GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We spend time at home doing homework and revising what we have learned. SQA EXAMS Please show respect to pupils sitting exams by being careful around exam areas.

Download Microsoft Office for Free

Download Microsoft Office for Free

Glow Users can now download for free, Microsoft Office 2016 on up to 15 personal devices; up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 phones. This will allow Glow users to take full advantage of the opportunities these tools offer. Office includes; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote provide a learning platform that translates beyond school and into the world of work. To download Office 2016, log in to Glow and either click on the Download Office Now tile or go to the Office 365 Home tile and once in O365, click on “Install Office 2016” at the top right of the page. Further details here



GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS We are encouraged to ask for help, do our best and not give up. MODERN LANGUAGES Barcelona Trip 2017 All outstanding payments must be paid before Friday 31st March, along with all passports and EHIC cards. If not then you will have lost your space. Love Bands The winners of the LOVE BAND competition will be annouced and given their prizes by the end of the month. Supported Study Spanish Nat5/Higher – Thursdays after school 3:45pm – 6:00pm Mrs Smith’s room ML3 French Higher – Wednesday after school 2:55pm – 4:00pm Mrs Anderson E3



GOOD TEACHING & LEARNING ALERTS Everyone is on time and ready to learn together. DRESS DOWN DAY Friday 17th March, wear something green for St. Patrick’s Day! Proceeds to be split between Formal and Yearbook.

North Lanarkshire’s Working

If you are unemployed, living in North Lanarkshire and looking to get into work North Lanarkshire’s Working can help. Over the last 4 years North Lanarkshire’s Working have supported over 7000 people into work and with thier new Prospects programme will continue to do so. Working closely with their partners at Routes to Work they offer a wide range of support, training and advice including in work support, training and confidence building and other council services such as Debt and Money Advice. North Lanarkshire’s Working also support businesses throughout North Lanarkshire offering a variety of programmes, help and advice for local businesses.

2017 Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: How to Vote

2017 Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: How to Vote

This week, from Monday 6th March, the voting opens for the MSYP (Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament ) Elections. The voting period is 6th to the 16th March and there are 5 Candidates for the Motherwell and Wishaw Canstituency. SYP 2017 e-Voting Instructions 2017 Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: How to Vote You can vote online during the election period by… Visiting http://elections.youngscot.org Entering your Young Scot card number OR a temporary number given to you Selecting your constituency This should be the area you live or go to school. You can only vote in ONE constituency. Choosing your candidate(s) You will be asked to rank your preferred candidates in order, with 1 being your top choice, 2 being your second choice. You

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