Hall of Fame

The following people have a connection with the school. The Images lead to more information about people*

Colin Cramb

Colin Cramb

Stewart Kerr

Stewart Kerr

Derek Holmes

Derek Holmes

Paul Quinn

Paul Quinn

Andrew Barrowman

Andrew Barrowman

Scott Leitch

Scott Leitch

Lewis MacLeod

Lewis MacLeod

Roger Hynd

Roger Hynd

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Catherine Stihler

Catherine Stihler

Linda Park

Linda Park

Hannah Stone

Hannah Stone

Evonne McQuaid

Evonne McQuaid

Campbell Rae

Campbell Rae

Hannah Lawler

Hannah Lawler

Andrew Lawler

Andrew Lawler

The Viago Thieves

The Viago Thieves

Andrew Dallas

Andrew Dallas

John Port

John Port

The Polar Academy

The Polar Academy


Iain Browning

Iain Browning

*Some of the images link to sites that are outwith the control of the school, their contents may change without notice.