To celebrate Coltness High School’s 50th Anniversary the PTA are organising a ‘Curry & Ceilidh’ with details as follows: Friday 24th March Coltness High School Theatre 7pm for 7.30pm, finishing at 12 midnight BYOB £10 Tickets available from the school office.
Environmentally Friendly
Environmentally Friendly The Support for Learning Department in conjunction with Science have been driving an Eco-Friendly Project. The aim of the group is to raise awareness across the school and in time gain an ECO-FLAG. The project will be led by a committee of pupils who have all volunteered their time and support. All information including committee names and minutes of recent meetings can be found on the board at the entrance to the school. Written by Mrs McQuaid.
GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We take pride in our work and our new school building. NHS CAREERS EVENT AT WISHAW GENERAL HOSPITAL TUESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY @ 4 PM TO 7 PM If you are interested in finding our more about a career in the NHS, there is a special event at Wishaw General Hospital on Tuesday 28th February at 4 pm to 7 pm. There are many careers in the NHS including: Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Theatre Assistants, Healthcare Support Workers, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dieticians, Radiographers, Biomedical Scientists, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Health Promotion, Dentists, Speech and language therapists, Healthcare assistants, Caterers, Porters, Administrators etc. Please let your Pupil Support Teacher or Mrs Bihet know if you wish to attend the event a.s.a.p. so that transport to
PTA Sports Persons’ Night
Tonight is the 3rd Annual Sports Persons’ Night in the Cambusnethan Miners’ Club, 7 for 7.30pm start. The speakers are Murdo MacLeod (ex Celtic, Hibs, Dortmund and Scotland) & Jimmy Nicholl (ex Rangers, Man Utd and Northern Ireland). Tickets cost £10 and can be bought on the door. There is no food as part of the entry price but the kitchen at the club sells food during the night. There are various items for auction, as is shown in the following pictures. If you can’t make it along tonight contact the school and we’ll only be too happy to bid on your behalf. Items include: Boxing gloves signed by Carl Froch A ball signed by the current Celtic squad An exclusive 1/16 signed photograph
National Shotput
Congratulations to our pupil who was awarded the Gold Medal for U15 Indoor National Shotput at the Emirates Arena recently. She also gained a Bronze Medal for the same event in the Scottish Schools.
Ian Kay
Further sad news I am sorry to say that we heard of the sad passing of former PT Art, Ian Kay. His funeral arrangements are as follows: Thursday 2nd March 12.45pm at Holytown Crem followed by the Kirkton Inn, Carluke.
School Improvement Report September 2016
Coltness High School is a non-denominational secondary. The current roll is 867 pupils serving Coltness, Cambusbnethan and Cleland although pupils do attend the school from the wider Wishaw area including Newmains, Morningside and Craignuek. Our aims are as follows: “Coltness High School Staff working in partnership with pupils, parents and the local community to: deliver a curriculum which, by having a range of appropriate courses, teaching methods and well – resourced learning experiences, ensures that all pupils realize their full potential. promote a caring environment in which our pupils are actively encouraged to take responsibility for themselves as members of our community. communicate effectively with all partners in the learning process: pupils, parents, staff and the community.” We have established strong links and effective joint working with our
Vision, Aims and Values Review
From August 2016 onwards we undertook a review of the school’s Aims, Vision and Values that were implemented when the new school building was opened in 2012. Pupils were involved through PSHE. Staff were involved through an Inservice Day event, Departmental Meetings and a Whole Staff Meeting. Parents were consulted through Parents’ Nights, the Parent Council and the PTA. All the information was collated and the following Aims, Vision and Values were produced. Aims, Vision & Values Feb 2017
Roger Hynd
You may have heard of the sad passing of Roger Hynd former PT of PE at the school, professional footballer and manager. His funeral arrangements are as follows: Tuesday 28th February at 1pm at the Linn Crematorium, 413 Lainshaw Drive, Glasgow, G45 9SP. We have had a number of enquiries from former pupils and staff as to the details of this.
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