Book Week Scotland

You’re Nicked Mrs Scoular!

To celebrate Book Week Scotland the pupils’ of Coltness High School turned detective to solve a murder of one of their teachers. They had to solve three sets of clues to find out who was murdered, how they were murdered and who the murderer was. One of our first year sleuths from 1S2 solved the mystery and Mrs Scoular, Science teacher at Coltness High School, has been apprehended and charged with the murder of Mr Pettigrew, PE teacher at the same school.

It is alleged she murdered him by putting poison in his coffee at interval. Apparently Mrs Scoular wanted a change of career to P.E. teacher but was told there were no vacancies. This prompted her to make one available by murdering Mr Pettigrew.

R.I.P Mr Pettigrew!

Written by – A. Leckie