The school through the council is working very closely with NHS Lanarkshire and any updates required on the virus will be shared with our staff and residents. Health Protection Scotland has issued detailed guidance to head teachers and heads of establishment, and we will use this guidance to make sure we take any action necessary to prevent the spread of coronavirus. For the latest information and advice, to to You can also follow @NHS24 on Twitter and Facebook If you need to speak to anyone at the school please as always contact your PT PS or in their absence the Depute Head of House.
Guide Dog Easter Chicks On Sale Now!!
It’s that time of year again when the 3rd year ASDAN pupils start their Easter fundraising for guide dogs. The chocolate filled knitted Easter Chicks are also on sale NOW in the library for £1.00 and the ASDAN pupils will be coming round the classes soon. Happy Fundraising! Mrs Leckie.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – New Groups Starting
S4-6 pupils interested in doing their Silver DofE should come to a meeting in Mr Miller’s room at lunchtime on Monday 17th February. For S3 pupils, we will be starting the Bronze group in Mr Miller’s room at lunchtime on Tuesday 18th February.
Youth Work Survey
We are making a new plan about how we deliver youth work services in North Lanarkshire and we need your views to make sure we get it right! We have already gathered lots of information from talking to young people and from discussions with people and agencies who work with young people. We’ve also researched current policy, considered local plans and looked at national consultations to make sure we are on the right track. We have some short questions to ask you just now, to check our findings and let you make any new suggestions – it shouldn’t take long – about 5 minutes! Thanks for giving us your views – if you want, you can enter the prize draw at the end
Easter School
It’s that time of year again where we are now thinking ahead to Easter School. This will be running on 6th, 7th & 8th April between 9am – 12.30pm. Letters to advise pupils, parents & guardians will be handed to all guidance teachers to distribute to pupils in their PHSE classes after the February holiday. Once letters are handed out they should be completed and returned to Mr McDonald in Design & Technology Department.
NL Leisure’s February Kids Sports Camp!
Consent Forms
The following information will now be included with consent forms for excursions: The information you provide on this form will be used by North Lanarkshire Council’s Education & Families to assist with ensuring that due care and attention is given to any medical, dietary or additional support required by the person for whom consent is given and for no other purpose. The purpose and legal basis for processing this information is to provide education services as part of our duties as local government in Scotland. As some of the information processed may be special category data the processing is necessary for health or social care purposes. The information may be released to local medical staff in the case of emergencies without prior consent.
School Car Park
Just a reminder to all that the school carpark is subject to the same laws of motoring as the streets in and around the school. In particular on zebra crossings, as soon as a pedestrian puts their foot on this then any motorists should give way. A further reminder there is a one way system in place. Finally a reminder for all users to remember to adhere to all speed limit signs within the grounds.
Funeral of Steven McIlquham
We have received word that Steven’s funeral is as follows: Saturday 18th January 2020 at 10.30am in South Wishaw Church followed by burial at Cambusnethan Cemetery at 11.30am. The family have requested to wear something blue (no football colours).
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