A school trip to Alton Towers has been arranged as a Reward Trip for all S1 and S2 pupils. The trip is on Thursday 18th May 2017, leaving the school around 04.00am and returning around 23.00hrs. This annual outing at the end of term to Alton Towers has previously been very successful and enjoyable for those who made the trip. Attending this trip is a reward for consistently good behaviour and timekeeping in the monitoring period from February until June of this year. The total cost of the trip is £40 and this includes bus transport and an unlimited pass for all rides at the theme park. To secure a place on the trip we require an initial payment of £20 to be paid no later than Friday 31st March. Payments should be made in full by Friday 28th April 2017. All payments should be made through the online system, iPay. The account for Alton Towers has already been set up. If you cannot make payments through this system please contact Mrs Duncan.

This annual trip is very popular and greatly anticipated by all those attending. This year the trip is once more being run as part of our Positive Behaviour strategy and pupils must meet the following agreed criteria.

  • all participants to have had no exclusions from school from February 2017
  • all participants to have no discipline referrals
  • all participants to have no more than 3 punishment exercises
  • all participants will have no more than 2 detentions
  • all participants will follow the school’s uniform policy – including the wearing of a blazer
  • all participants will strive to arrive at school on time – up to 4 instances of late-coming
  • no truancy

Written by Mrs Duncan.