A big thanks go to Sophie Laird and Jai Harkins for the time and effort they are putting into the Les Hoey Dreammaker charity. It is a pleasure as the Head Teacher of the school to recieve such a glowing letter as I recieved today complementing youngsters in the school. www.leshoeymbedreammakerfoundation.org/ Written by Mr McGilp.
School Food Day September 23rd 2015
This year is Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink and there have been a number of promotions to raise awareness over the past few months. In September there is a focus on School Meals and to mark this, Wednesday 23rd September has been designated School Food Day. The following link shows a promotional flyer for the campaign. http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/FandHGetInvolved_tcm4-867346.pdf or you can find out more information by going to the website at: www.scottishschoolmeals.co.uk
Young Ambassadors
Congratulations to sixth year pupils Linsay McIloney and Callum Buttery who have been named as Coltness High Schools Young Ambassadors for 2015/16. The standard of applicant was high again this year, with a record number of applications. Linsay and Callum will now attend a Regional Young Ambassadors conference at Hampden Football Stadium on Wednesday 16th September accompanied by Active Schools Coordinator, Joanne Cuthbertson. They will find out more about the role and look at ways they can promote and inspire their fellow pupils to take part in sport and follow an active lifestyle. Written by, J. Cuthbertson
Coltness High School Parent Council Vacancies
A Parent Council for Coltness High School was established in accordance with the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006. There are presently vacancies on Coltness High School Parent Council. I would advise you that as a member of the school’s Parent Forum, you are entitled to put yourself forward for membership of the Parent Council. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Parent Council, please complete and return the attached reply slip by no later than Wednesday 23rd September at noon. Please note that if the number of interested parents exceeds the number of places available then members will be decided by formal ballot. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for
Basics Foodbank
Coltness High School are collecting for Basics Foodbank. Your help would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute please hand any donations into the school office. Mrs Mullen
Armed Forces Families – Parent/Carer Leaflet
Please use the following link to view an electronic copy of a recently produced leaflet showing help available to all Armed Forces families in Scotland. http://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/education/documents/LeafletforParents.pdf
Emergency Evacuation
I’d like to quash rumours about an Emergency Evacuation we had yesterday. This evacuation was due to a faulty heat sensor in the canteen kitchen which with no heat (or smoke for that matter) set off the fire panel and therefore the emergency evacuation alarm. The local fire crew were in attendance as due to the fact it wasn’t a planned practice they have to attend to make sure there is no issue being masked that we cannot see. With no issues and no damage they promptly left the school. The company who service the system were then called to replace this faulty sensor. Written by Mr McGilp.
Design a Super Librarian Competition
Congratulations to Rachel McGuire , 1L2 who won the Design a Super Librarian competition. Rachel designed a super librarian named Jimbob the Bookworm who has been sent to watch over Coltness High School library books. The runner up was Duncan Fleming, also 1L2. The standard of entries was very high and thanks to all the S1 pupils who entered. All the entries are displayed in the library. Written by A.Leckie
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