialist staff and pupils prior to rolling out the equipment to classes.

“The potential of I Can Animate to bring learning to life in a creative and collaborative way was great but I would like training on the technical aspects of using the software and examples of how it has been used effectively in class.”P2/3 teacher

“I enjoyed using the laptop and camera and making a movie.” P4 pupil

Nintendo DS at Cathedral Primary School

Our P7 pupils took great delight in being able to borrow the Nintendo DS consoles again.  They all responded positively to them and all felt that their mental agility had improved as a result.  They all felt that they could add and multiply much quicker as a result of using them.

‘Our favourite game was Low and High.  We liked that it timed us – it made us work faster.’

‘We really like the Times Table game.  It really helped us with our times tables.’

‘This is our favourite type of active maths!’

These boys said ‘We really liked using the nintendos, they helped with our mental calculations.’

Flip Cameras at Rochsolloch Primary

Being a regular ‘Flip Camera’ user at home myself, I was keen to explore how these could be utilised within the school setting, in order to enhance and record the learning of our pupils.  I gave a brief demonstration to the teaching staff on how to use the cameras and how to upload the videos and then left it to the creativity of our teaching team.  Some ways in which we used the Flip Cameras effectively were:

* Recording fantastic Outdoor Learning experiences in our local nature park with P6.

* ‘A Day In The Life Of Primary 1’ for our school’s Open Afternoon, combined with iMovie with superb results.

* Investigating and analysing P.E. performance with P4/5.

* Filming a song composed by our P3 class as part of our ‘Ten Step Challenge’ fundraising event.

* A wealth of Talking and Listening experiences recorded by P2 and P7.

All filming was carried out by the pupils.  Our experience using the Flip Cameras was an extremely positive one, and we will definitely be considering adding some Flip Cameras to our ICT collection on a more permanent basis!