All posts by Mrs Shaw

Easiscopes – Stepps Primary

We had initially borrowed the easi scopes to use with our nature topic. We were looking at the variety of wildlife/plantlife that can be found in our local environment and were going on to compare different types of habitats.

How ICT supported learning and Teaching
The children worked in small groups to gather items and record the area that they had been found in. Each small group had a different area to examine.
We initially started using the easi scopes to get a better look at some of the natural that we were finding out in our playground. The pupils quickly realised that there was so much more to them than the naked eye could see. They were amazed at the variety of textures and smaller details that they had been totally unaware of.

However, one of the groups discovered that the different textures on the human body were pretty interesting. This led on to the children looking at the different textures and details that were on the Human Body. Since this was a topic that they had completed in the previous year we decided to spend some time on this. The pupils had chosen to take their learning down a new path. They were very enthusiastic and were able to relate their new learning to knowledge that they had previously gained.

The easi scopes are very easy to use and all of the pupils were able to use them independently.
The pupils were able to discover for themselves just how detailed, patterned or textured things are. They literally have had their eyes opened to the fact that although our human eyesight is amazing it can also be very limiting. Several of the children have since spoken about how they have examined items at home using magnifying glasses and shared their learning with others at home.