Category Archives: Revision

Revision Topics

Advantages/disadvantages of pseudocode
Binary Numbers
Calculation of image storage requirements
Calculation of memory sizes
Comparison of computer systems
Comparison of storage devices
Computer careers
Declarative languages – features
Design Notations
Factors affecting Internet Speed
Floating point notation
Global Variables
Local Variables
Modular programming
Module Libraries
Parameter passing by Value and by Reference
Printer interfaces
Printer Spoolers
Program Data types
Scripting Languages
Software Characteristics
Software compatibility issues
Software Documentation
Software Evaluation
Software Reliability
Standard Algorithms
String Operations
Technical characteristics of printers
Two’s Complement
Types of Documentation
Types of maintenance
Vector/Bit mapped graphics

Quick teaser

I lifed this from the 2011 paper it’s question 13

(b) The computer has a maximum addressable memory of 16 Gigabytes. Its address bus width is 32.
(i) Calculate the width of the data bus.
(ii) State why computers do not come with the maximum addressable memory installed.
(iii) State the effect that adding one new line to the address bus would have on the maximum addressable memory.

I thought it was a very good question. I will post the solution to it tomorrow, feel free to comment with your answer but I don’t want you to copy and paste it from the Marking Instructions above.

Int2 Revision Presentation

Thank you to M. Feldman for allowing me to host and use this presentation.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen="true" /]

Older Posts

Remember that the blog is now in its second year and some of the older posts may be very useful to you. A lot of them were written by pupils who were trying to understand the topic while they wrote it.

Browse back or use the search at the side.

There are currently 31 posts tagged with computer systems.

School closure

Well the wind has picked up and we are off school. To prepare for tomorrow’s lesson you can read over the scholar section on computer structure we are working through. Remember, I have a useful report section that allows me to check who has read this and who has not.

You can also head over to revise computing and try their resources.

Finally, there are a few of you still to hand in this weeks programming homework, so you could finish that off.

Plenty to keep you busy and out of the weather, stay safe and I’ll see you tomorrow.