I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.
TCH 1-04a / TCH 2-04a
In this last term the upper school pupils were coordinating the infant department topic. This was based along a family of bears living in our school.
The use of technology in the Ipod touch allowed us to create small still movies to evidence the learning experiences of the infant children. The children also coordinated comments on the Bear Hunt Blog.
The impact on using this technology allowed the children to discuss and reflect on the lesson experience as well as utilise and enhance their own abilities using the hardware. The technology also allowed the children to work cooperatively developing their communication skills.
As ICT Co-ordinator, I was keen for the IPOD’s to enhance teaching and learning across the school. The IPOD touches were very motivational and it was a very easy way for infants to use technology. I found them very useful as cameras and video cameras for the children to very easily photograph and record their work in all areas of the curriculum. We also used the IPOD’s to take photographs of whole school events, which I then uploaded to our school Podcast Server.
Primary 2 used the IPOD’s to photograph and record their work in problem solving. Primary 5 recorded themselves reading aloud and used the recordings to peer and self assess their reading. Primary 2 used the ‘BeeBot’ App on the IPOD touches to help them locate and describe position in maths. Primary 2 also enjoyed reading the stories on the ‘Tell Me Stories’ App.
Primary 3 and 4 used ‘Eggs to Order’, ‘Maths Tour’ and ‘PopMath’ Apps to help consolidate their number bonds. The different levels on each App allowed the more able to challenge themselves in maths. Primary 5/6 used the Maths Apps on the IPOD’s to reinforce multiplication and division facts.
Primary 6 used Safari on the IPOD’s to research their RME presentations.
IPOD’s in Balmalloch Primary have been such a success that we are purchasing our own set. The children are delighted!
Primary 6/7 really enjoyed borrowing the Ipods. WE did lots with them including research for our topic, Maths games, French games and vocabulary and the dictionary to help us with our Language. We would love to buy some of our own.
This session I used the ipod touches to support teaching and learning across the curiculum within my p5/6 class. The children used these frequently to access the internet and carry out research. This freed up the school laptops for other classes to use. Other uses for the ipods included:
* Maths /Language games
* Note taking
* Taking pictures and video footage of events within the class
* Creating comic strips with pictures and captions
* Exploring the wide range of apps to enhance many curricular areas
* Reward at Golden Time
The children enjoyed using this resources and have suggested raising funds to purchase our own next session.
At sSt. Michael’s we have borrowed both the iPods and the Nintendo dsi’s. We have found that the iPods are much more useful.
The dsi’s are limited with what you can do with them and we really only used them as a warm up or early finishers activity during maths time or as a treat for Golden time. One of the games requires the children to speak into them which wasn’t great when other children were working and therefore the children couldn’t use this feature.
The iPods on the other hand are fantastic and there is really no limit to what you can do with them. We used them for research on the internet and maths and language games. The children thoroughly enjoyed using them. The range of apps that are available are fantastic and there are lots of really good free ones available too.
The class and I enjoyed having the I pods touches on loan, we primarily used them for maths work. I was teaching money, there were a few apps, although some being dollars, were very useful for the children.
The I pods are also a good source for rewards with plenty of educational apps which motivate and stimulate the children.