IPOD touches in Balmalloch Primary School

P2 using the BeeBot App.

As ICT Co-ordinator, I was keen for the IPOD’s to enhance teaching and learning across the school. The IPOD touches were very motivational and it was a very easy way for  infants to use technology. I found them very useful as cameras and video cameras for the children to very easily photograph and record their work in all areas of the curriculum. We also used the IPOD’s to take photographs of whole school events, which I then uploaded to our school Podcast Server.

Primary 2 used the IPOD’s to photograph and record their work in problem solving. Primary 5 recorded themselves reading aloud and used the recordings to peer and self assess their reading. Primary 2 used the ‘BeeBot’ App on the IPOD touches to help them locate and describe position in maths. Primary 2 also enjoyed reading the stories on the ‘Tell Me Stories’ App.

Primary 3 and 4 used ‘Eggs to Order’, ‘Maths Tour’ and ‘PopMath’ Apps to help consolidate their number bonds. The different levels on each App allowed the more able to challenge themselves in maths. Primary 5/6 used the Maths Apps on the IPOD’s to reinforce multiplication and division facts.

Primary 6 used  Safari on the IPOD’s to research their RME presentations.

IPOD’s in Balmalloch Primary have been such a success that we are purchasing our own set. The children are delighted!

P2 taking photographs in the playroom.