Country Sports

Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child has been chosen to represent the School at the North Lanarkshire Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championship (County Sports). This takes place at Wishaw Sports Centre between 10am and 5pm on the 1st and 7th of June. The event that your child takes part in, will determine which day(s) that they attend. Children should make their own way and meet at Wishaw Sports Centre at 9.30am on both days and will be dismissed at the end of the day from the Sports Centre to make their own way home. Please make the necessary arrangements to ensure your child can travel there and back safely. Please contact the school should this be a problem for your child. There is no shelter so

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Application Forms

For the attention of the current S3 pupils: Application forms for S4 Prefects for 2017/18 are available from the main office and must be returned by Friday 2nd June 2017.   For the attention of the current S4 pupils: Application forms for Prefects and Buddies for 2017/18 are available from the main office and must be returned by Friday 2nd June 2017.   For the attention of the current S5 pupils: Application forms for School Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects and Buddies for 2017/18 are available from the main office and must be returned by Friday 2nd June 2017. Interviews and hustings for the School Captains and Vice Captains will take place during the week beginning 5th June 2017.   Written by Mr McGilp.

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GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS Everyone is on time and ready to learn together. SQA EXAMS Please show respect to pupils sitting exams by being careful around exam areas.