• Lunch will be purchased daily by pupils so enough spending money should be brought to cover this. Time will be allocated each day for pupils to do this.
  • Money should also be used for general snacks/drinks which pupils will wish to purchase throughout the trip.
  • Medical needs should already have been disclosed.
  • If your child requires medication to be kept this should be given to Miss Mackie on the day of departure with clear instructions.
  • We expect the weather to be warm – mid to high 20’s.
  • Bring sun cream! All pupils must wear sun cream everyday and apply regularly. It is your choice what factor, but we recommend high as we will be out in the height of the day.
  • Again, due to the heat and level of activity we recommend pupils always carry a bottle of water and should be drinking regularly.
  • Pupils should bring appropriate clothing (shorts, t-shirts, hat etc) for during the day and possibly something warmer for the evening when temperatures cool (light jacket/hoody, long trousers etc). There is a chance of rain, so please be prepared.
  • As we are going to be very active during the day appropriate comfortable footwear for walking should be brought.
  • Also note that the path to Vesuvius will be full of dirt and ash. It is recommended old shoes/trainers are worn.

Written by Mr McInally.