S4 Reach and Access Programme Glasgow University

The selected S4 pupils should complete the following on-line modules for the Reach and Access Programme at Glasgow University. The website is https://www.gla.ac.uk/study/wp/professionalsubjects/reach/s4online/ The modules should be completed by the end of May. Thanks Mr.Pettigrew.

Alton Towers 2020 Update

Alton Towers Update Dear Parent/Carer Due to government advice the Alton Towers trip scheduled for 4th May 2020 is now cancelled. Payment has neither been made to a coach company or Alton Towers so no money has been lost in relation to this. It is our intention to cancel the trip completely and you will receive a complete refund. Any monies to be repaid will only be done when the school starts back after the current lockdown. The school are looking at running some movie nights/days in Autumn free of charge to reward our young people for their endeavours over the course of this academic year. We realise that this is nowhere near as exciting as trip to a theme park but given

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London Trip 2020 Update

Dear Parent/Carer It will come as no surprise to find that the London Trip organised by the Maths Department on 11th to 15th May 2020 cannot go ahead. This is due to current government advice. However in the interest of the safety of our young people it would have been a decision we would have taken ourselves anyway! We have made the decision not to cancel this in totality but to postpone it to June 2021*, with the dates of this yet to be finalised. It will however be in or around the last week of term. These dates will allow those currently in S3 to attend the trip as May 2021 would see a clash with the SQA exams. Our decision to

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Advice for parents

Advice for parents

North Lanarkshire Council have produced advice for parents. Helping your child to feel safe. Helping your child to be healthy. Helping your child to ‘Achieve’ Helping your child to feel ‘Nurtured’ Helping your child to feel ‘Respected’ Helping your child to be ‘Active’ Home Learning Loss, Change and Bereavement Engagement in Learning

Urgent – S5/6 Options Forms

Please return outstanding S5/6 Option Forms by Friday 25th April. These can be emailed to: enquiries@coltnesshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk The Senior Phase Handbook and forms are available through the following link. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/nl/public/CHSFP/uploads/sites/114/2020/03/17145609/Senior-Phase-Handbook.-2020-21.doc https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/nl/public/CHSFP/uploads/sites/114/2020/03/17145708/Coltnessoptions202021.docx  

Scholar resources for Seniors

https://scholar.hw.ac.uk/sessionsSchedule.html Scholar is hosting a number of webcasts for pupils who may be starting a new course next year.  The full list is given below and the link above will take you to any resources that pupils might need before the webcast.

ScotRail Activities

Let me start by introducing myself, I work within the ScotRail in the community team and I manage our schools rail safety programme as well as many other community activities. Given that we are in lockdown and unable to visit schools we thought it would be good to put some activities together that might help keep the children in our lives entertained (if even only for a little while). We have created a page on our website with some activities, we will be adding to this over the coming weeks. I thought that I would share this with you should,  you may be in contact with your parents and children and if you deem this suitable you may wish to share. https://www.scotrail.co.uk/keeping-kids-entertained  

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Support For Learning – Autism

Our fantastic Support for Learning team have created a few posts over on their site just click on the titles for the full post. SCOTTISH AUTISM-LIVE EVENT April is World Autism Awareness Month. Scottish Autism want to celebrate and mark this month by providing as much support as we can to autistic people and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Life right now, is particularly challenging and stressful for many autistic people and their families. That’s why over the coming weeks we will have a series of information resources and virtual events to provide as much practical and emotional support as we can, during this challenging time. AUTISM AWARENESS WEEK World Autism Awareness Week 30 March – 5 April 2020 Join us and

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Duke of Edinburgh’s Award update

The practice expedition on 22nd and 23rd June has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. At the moment we are still hoping to go ahead with the final expedition on Sat 29th – Sun 30th August 2020. We are working on replacement dates for a practice expedition. If it’s possible and safe to do so, please continue working on your sections. We understand that many activities will not be available just now, but don’t worry. You will be able to catch up when things return to normal. Keep safe and we hope to see you soon! Mr Miller, Miss Jones and Mr McInally