From the School Captains

I am incredibly delighted and thankful to be given this great opportunity of becoming school captain at Coltness High School. I’m very excited to take on this role and the responsibility that comes with it. Hopefully improving the school for the better with the help of my other captains, school staff, outside of school partners and especially the pupils of the school.

As school captain I would like to emphasise the importance of mental health and create a safe environment in which pupils can go to if they feel that they need someone to talk to, by creating extracurricular activities that specialise in creating safe environments for the pupils and frequently showing up to pre-existing clubs and extracurriculars to hopefully help pupils feel as though they have someone to talk to. I will also try to get more involvement from the pupils in fund raising events for charities with both newer ideas from myself and the other captains and also let the pupils have their own say on how we conduct these events and what charities we choose to donate to by bringing their ideas to the meetings. I plan on creating a healthy competitive environment between the houses working along side the house captains and the heads of the houses to plan fun and challenging activities including both physical and mental activities which would hopefully make pupils feel apart of a group and develop their teamworking, communication and other important everyday skills while also hopefully helping them create new friends. I also plan on getting more representation from all the community around the school at the meetings not just the teachers but the janitors, the office staff, the technicians and the PTA to see how we can make our school even better.

As captain I will ensure that I do all tasks as school captain to the best of my ability to create the best environment for the pupils, staff and Coltness’ community as a whole and I look forward to working with my fellow captains to have a great school year.

Jamie Adair (School Captain)

I am extremely delighted and proud of myself to have been awarded the role of school captain at Coltness High School. It’s a huge responsibility that I am grateful to take on, alongside all the challenges that could come up as part of the role. To me being a school captain is more than just wearing a badge, and I am looking forward to working closely alongside all the teachers and pupils within the school, to create a welcoming and positive environment within the school.

As captain I would like to push on the number of interhouse activities available for pupils to partake in, that allow them to show off different skills in a range of other subjects. This will help reinforce a positive atmosphere within the school, as kids will be able to show off their individuality and give them a place to belong. I would also like to introduce more awards for BGE pupils so that they are able to be recognised for the great efforts that they put in, despite if they score the highest or not. Teachers will be able to nominate them, and this will be in effort to hopefully build self-confidence and self-esteem within the pupils of the school. I hope that this will instil pride in the pupils and remind them that everybody’s best looks different. I would want to organize school-community partnerships, such as volunteering opportunities, charity fundraisers, or collaborative projects with local organizations. To help raise money for a range of different charities and raise awareness of the different charities within the local community.

As captain I will guarantee that I do my best in everything I do. I am looking forward to working alongside the teachers and pupils within the school, and I am excited for a successful year as school captain.

Lauren Monaghan (School Captain)