Parents and carers are advised that North Lanarkshire Council Communications team are preparing to release information as soon as possible through its normal communication channels regarding the closure of schools to pupils from today. This will include · Arrangements for children of key workers (including clarification of who Key Workers are) · Clarfication of arrangements for S4-S6 pupils for SQA accreditation purposes · Arrangements for those children requiring free school meals from Monday onwards · Arrangements for children with additional support needs fromMonday Further information will be available through your school’s normal communication channels from Monday onwards.
School Closure Update
Dear Parents /Carers Following advice from the Scottish Government to close educational establishment today, we fully recognise that from today children and young people may be at home for a long period of time and we have produced a suite of materials to support their learning – further information about materials will be sent to you in due course. Understandably, this is an unsettling time for children, young people and their carers and many people will be feeling anxious about the current situation and the impact that it may have on the health and wellbeing of family, friends and colleagues. For this reason we have also included information to help you reassure your child. Many of these resources have been developed in collaboration
Careers Service Delivery During School Closure
Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the school, Skills Development Scotland cannot deliver career services face to face, but they are still there to help. Your child can contact their school Careers Adviser, Kirsty Byrne for career information, advice and guidance at or visit or twitter You can also still access their career services. Call your local centre to speak to one of our qualified advisers. Find your nearest centre at You can also find their services for parents/carers online at and
Italy Trip 2021
The following link contains information on the Italy trip 2021. Italy trip letter
S6 Leavers’ Form
S6 Leavers’ Forms are available from the school office, please ask your child to collect and complete as soon as possible.
School Closure
We have been made aware that all Scottish Schools will be closed on Monday 23rd March until further notice, we will keep you updated on any further developments.
Cancellation of S3 Parents’ Evening – Monday 23rd March
North Lanarkshire Council has made the decision to cancel all parents’ evenings until further notice. Over the coming weeks we will work on getting you out a Summary Report in lieu of the Parents’ Evening. We would like to thank you in advance of your understanding.
Coronavirus Advice
Understandably, we know that parents, carers and pupils have a lot of questions around coronavirus and how we are managing this within schools. It’s important that we follow advice from the government and NHS and only make decisions that are guided by experts. The advice is clear: anyone displaying the symptoms of the coronavirus should self-isolate at home for 14 days if living with people in a household. Symptoms include a new persistent cough or a high temperature. More information on self-isolation and symptoms is available at This advice applies to everyone, including school pupils who display these symptoms. In line with national health advice, we are not closing schools where there are reports of pupils with these symptoms. All schools are
Please see advice below received from the Scottish Government regarding Educational Maintenance Allowances. Educational Maintenance Allowance
S5/6 Course Choice 2020/21
Option forms were distributed today and should be returned to the school office no later than 27th March. The Senior Phase Handbook and forms are available through the following link. Copies are also available from the school office and school library. Senior Phase Handbook. 2020-21 Coltnessoptions202021