All posts by Mr Finnon

Ipods at St Thomas’ P.S Wishaw

I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.

TCH 1-04a / TCH 2-04a

In this last term the upper school pupils were coordinating the infant department topic. This was based along a family of bears living in our school.

The use of technology in the Ipod touch allowed us to create small still movies to evidence the learning experiences of the infant children. The children also coordinated comments on the Bear Hunt Blog.

P1 muck-1

In addition our Citizenship groups used the technology to evidence their ‘Come Dine with Me’ Lesson.

Come dine with me

The impact on using this technology allowed the children to discuss and reflect on the lesson experience as well as utilise and enhance their own abilities using the hardware. The technology also allowed the children to work cooperatively developing their communication skills.


Easi Speak Mics at St Thomas’ P.S

The equipment was used by P.7 stage in the school during T3. The aim of using this hardware initially was to allow the children to evaluate their own written work to allow re-draft and improvement.


The children found the use of the equipment simple. They could drag and drop their work to their laptop to listen to and allow them to make changes to their written copy. The children further used the microphones to record their peer reading with their infant buddies. They then transferred both pieces of evidence above into their e-portfolios.


The equipment could be used in a variety of ways across all areas of the curriculum and only time prevented more exploring of the possible avenues. They were simple to use and allowed the children to explore technology to enhance their knowledge and understanding. The equipment was easy to use and the sound was of good quality.

Peer Read