Lockers will go on sale next Wednesday 4th September P1-P4. Pupils will be tannoyed to the Support for Learning base by year group. Pupils will require to have £15 (£10 for the cost of the locker and £5 deposit that they will get on return of their key at the end of the year). Lockers are now allocated in set areas for each year group. If any pupil is struggling to cover the cost but has a desire to have a locker they can speak to their Pupil Support Teacher.
P7 Information Evening
There is an Information Evening for the P7 parents of our associated primary schools here in Coltness HS, on the 11th September 7pm – 8.30pm. After initial information in the Assembly Hall parents will be free to visit departments within the school, meet teachers and see examples of the excellent pupil work that goes on in Coltness HS. There will be time for questions over light refreshments in the Social Area at the end of the evening. We would be delighted to see as many of you there as possible at this initial transition event. Mr D.Farr
GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We spend time at home doing homework and revising what we have learned.
PTA & Parent Council
Dear Parents and Carers, You are cordially invited to attend the first PTA or Parent Council meetings of session 2019/2020 on Tuesday 27th August. The focus of the PTA is fundraising for the benefit of all our pupils while the PC reports on and seeks your views on whole school issues. PTA is from 6pm – 7pm, followed by PC from 7pm-8pm approx. You are free to come to one or both groups. We are always looking for new members who are keen to contribute to the success of the school and we would be delighted to meet you over light refreshments at our first meeting on Tuesday. Best Regards, Mr D.Farr (DHT)
NHS Lanarkshire NextGen Careers Event
NHS Lanarkshire NextGen Careers Information Event Location: Medical Education & Training Centre, Kirklands Hospital, Fallside Road, Bothwell, G71 8BB Date: 5th September 2019 Time: 4.30pm to 7.00pm Description: NHS Lanarkshire NextGen Careers Information event is being held on Thursday 5th September 2019 for North and South Lanarkshire high school pupils to attend. The event is a drop in session from 4.30pm to 7.00pm and is being held within the Medical Education Training Centre, Kirklands. Parents and teachers are also welcome. NHS Lanarkshire will be showcasing a wide variety of careers available and this is a unique opportunity for young people to meet NHS Lanarkshire Professionals and speak to them about careers in specific areas, in particular they can ask questions about what it’s
ASSEMBLIES S4 – Monday 19th August – Period 5 S2 – Friday 23rd August – Period 1 S3 – Friday 23rd August – Period 2 GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We are all given time to discuss our work with the teacher.
SQA Exam Results and Re-Coursing
Dear Parents/Carers, SQA exam results will be with pupils on the 6th August. For those who require it, pupils will be able to re-course with their PTPS on Thursday 8th August in the school from 9.30am-12.30pm. This will be strictly by appointment only. Pupils can book a ten minute appointment by phoning during school hours on August the 6th or 7th and arranging a time slot with the Office. Parents/Carers are free to accompany their sons/daughters if necessary. Thanks!
Uniform Bank
Please hand into the office any good quality uniforms no longer required. This would be greatly appreciated for the School Uniform Bank. Thank you!
Pupil/Parent/Carer Literacy Survey
For parents of S1 pupils Can you complete the following questionnaire with your young learner in order to capture pupil/parental/carer data around attitudes towards reading. I know that the end of term is fast approaching, but if this could be supported it would be greatly appreciated. You will be able to complete this together with your young learner on a smart phone.
S5/6 ASSEMBLIES Tuesday 18th June – Period 5 GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We get the chance to discuss tasks with our neighbour as this helps our understanding and builds our confidence.